Release 134 [Feedback]

Discussion in 'Discussions on Current Topics' started by teddy.bear, Sep 9, 2014.

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  1. -Elizejs-

    -Elizejs- Junior Expert

    Thankyou for new relise...its last relise in this nice game for me :(so sad :eek:realy nice game and with every relise started from release 124 was more worse to play and this was last for me..i cant play enymore( cant normal move and do something) so sorry i have no money for super gamer all and good luck...maybe someday bigpoint will listen players or perish:mad: And in my quild half of people have the same problem ( i have quild with 50 people) so you with this will lose about 1/3 of players..nice job:mad:
    Last edited: Sep 10, 2014
  2. Multi-Sev

    Multi-Sev Forum Overlooker

    100% exactly right. Turned off would be a good consolation prize.
    VMmage likes this.
  3. kockicaandrej

    kockicaandrej Forum Greenhorn

    Pls i have a problem, i dont know if this have any coherency with this patch but all my quest and quest items are deleted from my inventory! Quests for cloak of power, battles , etc. :(((((
  4. ·R·R·

    ·R·R· Forum Greenhorn

    So many bugs, andermant & quest exploit, etc etc ... rollback please ... fair solution for all players.
  5. Multi-Sev

    Multi-Sev Forum Overlooker

    Were very loud "clicking" spider-leg sound effects added to the spider mount from the Dragan event? I didn't see that in the release notes. Anyway, those sound effects are way too sharp, loud and distracting. I'm sure you won't listen or change it, though, since you don't for anything else. Keep up the good work o_O
    VMmage, Guitarman and Serenthía like this.
  6. tassadar1977

    tassadar1977 Forum Expert

    item compare is pointless as it only tells you stats of new item i.e. if equipped gives +100 crit and hovered item doesn't affect crit then it doesn't tell you you down in crit. also destructable objects don't disappear in Blackbourg anyway, you shoot them and they show the destroy animation but the items are still there.
  7. Darwarren

    Darwarren Count Count

    Some players have top-of-the-line gaming computers and systems, and still get lag and disconnection problems. Brokensang is an equal-opportunity punishment.
    VMmage and moby31 like this.
  8. *N*U*T*B*U*S*T*E*R*

    *N*U*T*B*U*S*T*E*R* Forum Apprentice

    Yup mine gone too


    Hi, just adding to the list of issues here. I killed Mortis today, and looking at the complaints earlier, it seems that this has deleted all my quests and all my frags for all the pws went with them. As much as I apreciate the extra inventory room, that is a lot of work that has gone missing. not sure how to fix that...

    Lvl 45 Ranger
    Tegan Server
    Last edited by moderator: Sep 11, 2014
  9. cgusa

    cgusa Forum Apprentice

    REALLY AFFECTED BY THE PATCH....all Qs items lost, q6, ring, q5, q4, sargon.....
  10. tassadar1977

    tassadar1977 Forum Expert

    yeah, i got a brand new machine with i7 6core 4.5Ghz, 32Gb Ram, gtx780 ti 3Gb graphics running on 70Mb fibre and im jerking around like im having a fit. not to mention that the position bug is not fixed, and a friend just logged on to find all quests wiped out (without going to mortis or 6v6 just logged on).

    i wonder why there is no reply from game people ?? someone sort this awful release pattern. to create an event you don't need to release a patch and destroy the game even more. come on..


    another point. if you open inventory and move gems off your main item (at gem woman) and then add another gem in its place, when you hover over an item and compare it doesn't show the new gem you have added
    Last edited by moderator: Sep 11, 2014
  11. cgusa

    cgusa Forum Apprentice

    from my point of view you can fire all your testers since they were not able to discover such a big issue...a patch is being programmed, tested, retested on the test server, re-programmed, then re-tested, then applied...comooon...........
    VMmage likes this.
  12. tassadar1977

    tassadar1977 Forum Expert

    there is no testing. all code should be unit tested, then user tested before going live. events shouldn't need a patch to go live, changes that break stuff should be easy to role back. even in java you have tools to allow you to branch and merge your source code so there is no reason that these bugs when discovered cannot be removed straight away.
    Darwarren and VMmage like this.
  13. taxi1

    taxi1 Forum Overlooker

    no you think it sound is a bug-the spider is a bug.the clicking sound you hear is the new talent that b.p gave to the is called ''tap dancing'':D
    VMmage and Multi-Sev like this.
  14. Darwarren

    Darwarren Count Count

    The equipment compare is a pain. Too small to read, and more information than I need all the time. Usually I just need a gem count in the locker.
    Can you let the user control when it is visible?
    VMmage likes this.
  15. joe6699

    joe6699 Junior Expert

  16. deidre71

    deidre71 Junior Expert

    tis release has alot of new glitches that have badly effected other people they cant do pvp, destructor or mortis without getting there quest log deleted
  17. vixmax

    vixmax Someday Author

    since this release, lag is the worst its ever been for me. the game is pretty much unplayable. ive flushed dns, deleted temp files, the usual. are there many others experiencing this? the folks in my guild say they aren't having any lag problems...
  18. Voldemort

    Voldemort Junior Expert

    We are aware off all the problems and we have forwarded all those problems to Bigpoint, they are on it.

    please have patience, we hope the problems are solved very quickly.
  19. vixmax

    vixmax Someday Author

    thank you :) i wasnt sure it was a problem
    for others i mean, i know its a problem for me :)
  20. Hide

    Hide Forum Greenhorn

    sorry guys i've had a premium users, for what if i cannot play the char always jumping around and my attack cannot even hit mobs now.This update is the worse update. I wont buy premium anymore starting next month.thank you guys.
    Darwarren likes this.
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