What would you do with 1,000,000 Andermant

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by _Baragain_, Oct 3, 2014.

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  1. trakilaki

    trakilaki Living Forum Legend

    I have spent 35 gold in total, every bet was 1 gold.


    And the out come was .... ?????
    JackPot!! ...
    No way they won't let you win the JackPot if you are not $$$$$$$ spender.

  2. VMmage

    VMmage Someday Author

    Still, picking up 5000 Andermant with an investment of 35 Gold is not a bad deal. I assume the other gold bets didn't yield anything of significance, certainly the COTs and 50 Silver that are displayed were nothing to write home about.
    Wild likes this.
  3. Multi-Sev

    Multi-Sev Forum Overlooker

    That may be someone else's winnings. On my few tries at the Jesters, I noticed winnings showing that were not mine. I think, maybe, it shows all current server winnings... or maybe just your instance (but there was no one standing near me at the Jesters when this was happening).
  4. _Baragain_

    _Baragain_ Living Forum Legend

    There are three Jesters. The right side shows the past winnings on that particular Jester in that particular instance. Your drops are the ones with the highlighted boxes around them.
  5. SailorSaturn

    SailorSaturn Padavan

    35 gold to get 5000 andermant? Eh... I guess it's not too horrible but considering that I have to save up 1000 gold to finish the final part of the lame cloak quest, I think I'll hold of betting with the Jesters for now... at least until I finish the quest first.
  6. trakilaki

    trakilaki Living Forum Legend

    No those are not mine. That was my last bet.
  7. p€rRµ$h

    p€rRµ$h Active Author

    got lucky today, won 100.000 andermant

  8. Ulfasso

    Ulfasso Someday Author

    Lol why do people hide their names in the character box but not on the game itself?
    Wasted efforts.

    gg to him anyways.
  9. _Baragain_

    _Baragain_ Living Forum Legend

    Ok, so what would you do with 1/10 of 1,000,000 andermant?:p
  10. SailorSaturn

    SailorSaturn Padavan

    You know... actually if I can exchange some chunk from the million andermant to Draken, it would sound more enticing. There are some things I don't mind spending but for things that Gnob sells.
  11. Nooblet

    Nooblet Someday Author

    I would gamble all off at the clown.... typical -.-"
  12. trakilaki

    trakilaki Living Forum Legend

    Hello again. :p
    This is why I think your friend is not telling the truth ... and I think that picture is photoshopped.
    I won 100K andermant jackpot ... and as you can see from the screenshot below ... the icon is completely different and without numbers on it. That makes me believe that 1M andermant jackpot would have completely different unique icon ... not the same icon from the 1K, 5K, 10K .... with added more numbers on it.
    1000K?? - 100K probably yes as you can see in Perrush's post but 1000K I don't think so. It is not logical. :D

    Last edited: Mar 6, 2015
  13. -DeathsRevenge-

    -DeathsRevenge- Advanced

    He got it just when the Jesters were released. If you look at the other video posted with 100k andermant jackpot, you see the icon is exactly the same. So guess they updated it. :)
  14. trakilaki

    trakilaki Living Forum Legend

    The icon can be reworked ... but the number 1000K? Nobody uses 1000K when it is 1M.
  15. MegaNuker

    MegaNuker Forum Ambassador

    If you won that would the new term be f2w or w2f. Free to win or win to free...

    All honesty a side I would contribute my toon to helping out the guild in dominating mortis for their rings of death and completing of the PW quest gear...
  16. rjrichards

    rjrichards Forum Pro

    Brian Williams plays DSO and he won a new car with the Jesters...
    Trailboss1 likes this.
  17. trakilaki

    trakilaki Living Forum Legend

    The term remains the same (F2P) as long as you don't put any money in the game ... so far I have spent $0. :D
  18. DesertKoala

    DesertKoala Forum Pro

    Sarcastic Golf Clap
    Hey look. Nobody should care if you spent $0 or $20 or a king's ransom. Please try to remember how to have fun again Traki. We're really worried about you. Deep breaths. Slow exhale. It's ok little bunny.
  19. -DeathRaider-

    -DeathRaider- Forum Pro

    i got 100k andermant from legendary chest. never from magic due to only opened 1 .
  20. Yogo

    Yogo Forum Great Master