Code: Error 21

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by papalel, Sep 26, 2014.

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  1. -HARRA81-

    -HARRA81- Forum Mogul

    I got stuck with Error 21 in Agathon trying to enter in the 5vs5 arena..
  2. Goddfree

    Goddfree Forum Greenhorn

    Error code 21, just now when tryin to enter Blackborg on agathon server.

    SLOBACAR Forum Greenhorn

    I have the same problem for 2 days. When I try to go in to the Torstrond from Jarlshofn it says "Server not available; error code 21"
  4. Play.4.Fun

    Play.4.Fun Someday Author

    You state that your team fix this error... and its happend that I get it right now?
  5. Tumpelo

    Tumpelo Forum Apprentice

    same here. error 21 just a moment ago and was thrown from middle of fight lol
  6. drtest01

    drtest01 Forum Apprentice

    I have a question for all DSO players!!! Who have this error and from what country play this game??? First appeared of this error cod was 1 week ago and now i have it again... me and many other romanian players!
  7. dannyy868686

    dannyy868686 Someday Author

    im also having this now.
  8. Morinphen

    Morinphen Forum Overlooker

    I have the same problem... just wanted to go to the Dragon Caverns, and BAM... this error again. I don't think the country matters, maybe the server... dunno. I play from Romania too, Heredur server. It's getting really annoying... the weekend barely started and there's already problems again :mad:.
  9. dannyy868686

    dannyy868686 Someday Author

  10. Tumpelo

    Tumpelo Forum Apprentice

    i am not from Romania but still havin this problem
  11. babaroga

    babaroga Someday Author

    5 minutes ago i was in stalgard doing some quests and i attempzed to teleport to Andrakash and encountered this Error 21.
    After that i wasnt able to enter any character (error 21 is on each character i select)
  12. Balorien

    Balorien Someday Author

    I want to see RickTalrok here now to explain!
  13. sivonjica

    sivonjica Forum Apprentice

    also here, heredur, starting any character end with error 21. since 19:45 on friday 28.11
    Now there is note that Heredur is on maitenance, so must be that. I hate when game is broken through weekends!
  14. Morinphen

    Morinphen Forum Overlooker

    Nice way to start the weekend...

    So, it's a maintenance. Hope it won't take long.
  15. drtest01

    drtest01 Forum Apprentice

    very nice... i was baned on romanian forum because i was talking to much about this error cod :)) thanks to romanian moderators from this game ;)
  16. Morthren

    Morthren Forum Apprentice

    I think it's the Heredur server, i play on that and i get it a low, especially when i try go into PvP and the i have to go through the whole logging in process again
  17. maancrust

    maancrust Junior Expert

    I have it too, but before that I had some weird stuff happening. I registered for arena but after 6 minutes I cancelled and the timer wouldn't go off. Then I wanted to switch to my other character and got error code 23 or 24 (you are already logged in), reloaded game, same problem. Did a hard reboot and was able to get into the game. Switched characters again and finally got error code 21 (no servers available).
    Also on Heredur server
  18. Morthren

    Morthren Forum Apprentice

    I kept getting error code 23 already logged in when i tried to switch characters too
  19. maancrust

    maancrust Junior Expert

    Well I'm back in the game now... I'll find out later if I get error code 23 again :/
  20. Morinphen

    Morinphen Forum Overlooker

    You can get banned for such a thing as reporting bugs/errors/issues? Well, as long as you don't spam it all over the forum, it shouldn't be something one could possibly get a ban for.
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