Bug No loot T_T

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by silverseas, Feb 26, 2015.

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  1. silverseas

    silverseas Count Count

    It happened twice while I was soloing hod today that I mind controlled a convenient mortis priest standing nearby the boss closest to the Mortis door. The mortis priest dropped a ton of meteors that melted the boss... and I got no drop. T^T

    Back to the old fashioned way of mashing the bug first instead of making it do the heavy lifting for me, I suppose. -sigh-
  2. -DeathsRevenge-

    -DeathsRevenge- Advanced

    Is a bug that has existed ever since level 45 got released. If you control a preist and it kills the target, you and whoever else your in team with, won't get any loot. :)

    You should not expect a fix to this anytime soon :)
  3. We were informed that this issue was resolved late last year. Either the announcement was premature, or it has resurfaced. The bug report for it has been re-opened. Thank-you for reporting this, Silverseas.
    DesertKoala and silverseas like this.
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