New Forum

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by Ralph, Nov 26, 2013.

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  1. Fre4kWarrior

    Fre4kWarrior Regular

    Hmm you are right ;) Ok, now i understand what you mean xD C u english guys
  2. MikeyMetro

    MikeyMetro Forum Overlooker

    It would be nice if I could permanently set the font to Arial (that is easiest on my old-man eyes, lol.) If have looked for a way but cannot find it. If someone knows please educate me.

    Luck be with,
  3. Toby1kanobi

    Toby1kanobi Guest

    I don't believe that is in the user side options, the font would need to be changed on our end
  4. MikeyMetro

    MikeyMetro Forum Overlooker

    Oh well, just another click. When I buy a new mouse I always buy two since I wear them out so often. At least Arial is always on the top of the font list :D

    Luck be with ye,

    p.s. I did get my bookmarks sorted to go directly to the English boards. Now that I think about it (and figured out how to use it) the language selection is a plus for me since I sometimes browse a couple others. It is easier to get to them now. Before I had to log out and back on for each.
  5. DraykoWarrior

    DraykoWarrior Forum Greenhorn

    Hello! to those yellows Draken will be lost when the press the right mouse button.
    By itself, I do not know.
    can someone help me!
  6. MikeyMetro

    MikeyMetro Forum Overlooker

    Yeah, My first few post were in the "new forum sucks" thread. But after some more coffee I am getting the hang of this.

    The first time I was abducted by aliens I thought, "wow man this really sucks" but after finding my way around a bit I realized, "Oh, it's just different" :cool:

    Luck be with ye,
  7. Fre4kWarrior

    Fre4kWarrior Regular

    Hehe, yeah you just need time to find the readable posts in this forum xD
  8. moby31

    moby31 Regular

    I suppose all we have to do is just get on with all the recent changes
    and just to it
  9. Ffs

    Ffs Forum Apprentice

    Still getting used to it, even though I miss the old forum its not that bad either :p
    And wow we have a private message thingy in here as well. :)
  10. Daarth

    Daarth Forum Apprentice

    well we must get used to not bad ..but I think can be improved a little give them a least they try :)
    Last edited: Nov 27, 2013
  11. -=Callisto=-

    -=Callisto=- Forum Greenhorn

    I can't even get on my new mod account, Toby is the only boy wonder at the moment it seems.
  12. spiro_spula

    spiro_spula Forum Connoisseur

    When you right-click draken or wisdom in your inventory it adds to your total, it disappears from inventory and increases your bank.
  13. Callisto

    Callisto Forum Pro

    Annnnd I live. Good luck guys, any questions ask.. though no promises on knowing the answers at this point :)
  14. Mugiwi

    Mugiwi Forum Apprentice

    Must admit not to keen, I no doubt we'll get used to it :) chin up
  15. Toby1kanobi

    Toby1kanobi Guest

  16. Callisto

    Callisto Forum Pro

    Takes one to know one.
  17. Toby1kanobi

    Toby1kanobi Guest

    PAhhh, thou art the noobiest noob who ever dared to noob
  18. partycrasherforever

    partycrasherforever Forum Apprentice

    dislike the new forums.....till now...the graphic interface and theme sucks and hurts my eyes and its too complicated to get to the relevant threads,i actually took a break from these forums due to the rampant idiocy tht was going on.....but seriously bugpoint u r ruining the game and now u r trying to ruin the forums too........seriously this is sadistic...i mean wht actually were u trying to gain by trashing the old reliable and in my opinion a really better forum so far

    devilmaycryagain (AGATHON)
  19. bojsha

    bojsha Someday Author

    I on the other hand mate realy like the new and fresh look of the forum, from me thumbs up BP! Briliant! :)
  20. Anno-Domini

    Anno-Domini Forum Greenhorn

    Ugh, sorry to say but this new forum look does not impress me a lot...Hate how the threads are set up in the main forum area and where did the feedback part of the forum go?...
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