Bug Missing 5th day bonus

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by rusher, Apr 21, 2015.

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  1. rusher

    rusher Someday Author

    The 5th day login in a row unique bonus is missing.

    This seems to be a reoccuring problem, already 2 characters of mine didn't get the bonus. [update 23-04: all 4 chars]

    Logged in every day with each character.
    Actual 5th day login reward: Simple Chest and Premium Chest. (Nothing else)
    Missing: The 5% exp gem and the Extraordinary equip.
    Repeat?: 2 characters... (my first character earlier, and now my second character)
    [update 23-04: all 4 chars]
    The bug repeated on different days...

    It is a really annoying bug, will it repeat for all of my characters?...
    Last edited: Apr 23, 2015
  2. XenaGirl90

    XenaGirl90 Advanced

    yeh... it happens even with the normal daily bonus's sometimes too... i've had it happen once where i didn't get it, just one of the many glitches, go to support and report this and i'm sure they will give you your bonuses?.
  3. MegaNuker

    MegaNuker Forum Ambassador

    All I can comment on is this. Your other characters should not get this bug. You should get your rewards as planned.
  4. rusher

    rusher Someday Author

    Unfortunately NOW also my 3rd and 4th character did NOT get it... ??? I am helpless...
    Here are the screenshots (not optimal but you can see the different classes):

    3rd char: [​IMG]

    4th char: [​IMG] (here is upper part of screenshot - saved the cut by mistake http://www.directupload.net/file/d/3966/odt8tdke_png.htm)

    p.s.: As a reminder, the 5th day plan

    Forum rules do not allow me to talk about the support
    Last edited: Apr 23, 2015
  5. ferretman22

    ferretman22 Forum Greenhorn

    I sent in a ticket cause this is literally my 4th day playing. On daily it said this is my 5th day. I should've gotten the extraordinary sword and 5% exp gem. The person that sent me the ticket back said to check the forums. I tried searching and couldn't find anything.

    I'm on Agathon, if that matters.

    Can anyone help?
  6. XenaGirl90

    XenaGirl90 Advanced

    When i started playing we got the 5% xp gem straight away, i guess it changed. Well if it's still your 4th day then obviously he knows it is but it's just a bit confused some how... play another day and see what happens.
  7. _Baragain_

    _Baragain_ Living Forum Legend

    You got the right section of the forums, but you didn't read one of the first threads after the stickies in this sub-forum. "Missing 5th day bonus" is just a couple down from the top.
  8. The initial response that you get from Support is an automatically generated reply. The main purpose of it is to inform you that your ticket has been received. If you have been playing four days, you should get the XP gem and the EO item tomorrow. But... there is a bit of a mess-up with that reward at the moment. So please do let Support know if you don't get it tomorrow.

    If anyone is encountering this issue, please contact Support and give them the details. Note: you need to have clocked up 5 consecutive logins for the first time to have earned the XP gem and the EO item.
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