Witch Hunter vs Witch Chaser set

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by Master0fpuppets, Feb 23, 2015.

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  1. Master0fpuppets

    Master0fpuppets Forum Baron

    I'am interested wich of the two set's is better for upgrading and playing with? I think (not sure) Witch Hunter got more armor or maybe not? Can someone please help me out?
  2. trakilaki

    trakilaki Living Forum Legend

  3. Master0fpuppets

    Master0fpuppets Forum Baron

    That not what am loking for, since witch hunter set is now more random stat's and am loking for how much armor can a DK get, like min-max?
  4. trakilaki

    trakilaki Living Forum Legend

    That is exactly what you are looking for. You can click on each of the 3 icons and perform a basic math operation called addition.
    The only difference is Witch Chaser gear have fixed armor stats for every piece ... while Witch Hunter gear have variable armor stats with maximum values displayed on the wiki page.
  5. Novadude

    Novadude Commander of the Forum

    Current new moon set just involves doing the event. Old set involves paying with drakens. Unless you are incredibly flushed with drakens I would forget about it, since the draken set comes with random values as well.

    He wants the minimum values as well, which the wiki doesn't include.
  6. trakilaki

    trakilaki Living Forum Legend

    It is very easy ... anyone can spend one map for Gnob's cave and check the stats.

    I have spent one map (just now) ... unfortunately I have no maps on my DK ... so these are the stats for the SW's ... it can be compared and closer guess for DK's stats can be made

    Powerful Witch Hunter gear:

    [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]

    Witch Hunter gear:

    [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]
  7. -DeathsRevenge-

    -DeathsRevenge- Advanced

    If you get decent Witch Hunters I'd say that. Not only do you save Glyphs, but you also get more power for farming then any other set in DSO can do. :)
  8. Master0fpuppets

    Master0fpuppets Forum Baron

    Well not quite, Witch Hunter from my calculations gives: same max damage, +20% higher critical damage, a little less critical hit rate and better armor but cost 8250 draken. On the other hand Witch Chaser gives:Very good critical hit rate, less armor, same max damage, cost 0 draken. So is it worth it, I don't know? Call me confused even more :/
  9. DocWhisky

    DocWhisky Forum Mogul

    I have full witch chasers set on my DK .. and I love it. Cant speak on which is better as I never had the other set, and would never spend my hard earned drakens on a set with variable stats. nice thing about chaser set is if you kill spider during event and get better piece ... you just melt old and slam glyphs into new. With draken set... you must buy another if your not happy with first purchase.

    After comparing my current set with stats of each of the Gnob sets ... I will keep mine. You may get a few hundered more crit hit with powerful witch set .... but IMHO, still not worth the cost of draken to me.

    Thanks, Doc.
  10. Master0fpuppets

    Master0fpuppets Forum Baron

    Maybe your right, it's to much random stat's for a lot of draken, unlike in the old days when Witch Hunter set had 200 armor on all 3 set parts and 2 random stat's, that was far better.
  11. _Baragain_

    _Baragain_ Living Forum Legend

    Put it this way. If you had 50K-100K draken to blow, you would want the old set and you would want to look for ideal damage stats. You would walk away with about 15%-18% lower min damage, but with 42-45% higher max damage, along with all the other goodies that come from the set bonuses. However, I don't know anyone who has that much lying around, so getting an "ideal" old set would take an astronomical amount of luck.

    P.S. I checked it out for you on a DK:
    [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]
    Last edited: Feb 26, 2015
    Master0fpuppets likes this.
  12. trakilaki

    trakilaki Living Forum Legend

    I got it :cool:

    15.7% reduced minimum damage and 43.1% increased maximum damage. :p

    [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]
  13. Vegemite.

    Vegemite. Forum Greenhorn

    Luck or persistence to get those %values, whatever it is i would use those 3 items in a heartbeat.
  14. BigPapa

    BigPapa Forum Overlooker

    Best time to get those was when they were farmable for that short period of time between the level 40 items and the New Witch chaser gear.

