Bug Quest location: A Slow Death

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by rusher, Apr 20, 2015.

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  1. rusher

    rusher Someday Author

    Bug: Quest location is wrong

    Questname: A Slow Death
    Level: 29
    Progress: (2/2)
    Location: Dragon's Lair #

    # Location is wrong and should be: Tegan's Sanctuary. You can't do this quest in Dragon's Lair as there are no Nefertari zealots, I cleared it 2 times..
    Last edited: Apr 20, 2015
  2. Melethainiel

    Melethainiel Team Leader Team Drakensang Online

    Hi @rusher ,

    actually, there is nothing wrong with location of this quest - once you got those 4 robes from Nefertari zealots in Tegan's Sanctuary (which is stated in the quest), you need to go to Dragon Caverns to hang those, therefore, final location of the quest is correct.

    Hope it's clear now. :)
  3. bztarX

    bztarX Forum Greenhorn

    I was having this same problem, cleared Dragon Caverns several times looking for Nefertari Zealots as is stated where the quest is located. Very confusing. It is kind of confusing to have a quest seperated between 2 dungeons like that. Maybe move the Zealots to Dragon's Cavern as a suggestion?
  4. MegaNuker

    MegaNuker Forum Ambassador


    Might we read what was posted. Please read the quest also.

    Go forth and conquer,
  5. .krom70.

    .krom70. Active Author

    yes correct..i have done that quest when lev 39 to current..about 500 times .. I have shown that quest to many many players, its a good one for gems and items from both maps, and very easy to understand. just read the quest in your quest inventory,.the nef part is in tegans you simply farm that , take any goodies and then it states clearly the dragon caverns right there..from there you click each post..four ..you may click one post at a time.or my fav all four..quest done..easy..maybe the people in your own chair have probs hahaha ..ill say that back at ya...fun hey..lol
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