Feedback Curse of the Black Knights: Rage of Dragan

Discussion in 'Discussions on Current Topics' started by teddy.bear, Apr 9, 2015.

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  1. trakilaki

    trakilaki Living Forum Legend

    Yes it did ... but it fixed only the drops from the chests. It failed to fix the drops into inventory (for players that already finished the quests).
  2. 9ndrei

    9ndrei Forum Expert

    It wouldn't be the first mistake in the guide and it wouldn't be the worst mistake. I don't know who and how he or she wrote that event walkthrough, but they surely need a 10% salary 'discount' next month. :)
  3. BigPapa

    BigPapa Forum Overlooker

    I remember Greg mentioning he was writing the guide during the last twitch session. I actually feel his pain because he obviously is not the programmer and he is relying on other people to give him the info. I can imaging that there was a lot of "no, that's not what I meant" conversations after the guide was released.

    Honestly, the mistakes made in the guide were primarily about emotes and costumes. Meh, I can live with that. It makes me smile at times the things the player base gets all wound up about.
  4. 9ndrei

    9ndrei Forum Expert

    You may be right. Greg or whoever wrote the guide may not be in the wrong, but someone is. Except the invisible laser, there aren't huge issues with the event. But you know what? Even if they aren't big mistakes, there are too many small ones. And what gets me all wound up is the fact that no one takes responsibility. I mean, I've never encountered a situation where a game has an issue and the guy who`s job is to help you tells you 'fix it yourself'. Also, I don't understand the thought process in making a fix which fixes nothing, then mods locking up threads to keep the forum tidy.. but no official word about what happened and if it will ever get fixed.

    Another thing - how can they say they can't reproduce the invisible laser bug. Just out of curiosity, I tried to reproduce it on super rig, on a old(ish) PC and two laptops. It worked every time. This tells me they didn't try enough. And throwing the 'blame' on players then shutting them down isn't professional at all.

    I can't imagine other companies doing these things. I get it, BigPoint is not (edit, edit, edit).. but they aren't some groups of indie devs.

    A bit more transparency and taking responsibility for your mistakes goes a long way - especially when you don't intend to fix those mistakes (e.g. laser bug)
  5. BigPapa

    BigPapa Forum Overlooker

    Point well taken.
  6. trakilaki

    trakilaki Living Forum Legend

    I hope someone from the dev team will read this post. :D

    Like I said before ... I have no issue with the invisible lasers.
    But ... I can easily reproduce it. :D
    1. Enter Dragan's room.
    2. turn off the router/modem
    3. restart the router/modem
    4 press retry (not reload) on game screen (all connection attempts....)
    5. There you go ... no lasers in Dragan's room
    6. Reloading the game is fixing the "invisible lasers".
  7. dannyy868686

    dannyy868686 Someday Author

    plz for the love of god, lower the drop rate on the helm from dragon and up the cape drop rate!

    ive killed him over 50 times so far and still need 10 capes!
  8. fourtwenty68

    fourtwenty68 Board Analyst

    only dk,s get capes every drop lol ijk.
    idk but being sw i only get helmets and pauldrens
  9. BigPapa

    BigPapa Forum Overlooker

    10% drop rate for cape. So about 160 runs, only 110 to go and we're 1/3 of the way through the event. You're right on track.
    Trailboss1 likes this.
  10. fourtwenty68

    fourtwenty68 Board Analyst

    idk my dk friend gets cape almost every drop,he's lvl 40 n might have it in a day or two
    i never seen the cape in these events drop for me. im lvl 45.
    maybe lower lvl get cape,perhaps.just dont know.
  11. Dragonnns

    Dragonnns Count Count

    So we've had the hotfix to the hotfix and it was supposed to fix the Bunny costume issue. The first hotfix removed the one piece I had. The second one didn't return it. Is this still a known issue or do I need to go to support for it?

  12. 9ndrei

    9ndrei Forum Expert

    I got a few uniques off Sargon, but.. 1/3 times I get one measly green. And when I do get an unique.. it's a pauldron or an orb.. I have an inventory full of them. Decent melting value, but that's all.

    About Dragan.. I'm solo-ing him with red ess because I can't see the lasers most of the time. I killed him tens of times and not one cape. :)

    Gonna assume that this 'bad luck' is normal.. just for my sanity. :)
  13. trakilaki

    trakilaki Living Forum Legend

    Today I found the 3rd part (the head) for the costume into my inventory ... I already combined all the parts and got the costume.
  14. MegaNuker

    MegaNuker Forum Ambassador

    WOW you got a cape congratulations.

    I have as of yet still receive a cape. And I hardly die. Wonder do I have to die a lot to get even a single cape :)

    I have gotten shoulders almost every time.
  15. _Baragain_

    _Baragain_ Living Forum Legend

    I already had the set (Since the first event), so I've begun squirreling away pearls pearls so that when the event comes back after LVL 50 is released, I can run Dragan normal back to back to back to get the LVL 50 helm, shoulders, and (maybe) the cape. I figure that success is 80% preparation.
    BigPapa and MegaNuker like this.
  16. Mario_Boss

    Mario_Boss Regular

    Your friend must be most luckiest player. I went 66 times normal and 9 times hard and got 4 cape.

    So pleas don't put every dk in same "basket of luck". He have lucky ip address and you and me not so much.

    But what i noticed that players who didn't play last dragan event have better drop. I played last one and get 2 middle cape and 3 small (which i melted due lacking of space)


    Now we have to start how dk are op and stuff like that (well i am not one of those op dk but can aruge like one :cool:;):D)

    Same here.
    I am playing since 02.07.2014 so i didn't have much chance to get "older" sets but now when i have a chance my drop is always same: white and/or green or sargon horns and paldruns, claw and old royal melt...i mean old royal (is it shield?o_O) whatever i forgot cuz i am calling him "orm" and other loot (except sargon torso) 21k. I am farmin and farming every day over 15 runs (don't have rl cuz i think it is overrated :D) of m120 and just can't get torso...or at least cape from dragan...or torso...or cape...maybe one day :rolleyes:
  17. Improver-sab

    Improver-sab Forum Greenhorn

    Gosh... Tired, tired, tired! Killing Dragan normal- helmet. Killing Dragan difficult- helmet.. helmet.. helmet. Again and again! How much money I have to spend??? Don't even dare to tell me about random.. Also cube drop rate is less then regular map has, so why do I pay for premium? damn.. No interest at all.
    Sirhan likes this.
  18. Blindsenses

    Blindsenses Forum Apprentice

    Ok but can anyone confirm torso drop? Doesn't matter it's the first run or the millionth time.

    Confirmed on Twitch... Torso not dropping atm, they know about this and in the next hotfix will be put in the drop loot. So....if you have all the other parts... just save the bones until it's hotfixed.
    Last edited: Apr 16, 2015
  19. loudmute

    loudmute Someday Author

    I'm still looking for that mysterious sargon torso DDD
  20. _Baragain_

    _Baragain_ Living Forum Legend

    Greg said in the Twitch presentation that someone messed up and didn't check that it was in there. So, no... it is not avaliable at this time. However, the way he talked about it made it sound like they were planning to add it to the chest's drop table.
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