    I use the Witch Chaser gear, but I've stopped evaluating top and bottom numbers because they can swing wildly when I swap pieces out. I instead always look at the median number, average of top and bottom. This gives me a more accurate damage assessment.

    In the large comparison the Max dmg increase moves your median damage by half that value. So a PERFECT Witch Hunter set moves your median 15%. (45-15)/2. And then you get 50 max damage more off the set bonus which is about 5% of the damage for the average 45 player with 1000 damage or 2.5 median.
    For the Witch Chaser, a perfect set would give you the 11% (22)/2 no variation in this, and then you would get 99 from the enchants of the pieces or about 10% dmg or 5% median. So it would be 17.5% increase for Witch Hunter or 16% increase for Witch Chaser. A difference of 15 damage for a 45 player with a 1000 dmg median.

    Thats pretty much a wash. So, for me, it's the other stat/enchant bonus differences that make the sets valuable. I like the Witch chaser because of the higher crit hit value. It allows me to reduce the number of crit lines on the rest of my gear.

    I think a true advantage of the Witch hunter is the 2 piece set option. You still get some of the damage increase and the 20% crit. with the possibility of substituting in a nice leg somewhere.
  15. thebearreturns

    thebearreturns Exceptional Talent

    may be other way is to get Dragan set and just the hunter jerkin .. you get from 35% to 45% max dmg... and from 20% to 25% min dmg :)
  16. _Baragain_

    _Baragain_ Living Forum Legend

    Close, but not quite on the math because the MIN damage enchantment applies to the min damage and the MAX damage enchantment applies to the MAX. You analysis assumes that the Min and Max are the same. I'll give you two different examples to show what I mean. Consider a 2H DK. First hypothetical example is with a hammer, second hypothetical example would be a 2H sword.

    Case 1:
    Damage: 1000-1500
    Mean Damage=1250
    Case 2:
    Damage: 1200-1300
    Mean Damage=1250

    Case 1:
    Min Damage: 1000-1000*0.15=850
    Max Damage: 1500+1500*0.45=2175
    New Mean Damage= (2175+850)/2=1513
    %Change in Mean Damage= 1513/1250=1.21=+21% increase to mean damage.

    Case 2:
    Min Damage: 1200-1200*0.15=1020
    Max Damage: 1300-1300*0.45=1885
    New Mean Damage= (1885+1020)/2=1453
    %Change in Mean Damage= 1453/1250=1.16=+16% increase to mean damage

    What this shows is the greater the damage spread is to begin with with the Which Hunter set, the greater the mean gain. Long story short, the question of Witch Hunter vs Witch Chaser is a lot more complicated than many people realize.

    But, I can say without doubt, that if I had the stats of a pic I saw from TS on FB, I know I would take their setup in a heart beat. (I would want it with Keen's though as opposed to those 2xDark.)
    BigPapa likes this.
  17. Novadude

    Novadude Commander of the Forum

    That's messed up. 2490 average damage on 1.97 speed on a 2H sword. 1500+ crit and 242% crit damage. Thankful this is a test server (TS) character and not somebody I am running into in 5v5.

    I imagine the legendary belt might provide some of the crit or crit damage.
  18. _Baragain_

    _Baragain_ Living Forum Legend

    I don't know, but I want. That is faster than most people's 1H swords. Imagin it with Keen's. It would have another 1000+HP and another 400-600 armor. Only problem is that it would lose 10% speed from the Dark Gloves.
    Last edited: Feb 27, 2015
  19. BigPapa

    BigPapa Forum Overlooker

    Love it, can always count on you for a good crosscheck and insight. On the pic above I'd be happy with near anything if I could get all my stuff to level 50 GOP wise.
    _Baragain_ likes this.
  20. -DeathsRevenge-

    -DeathsRevenge- Advanced

    Complicated for most indeed. :p
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