Feedback Release 140

Discussion in 'Discussions on Current Topics' started by teddy.bear, Nov 28, 2014.

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  1. draco994

    draco994 Active Author

    The issue of crafting workbench for dq is now useless, crafting any one of it for dq of coins, and spending gold to get silver, wow, who will do it, It needs serious attention, not proportionate, it should always be on higher side
    crafting one magic with 4 green spending gold for silver , no sane person would do, and it is still seen as daily quest,


    Now , one more, the gorga hard, my friend died, he cant accept stone and i can t revive him, my friend too tried. and the funniest is he can see all the chat and he too chats,
    Last edited by moderator: Dec 1, 2014
  2. kelluehaze

    kelluehaze Forum Apprentice

    liars about lvl 30 parallel i try enter grimmagstone lvl 31 and it says you need lvl 35. fix this game people
    Yoshine likes this.
  3. MegaNuker

    MegaNuker Forum Ambassador


    Craft lvl 2 belts they will still give you a profit. Also use the edit button please don't double post. For Gorga maybe he died and telephoned skill into the no skill area. Just have to logout and come back. If it does not work first try have some one kick him out of party while they are in same zone.


    R140 will fix this issue. Make sure you look bottom left hand for r140...
  4. XZarnak

    XZarnak Junior Expert

    I was VERY skeptical about R139 and R140... Turns out that things are, all in all, reasonable.
    The drop rate increases kind of compensate. It would have been really GOOD to get a little more cash (copper and gold) and/or a slight return to higher Ander drops in lieu of the now disappeaed CoT, but it does kind of work.

    So, I'm NOT swooning over this (lol), BUT, since we are SO quick to criticize (nastily), I would call the changes OK. Not fabulous, but OK.
  5. Multi-Sev

    Multi-Sev Forum Overlooker

    Agreed. Not great, but OK. I might go so far as to say good-ish, but I'm not looking to ID many legendary items now so some people who do want to do that might disagree. (The cost to use the workbench is a major contentious issue, I think.) I guess it's a compromise between pleasing everyone and pleasing nobody. It's not bad, overall.
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