Feedback Desert of Essences

Discussion in 'Discussions on Current Topics' started by teddy.bear, Mar 7, 2015.

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  1. teddy.bear

    teddy.bear Forum Ambassador

    Greetings Heroes,

    Please post in this thread your comments regarding the Desert of Essences event.

    Positive or negative, constructive criticism and ideas for improvements are, as always, welcomed. Please keep discussions on topic.​

    Best regards,
    Your Drakensang Online Team
  2. AmerickaNindza

    AmerickaNindza Junior Expert

    what is boss spawn item? are that shards for summoning big bosses?
  3. Rhysingstar

    Rhysingstar Forum Ambassador

    This was one of the better events. It's nice to see that the progress bar has been extended. I'm hoping that the dev's have fixed the group bugs so we don't have to put up with a hotfix on day 2... (okay I got a laugh out of that one myself). I don't see anything new being added to this event or any upgrades on gear stats, but at least it gives us a few days to enjoy a new map.
  4. MegaNuker

    MegaNuker Forum Ambassador

    2 things are fixed the hole bug where you could jump and not get our and the event bar being too small. The event has the best gear for spell weavers and steam mechs. This is my opinion...
    .krom70. likes this.
  5. -Elizejs-

    -Elizejs- Junior Expert

    Wery borring event! Sad you dont put on same good events what i have not seen more than 1 year. Yes desert of esences is totaly useless event...still wate and looking for next:( Yes MegaNuker is right only for thous 2 clasis is this event for athers is nothing!
  6. fourtwenty68

    fourtwenty68 Board Analyst

    this event is ok.if you need gear for your weaker toon.
    still need to enter free instead of the heavy cost of realm frags that we use all the time for new moon and full moon.
    wow a free to enter event,who would of thunk.:rolleyes:
    LadyEmpress likes this.
  7. awaroa

    awaroa Advanced

    nice event i enjoyed last time and got full red set which is now with kobalt bc i switch to witch chasers and yachaks set. Would be awesome if in the event something that could let you upgrade my redset (better stats)
    Another thing would be the emo river dance to be not 7 days but forever
  8. .paschall.

    .paschall. Junior Expert

    so we can finish couple of his setes-would b better than full or new moon garbage


    so there is no special gem in this event just essesnces-their events are all garbage-bp needs to come up with new event-like the new and full moon but no gear for 45+ players-not that many drakens -no motivation 4 people 2 do them just low level toons
    Last edited by moderator: Mar 8, 2015
  9. MegaNuker

    MegaNuker Forum Ambassador


    Yes you can upgrade the gear or the stats you want but keep going and getting a new higher stat item. For me I only got max damage on feet hands and 1 less from max on shoulders. Body was low but only had 3 to choose from.

    I hope to be set this time will attempt to do the event 100 times.
  10. Darwarren

    Darwarren Count Count

    It's interesting to see the amount of feedback on the next event, especially before the event actually arrives.
    "Just how much interest is out there?"
    A little pre-judgement, anyone?
    Some of it will be fighting yesterday's battles on tomorrow's turf.

    I stand corrected. Their reputation precedes them, and is well deserved.
    The event quests are still bugged, like others have said. Support doesn't have answers either; they still must be waiting on others to step up.
    DSO & BigPoint are situation normal, still FUBAR after all these years.
    Last edited: Mar 9, 2015
  11. Piipero

    Piipero Junior Expert

    Why doesn't the draken missions work? Within my guild I'm the only one not loosing the items heart pieces etc.. The blue ones didn't matter as the mission still updated but with violet ones it's sorta difficult to combine 4 heart pieces if one doesn't have em after zoning.
  12. toronto79

    toronto79 Forum Apprentice

    'allo, I just think they dont bother to test events. They just want us to donate our souls to them or something like that. :)
  13. Bearer-of-Death

    Bearer-of-Death Exceptional Talent

    Well...already finished the event with my 3 toons, now what!!!

    This event and all the others are becoming very boring, it's always the same stuff, 3 times in-a-row is more than enough.
    How hard can it be to introduce a new set for the left-side, also remove the variable stats from the set...this isn't the Full/New Moon event which comes once a month.

    Will Dragan 3 be like the 1st two??? So what exactly does the new dev team do??? copy/past events created by the old team???
    Veritas likes this.
  14. Dragonnns

    Dragonnns Count Count

    So I ran the event with two different toons today. The first was a level 42 SW in a group of level 45 toons from my guild. Two runs through and I had over 1/2 the needed essence tears to complete the event. Next I took my level 30 SW solo and after 1 run, I only had 300 or so tears. Why would lower level characters need to run it so many more times than higher levels? The higher levels kill everything and rarely die. Not so with the lower levels (although solo does make it more difficult).

    Further, I noticed the the name is different. This event is Shanri-la. First event was Shagri-la (per the Wiki). Was the second event Shangri-la? (I don't remember!) Or are all of these just typos? :)
    _G_R_A_M_P_S_ likes this.
  15. w0k3r1

    w0k3r1 Forum Greenhorn

    Anyone found the torso lol? Did red 21 times, no torso :(
  16. crazyelli

    crazyelli Junior Expert

    I have the same problem ,, i play on tegans ,, shows in quest i have all 4 pieces but none in inventory:(
  17. BigPapa

    BigPapa Forum Overlooker

    There are 2 quest errors that need to be looked at. The first quest dangerous ess works as listed. The problem comes after you complete this quest. The collection quest for the blue berserker pops up when you turn in the repeatable Dangerouse ess first quest. If you accept Dangerous ess again, the blue berserker quest disappears and wont come up again until you finish Dangerous Ess again. THis one you can work around, just take the Berserker quest first, then accept the repeatable one.

    The second problem is that the quest items for the Blue and Purple bosses are disappearing from inventory when you teleport out of event map. Not a big deal for the blue berserker quest since the quest tracker keeps collection count for you. It is however a SHOW STOPPER for the purple quest since you have to craft the 4 items at the workbench. The quest tracker still keeps count, but the items are gone and cant be combined at the crafting table. This is preventing progress on the quest series.
  18. Orange_George

    Orange_George Padavan

    yep i got the same problem. is there a fix in the works?
    also i got the lowest stats seen for any red item drop, +10 to dmg is just not accacptable.
    makes the whole event seem like a waste of time and recources.
    i also got group invites while i was already in a group and it's leader i opened the invite sent to me and the player was able to be added to my group. is this a intended function or just another bug?
    actually for me i will not use any drops from here, or the moon events.
    with my gear i can tank mortis and kill him as long as the others kill souls, IE the gear is useless for a lvl 45 ranger like me i just collect the draken which i have not seen a use for lately.
    Last edited: Mar 9, 2015
  19. -DeathsRevenge-

    -DeathsRevenge- Advanced

    How can you miss such small quest bugs like this? How!?...

    I repeat myself a lot: LAZY!

    Keep asking players to be positive, while you guys continuelsy mess up! Come on, pull yourselves together a bit. Things like this should not happen as "BIG" as you guys claim you are.

    Whatever right?..

    - Positive.
    Extended progressbar (more rewards).
    Darwarren likes this.
  20. BigPapa

    BigPapa Forum Overlooker

    Good to see ya OG. Ya this is a new group feature. It is actually someone requesting to join your grp. It goes to the group leader and is worded a bit differently than someone sending you a group invite to join there grp.
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