Heredur: All Connections Attempts Have Failed

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by Bewitched, Jan 16, 2015.

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  1. teddy.bear

    teddy.bear Forum Ambassador

    Greetings everyone,

    Hopefully after the maintenance and server restart you will not experience more problems on Agathon. :( We apologise for this inconvenience.
    Best regards,
  2. cntgetright

    cntgetright Forum Apprentice

    it appears they are trying to fix some or all of the issues we have been having with this hotfix.....hopfully they have figured it all out i have faith that they have im ready to see how it goes after the maint. is over
  3. sebastian_fl

    sebastian_fl Count Count

    Just in case, All Connecions Have failed is not fixed and still appears on Grimmag/Heredur servers. hope will see announcement about that soon and good luck with fixing that.
    Bewitched likes this.
  4. Bewitched

    Bewitched Forum Apprentice

    Yep yep. That's exactly what happened to me too. About 6 hours after the New Moon event started.


    Hello. The maintenance and server restart for Heredur occurred a couple of days ago, and the connection problem is still recurrent. Do you have any information about this in Heredur?
    Last edited by moderator: Jan 16, 2015
    sebastian_fl likes this.
  5. synje

    synje Forum Apprentice

    Yes also playing from America on Heredur and having the same issues since New Moon event. Im going to try and play from the library like you did and see what happens
  6. cntgetright

    cntgetright Forum Apprentice

    ok so they done server maint. so i havnt been on in about 3 hours and the maint. is complete and i am still having the same issues with the "all connections have failed" while changing maps and going to the character select screen and even the initial log in
    sebastian_fl likes this.
  7. edrogers58

    edrogers58 Regular

    I am on Agathon and can finally log in but now the Chat is broken ?
  8. MegaNuker

    MegaNuker Forum Ambassador

    Yey. Chat being broken I can handle. I am not able to handle not playing the game.

    The recommended servers in the US are off your time settings. Tegans events and other timed stuff are behind Agathon. Just them trying something makes me feel good. Prolexic for info is a service to combat DDoS attacks. I have not used them but they are arguably the best there is.

    Reason why a library Web may or may not be better. If prolexic has that city/states ip block as trusted then as you can imagine it will work. Libraries also can have a huge number of computers and a limited Data feed so could also be slow.

    So services stop DDOS attackers by adding a delay to the transmission there by in hopes that the client software gets a false sever down and stops the attack. Also blocking the ip address before it enters the data centers where our game is housed is extremely helpful :)
  9. cntgetright

    cntgetright Forum Apprentice

    ok so the connection from usa players in heredur is the result of trying to stop attackers. Thank you for keeping the game safe and secure, but if the connection problem stays i will have to continue playing on agathon server and completly restart the game after investing 2+ yrs time and who knows how much money, our just stop playing. all i want to know is are they trying to find a way to stop the attackers and still let the usa players play in heredur without problems or is it going to stay like it is (with connection issues for usa players)
  10. Bewitched

    Bewitched Forum Apprentice

    And where exactly are you getting this information from?
  11. sebastian_fl

    sebastian_fl Count Count

    There are 5 or more threads here on that matter, called Map change problem or so. There is a DDOS prevention company called Prolexic, owned by Akamai, largest CDN company. BP is using prolexic to address ddos attacks, which is a good news. Bad news is that it is marking US players sometime, so we cannot play. You will see two prolexic nodes when you run traceroute to heredur server, or any other server in Hamburg.
    Once you get rid of those nodes, you will be able to play with no issues. I was able to confirm that today :)

    Playstation players had the same issue in the past, and lots of others, so it would be unfair to point to BigPoint. It is not an easy problem and we just should wait when they figure it out with prolexic.

    Just submit a support ticket, they are the only able to address the issue and will consult on next steps. Make sure you clearly describe the issue, not to mess it up with another popular one so called Error 21.
    Last edited: Jan 17, 2015
  12. Bewitched

    Bewitched Forum Apprentice

    How do you run trace-route to Heredur server? I am clueless as to what that is. Also, what is a prolexic node and how do you get rid of them?
  13. sebastian_fl

    sebastian_fl Count Count

    Traceroute: on a keyboard, press Windows+R buttons (or Start - Run Program). Enter 'cmd' with no brackets, click enter. Enter 'tracert'. Click enter. Look at the bottom items (nodes or hops). If you see something like - welcome to the club :)

    How to get rid of them - talk to support :)

    If I start writing more, I might get banned for the dublicate posts. Look at the other threads and get some patience pills :)
  14. Bewitched

    Bewitched Forum Apprentice

    Yes, I see two nodes. I've just contacted the support, told them that I was referred from the forum, then they referred back me to the forum. Funny.

    I looked in the thread map change connection problem -sequel, but couldn't find how to get rid of the nodes. Correct me if I'm wrong. Help?
  15. sebastian_fl

    sebastian_fl Count Count

    I've found the workaround which has some limitations, but it works. I use VPN client EDIT which is recommended by EDIT, guess others will work too, but I have tried a couple at the begining of the issue and they did not so I quit trying. You will get 100Mb of traffic for free, which is about 2 hours of playing. For 20 usd you will get enough to play a couple of months.

    I know it's not free but it is at least something and might work for you. There might be free or cheaper options. Try their server in London when connecting.

    Also, you will need good speed. I'll keep using it until the issue with prolexic is not resolved.
    Last edited by moderator: Jan 17, 2015
  16. Let's simply say you use a VPN Client recommended by one of the biggest names in VPN clients. We tend to frown on "advertisement" here.;)

    It is also worth noting that a VPN can significantly increase your latency making PvP more difficult. This is dependent on the path your packets take and if you essentially double back on your path. Also, depending on the size of the servers used by the VPN client, that could also slow your speeds too.
    sebastian_fl likes this.
  17. sebastian_fl

    sebastian_fl Count Count

    I'm sorry. Was thinking about that, but after trying a number of vpn clients in the past with no success wanted to be specific with one which 100% works. Anyway)
  18. Bewitched

    Bewitched Forum Apprentice

    So there's no way to physically "remove" the This thing only shows up when the traceroute is ran on Heredur. All other servers are fine.
  19. I understand. I too have tried using VPNs and proxies with this game before and one of the problems I occasionally ran into was that they didn't pass traffic on the ports the game uses. It is a solution, but like you said, not as good as the game working as intended.

    Unfortunately, no. The algorithms they use identify you as a potential threat and impose that block. It has been passed along to the developers and we will see what they come up with.
    sebastian_fl likes this.
  20. sebastian_fl

    sebastian_fl Count Count

    Algorithm seems to be very straightforward in this case:
    if (location=='us') block americano :)
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