Feedback Winter Solstice

Discussion in 'Discussions on Current Topics' started by teddy.bear, Dec 1, 2014.

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  1. VMmage

    VMmage Someday Author

    Yes, but you would think that the game would give a "Jackpot!" message or something similar, and that I would get the Jackpot payout instead of the usual costume/essence/beets payout -- and I wound up with 5 of the usual payouts. And given that the Jackpot is 500, why 550? A little Christmas bonus, just for me? I'm not convinced, I still think it's a bug -- but the quality of the DSO code is so low it's hard to tell the difference between bugs/features/exploits.
  2. rjrichards

    rjrichards Forum Pro

    Lasers are way too strong for my liking as sometimes I get one shotted and other times I've taken 3 and lived. Also when you get to the Bear unless you have a tank that can hold him still so others can inflict damage it is difficult and then you must burn ander/revive stones or run the gauntlet again to face the lasers all over. The boss area also has limited space and you can end up running in to each other to avoid the Bear or the over powered lasers.
  3. _G_R_A_M_P_S_

    _G_R_A_M_P_S_ Old Hand

    Still the same problem with essence farming. People are fighting over the snowmen, drops are too low, 2 5 10 20 50. The snowmen dont respawn fast enough. Just like last time, just like last time, just like last .... How often do we need to say that?
  4. Gabal_real

    Gabal_real Forum Apprentice

    We dont get the daily free sugar beets from the socks anymore?
  5. bahhumbug

    bahhumbug Forum Apprentice

    It would have been nice to see an event to break up the monotony of perma-farming. It would have been nice to just have a bit of fun with not a lot of snowmen driven stress.
    I don't see this game so much as fun anymore as forced P2P to join in anything if you want to hope to get something new out of it.
    Same rewards, same hassle to get enough essence to maybe get a unique or 2. With a year to plan the winter event I would have thought they would have made it better, maybe fun actually. Did BP cut the DSO team staff that much that there are no developers left? It really seems that way now.
    Pass on this event for me. Not worth the stress to even want to do it.
  6. toronto79

    toronto79 Forum Apprentice

    Map2 (hard) not working correctly again.
    Piipero likes this.
  7. MegaNuker

    MegaNuker Forum Ambassador

    I simply love this event. I love the gingerbread ball and the candy cane wands. Farming the sugar cookies or snow essence might be tedious for some but I really enjoy it. I have gain 10 damage from the event in one night kilt the bear only once so far 300 essence does take time to build. Grinding is what I like to do and rarely ever get bored. There is a lot of planning that has gone into this event. Changes might glitch it up. Only change was remove of CoT as a reward that is have seen.
  8. BigPapa

    BigPapa Forum Overlooker

    I know the feedback thread is standard for events, but it seems futile.

    The suggestions and complaints are the same as last year and they weren't changed so it feels like a dance with no music.

    Rehash: Map2 group bug, Lasers hit hard, snowmen farming frustrating, too much grind, and coming later for those that try, the megahard Bear will be impossible if it has the Santa(DK) character. Just guessing on the last one, but it was a prob last year so.....

    The only things that I can see changed are the map/graphic items: like safe spots from the Bear and ridges mid map to protect from missile fire, and the elimination of the jump point to bypass a potion of the towers. Those all got eliminated.

    I will still enjoy the event because it is a break from the routine elements of the game. But it is becoming obvious that the team is focused on other areas and have ignored major portions of the game that attracted me to it in the first place.

    BTW where is Gnob? Guess once he got his cave he was forgotten.
  9. speedslasher

    speedslasher Forum Greenhorn

    i wont even complain about the event cuz my low lvl mage(28) almost done the event 8221 cookies:/ but in my lvl 45 char Ha.its like fight sigris in normal mode compairning to one is the boss!!!!?
    i think its mortis in other mode :/
  10. Novadude

    Novadude Commander of the Forum

    Circle around the bear and shoot him from behind. AI seems somewhat similar to heredur.

    I don't tank the bear with my DK, I circle and strike from behind, and only tank when i can stack banner of war with smash and regen skills.

    I haven't done the bear with my (weaker) dwarf but i think it will be easier; probably will just circle with 1 or 2 mech turrets plus shrapnel shot to conserve the essence.
  11. DuriaTheBrave

    DuriaTheBrave Forum Greenhorn

    More than likely will be the week after Christmas, just as it was last year
  12. toronto79

    toronto79 Forum Apprentice

    Cool, now you can't even enter hard event map.
    Piipero likes this.
  13. Piipero

    Piipero Junior Expert

    Wonder where my last post disappeared... :rolleyes:
    How about some work on keeping the servers stable enough so it wouldn't be needed to reboot them on daily basis?
    Ulfasso likes this.
  14. AltairBanished

    AltairBanished Forum Apprentice

    I only got suggestion for you that you should tell your guys at the developing dept. to go on other MMOs and learn 1 or 2 things, so it might them to perfect some senses about developing a game -_-
  15. -Devil666

    -Devil666 Forum Greenhorn

    Before earlier after the last boos died, l couldn't, walk to the hard map, l had to teleport there. Is this some kinda bug or something. l been to event two time same thing happened.

    now the server is down
  16. Rhysingstar

    Rhysingstar Forum Ambassador

    I have to agree with some of the others....

    1. Lasers really pack a punch.. pretty sad when you can take more hits from the main boss than from a simple laser on the map. I've died seven times during this event so far and six of those times have come crossing the lasers.

    2. Farming for ess. Providing more snowmen and putting some on additional maps would solve this issue.

    3. Personally I would love it if DSO would offer some events where we can go after good gear instead of getting the dozens of worthless consumable emotes that you seem to be focusing on with each event.
  17. silkyangel

    silkyangel Forum Apprentice

    HI Guys, be happy you can do the event.. Error 21 has me stuck in KH. If i try to go to any map but the pasture I get booted with error 21, then it will work it's way from picking toon to trying to put in pw I get error 21 or the server stops working. So please enjoy it for me thanks... Blondi3-Tegan
  18. NightWalker

    NightWalker Board Analyst

    Since this is the same event again, let me tell you what I did.
    #1 chuck out the bulky pet (not saying don't give this pet. Should continue as it is fine for new people. Can't always look out for only older players)
    #2 chucked out the reindeer
    #3 stare at the Missing CoT spot without any replacement
    #4 wonder why someone suddenly decided we don't get the winter bonus everyday anymore

    This is event is exactly (yes, EXACTLY) the same as last years except we don't get the daily bonus anymore. Come on... at least give us the daily bonus and put something in the missing CoT spot. The rest is fine (of course excluding snowman frenzy).
    -Faeriequeen22- likes this.
  19. Piipero

    Piipero Junior Expert

    Only "new" things i've gotten from this so far: permanent build a snowman emote and santa suit. Yay. Oh well at least I have a whole month to hunt for unique looking legendaries ;)
  20. spiro_spula

    spiro_spula Forum Connoisseur

    Should we copy-paste our feedback from last year? Or the one before? The event sort of called for it. 8)
    silverseas and Piipero like this.
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