Suggestion Wich item is better?

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by Chuwaka, Feb 14, 2015.

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  1. Chuwaka

    Chuwaka Forum Greenhorn

    Hi all!
    I got a SW lvl 42 and im collecting legendary 45 set, and i've collect some pices duplicated....what item should i choose? Or what is better in one than other?

    Ring 1 (more def)

    Ring 2 (50/50)

    Ring 3 (50/50)

    Hand 1 (full def)

    Hand 2 (or speed)

    And with the staff? Should i upgrade my lvl 39 to 45 or more?

    What about this one with full speed?

    Tnks in advance
  2. lewcar

    lewcar Padavan

    If your crit is less than 40% go ring 2, otherwise ring 3
    Glove #2
    Keep that duria and upgrade as you keep farming and lvling to 45.

    p.s. None of these are particularly great items for a lvl 45 build, however if you keep at it eventually you will gather some nice pieces one by one, it all takes time. Consider 2 death rings once you hit 45 for end-game and look for a nice 45 wand with as much dmg% as u can find, once you hit map1&2 of Q6.

    All the best
  3. Chuwaka

    Chuwaka Forum Greenhorn

    Can u tell me which are de basic stats for a SW lvl 45? Like more than 40% crit, xxxx def, HP, etc

  4. lewcar

    lewcar Padavan

    Its really hard to answer, considering all the variation in set ups and the most important variable perhaps: Money invested.

    However on average I'd try to aim for something like:
    5-6k hp
    ~800 avg dmg
    1200-1600 crit - with orb (requires some good crit enchants on the jewellery/crystal of your char)

    If possible get the witch chaser set from the next moon event, and whilst farming hope to get the roshan set on your way from 40-->45
  5. MegaNuker

    MegaNuker Forum Ambassador

    Ring 3 is the only one that is even close.
    Hands 2 are Soso
    Wand 1 is the better one
  6. Chuwaka

    Chuwaka Forum Greenhorn

    Tnks both of u!

    I'll accept more suggestions

    BTW, is better HP tha def? Or is easyer get 2 points HP every 1 def?
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