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Discussion in 'General Archive' started by Iamboredwtf, Mar 24, 2014.

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  1. Honeya

    Honeya Forum Greenhorn

    As a new player, thanks for posting this. It's amazing! Hope I can have all that stuff some day! :D
  2. Асклепий53

    Асклепий53 Forum Apprentice

    What do u think?
    I know that hp,resistance, crit and speed are low but i dont give money. And soon the crit will be 2k;)
  3. -HARRA81-

    -HARRA81- Forum Mogul


    Here is my stats and items ( I will add more videos later to this post)

    Dionysos, Jettemee, sicran and 2 others like this.
  4. sweetangel

    sweetangel Forum Greenhorn

  5. Wild

    Wild Forum Apprentice

    That's my SW stats..:) Rifgt now i have 125 mana but soon i gona use dragan stuff,then my mana will be över 160:D

  6. MAXUS

    MAXUS Forum Greenhorn

    Z0mbi, Muscle and Spyke00 like this.
  7. Niahnha

    Niahnha Forum Greenhorn

  8. trakilaki

    trakilaki Living Forum Legend

  9. Novadude

    Novadude Commander of the Forum

    If you are level 37 this is pretty decent for the time being and will help you level up to level 45 and do events at level 37.

    If you are level 45 end game already you need something more powerful.

    I would not add slots and i would not invest glyphs upgrading this.
  10. DiabloadiK

    DiabloadiK Forum Apprentice

    hallo mate..just asking, is there any deference putting ruby in weapon adornment/crystal instead in weapon...?i usually did is to mix gem either in crystal/ make sense...?tnx in advance.
  11. Novadude

    Novadude Commander of the Forum

    Increased weapon damage % only shows up in weapons, and it multiplies both the damage on the weapon and the rubies in the weapon but not those in the adornment.

    My sword has 51.4% increased weapon damage. I put in five +15 rubies, and the result is +113.55 damage (75 × 1.514). If i put the rubies in the adornment, it would only be +75.

    That's why people recommend rubies in the weapon and sapphires in the adornment
  12. DiabloadiK

    DiabloadiK Forum Apprentice

    ok tnx, i understand the point but i dont know how u get that not good in math.

    can you help me explain how this happen my cudgel stat

    lvl 30 cudgel ~ lvl 45 (upgrade)
    61-97 damage
    1.12 Attack/second
    (88.22 damage/second)

    6.4% faster attack speed ~ 54 max damage ? +48.2 - 102
    +5 damage ~ 23 min damage ? +20.5 - 44
    16.1 % increased weapon damage ~ 5 damage +6.9 - 12
    +4 damage ~ 4 damage +6.1 - 10

    sorry to bother you about this but im confused the result. i stopped playing for 1year & 1month so i cant figure out.

    by the way im F2P player lvl 31 skoto pvpier and thats my good weapon.,is that good to upgrade to lvl45?again sorry if i bother this things to you.tnx
    Last edited: Dec 1, 2014
  13. Wild

    Wild Forum Apprentice

    Soon i'm ready to tank mortis:)

  14. Duriastriker

    Duriastriker Forum Inhabitant My SW. F2P except for prem ^^.

    A ton of empty gem slots.
    Also have a question, should I go for Dragonache or go for witch hunter set? I have witch chaser now. Feedback would be much appreciated.
  15. Multi-Sev

    Multi-Sev Forum Overlooker

    Character looks pretty good. You have a decent critical hit rate. Adding some more critical damage would increase your dmg/sec significantly. So I think I would recommend the Witch Hunter gear, if you have the Draken to get it. It has the +20% critical damage with two pieces, and some other very nice things with three pieces. If you're looking for a more defensive/offensive mix, then the Dragonache set would probably suit you (but won't give any critical damage).
  16. Duriastriker

    Duriastriker Forum Inhabitant

    Ty for the feedback, and I'm currently saving for Automated Armguards and been doing mortis reguarly for riddle for the crit dmg %. I am also stuck in the between investing in dragonache or heading over to dark set(helm,armor,shoulders), seeing as grimm robe wont drop(been farming for awhile now).

    --MERGED-- Also,look what I found at varholm, xDD Pretty good if i invest in speed gems
    Last edited by moderator: Dec 7, 2014
  17. _Baragain_

    _Baragain_ Living Forum Legend

    That is not just good, that is excellent. Many DK's would love a 2H with those stats. It could be better now that they upped the stats, but not by much.

    And those speed gems should only be on the weapon decoration... Wasting slots in a weapon with that much % weapon damage by placing speed gems in them would be criminal.
  18. Multi-Sev

    Multi-Sev Forum Overlooker

    It sounds like you're on the right track. Thinking about what you need to improve, looking at the wiki to see what's available, and then questing for what you need is the way to improve efficiently.

    That is a really nice staff. Congrats!
  19. Duriastriker

    Duriastriker Forum Inhabitant

    :D Yeah, the long journey of farming gems, building up for rubies, I'd add to staff. Would take time though to get use to the lower speed. xD
  20. Multi-Sev

    Multi-Sev Forum Overlooker

    Yup, you're looking at farming sapphires for your weapon dec, along with those rubies, not to mention the ander you'll need to put in more gem slots. I'm not even going to mention the amount of ander it would take to get the 5th gem slot on that staff. Frankly, I think it's an obscene amount.

    However, if you do decide to keep using the staff, you do have some options for a little more attack speed based on what you were already planning. Both the Dragonache and W.H. sets include some weapon speed on either one of the pieces or the set. (I think the Dragonache set has +7.5% a.s. on one of the pieces, and the W.H. set has a +10% a.s. bonus for 3 pieces, if my memory is serving me correctly). Also, the Dark Gloves have 10% attack speed, I think. (I mentioned the gloves last, because if you ever get Roshan's Set you probably won't want those anymore.) Anyway, you have some more stuff to think about ;)

    Edit: My mistake, I forgot the Chaser set already includes a +11.1% a.s. bonus, so you would actually lose 1.1% if you switched to the Hunter set. Not a big loss, but definitely not a gain. The other things I mentioned are still options for attack speed, and there are probably things I can't remember that could get you some attack speed. (Since I play my DK exclusively now, SW's aren't my area of expertise.) One thing that comes to mind, off the top of my head, is the Ring of Inner Fortitude. But finding one (or two) is about as random as finding Roshan's pieces. As a DK, I've found three of them so far, and I don't even want them :D
    Last edited: Dec 7, 2014
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