Dwarf's showcase!

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by Khoainong, Dec 28, 2013.

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  1. Khoainong

    Khoainong Someday Author

    wow a 6k hp dwarf, very nice :D But I think the damage gap is quite big bro (600 @@). How do you feel about it? Helpful?. I personally think damage dealt tends to favor the low end lol
  2. CáCáCá

    CáCáCá Active Author

    Sick, man, sick :D
  3. Ashelia59650

    Ashelia59650 Active Author

    The odds are not about luck or unlucky dice rolls, damage tends most of time towards the min values.
    The full bonus set somehow helps a lot, and my mini base damage is still higher than most of players focusing on attack speed with very bad damage.
    I don't have to complain about overall damage + spam heavy shot when the damages reach the peak of my gap.

    For the red berseker in the desert of essences event, I will surprise players about my real life and armor.
  4. Khoainong

    Khoainong Someday Author

    So it has been 2 months, i thought i should update the thread :D
    ---Pushing 2-hand limit ^^
    (No mentor bonus since lv 30 fame, i'm at lv 39 fame now. Man, f2p against lv 45 full $$ is a pain in the ass)

    Tank mode :D
    Last edited by moderator: Mar 24, 2014
  5. Novadude

    Novadude Commander of the Forum

    My dwarf. Currently built around 4 of the 5 deep sea set items (amulet, weapon adornment/ammo, gun and shield, missing the ring), sparks fist, and extraordinary gear acquired during one of my premium phases. All (or almost all) uniques were found during temple runs in leveling my character up to level 43.

    Not sure how I will take him gearwise ; I had been going on Temple runs trying to find the ring with the idea that after I find it I might start doing events for more draken (dark set) and to get crit gear (new witch set). But given that temple seems to have dried up for uniques since turning level 43, I might go in a different direction.

    Edit: seems I need a better image hosting site; any suggestions?

    Edit2 Thanks, Baragain. Here's a better screenshot.

    Last edited: Sep 1, 2014
  6. _Baragain_

    _Baragain_ Living Forum Legend

    As far as image hosting sites, try http://prntscr.com/
    It isn't just a image hosting site, it is also a print screen utility called light shot. It lets you do some useful screen shot work including selecting what part of the screen you want to copy, and then has a button for direct upload to their site.
    DesertKoala likes this.
  7. DesertKoala

    DesertKoala Forum Pro

    Nice Tip!
  8. joboy84

    joboy84 Someday Author

    Hi, here's my dwarf. Sorry that language is in French. I put a lot of gems for HP and all resist. When I get 4000 draken I will buy the last part of gnob set to have +100 dmg.

    Master0fpuppets likes this.
  9. IiMonkeyii

    IiMonkeyii Forum Apprentice

    Awesome build for pve :)
  10. Gamerflop

    Gamerflop Forum Greenhorn

    Dude i want to see this in a PvP
  11. IiMonkeyii

    IiMonkeyii Forum Apprentice

    My dwarf for pve mode ;)
    Last edited: Nov 16, 2014
    Piipero likes this.
  12. ovidiu1988

    ovidiu1988 Junior Expert

    this is my dwarf, its for pvp at low lvl, but i dont have the succes i hoped after a good andermant mine spent :) but it works just enough to win 8/10 arena battles.
  13. anonynoob

    anonynoob Forum Apprentice

    He disappeared from game since one year, but here is his last video
    Master0fpuppets likes this.
  14. tinyboom

    tinyboom Forum Greenhorn

    I just turned 45 today and these are my specs with a one hand and shield...

    My question is which direction is the best for sm?
    DPS or Tank

    Which stat is most important for sm?
  15. _Baragain_

    _Baragain_ Living Forum Legend

    If you are doing 5v5 flag running, tank. If you are doing 6v6, DPS. If you are doing PvE Solo, a good balance. If you are doing PvE with a halfway decent tank, DPS.
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