
Discussion in 'General Archive' started by Dragenstein, Apr 24, 2015.

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  1. Dragenstein

    Dragenstein Padavan

    Even when I start the game in my browser, I get redirected to the page for downloading the "thinclient". So I have to play the game that way. I have a very fast computer and internet, so the size of the download is not a problem. The friends and groups are currently not working. I would like to thank BP for the laughs. The comments in the game chat are very funny because people are so very upset. I would also like to thank BP for helping with my self-control. I will take some time off from playing the game and I won't feel bad about it. Cheers!
    spartawars likes this.
  2. Blindsenses

    Blindsenses Forum Apprentice

    Groups are not working indeed... i am stuck in a imaginary group with a guy so i have no drop in castle Ravenclaw and no drop in map120.... this is crap... seriously...this is CRAP!

    Just lost 100 remains too! Thank you so much game developers... at least give us an official statement of how incompetent on doing your jobs are.
    Last edited: Apr 24, 2015
  3. GroKoLegend

    GroKoLegend Forum Apprentice

    i´m trying to create or join a group but nothing happens when i push the "create group button" and the group selctionlist is empty, im in kingshill so i know there are groups around me, any tips to solve this problem ( already tried restarting) ?
  4. -Rista-

    -Rista- Forum Greenhorn

    Where have all the guilds gone?


    Player search doesnt work anymore! whats going on?
    Last edited by moderator: Apr 24, 2015
  5. XenaGirl90

    XenaGirl90 Advanced

    I have it now too, managed to avoid the previous times but not this time... the Heredur sever was down for hours last night too, my whole friends list completely gone and searching for users is broke too, do we ever get back our friends list when they fix it?. Hola to whoever added me, Jayfro and whoever added me quite recently, i will definitely be writing down nams of good players from now on.
  6. beast123

    beast123 Forum Greenhorn

    i have it too hope they fix this fast... im new to the game and i want to play with a friend and tonight is my only free night for 5 days cause i m serving the army atm >.>
  7. thedarkestlight

    thedarkestlight Advanced

    Yes a month old ''fixed'' bug has returned back.Everyone in my guild is affected.Don't know if its just heredur.
  8. Morinphen

    Morinphen Forum Overlooker

    Same issue. Was fine a little while ago, but now invites don't work, friends' list is empty & guild is gone. Heredur server.
  9. Morinphen

    Morinphen Forum Overlooker

    There seems to be a problem with groups right now. List of friends and guild members seem to have been deleted too...
  10. Bearer-of-Death

    Bearer-of-Death Exceptional Talent

    I only noticed today, when i wanted to play in group!!!
    All my friends + Guild list is gone and the search function doesn't work neither!!!

    Now comes the weird part...yesterday i was in a group and nobody left the group and one of my friends (group leader) registered for battle and magically i got registered too without been asked if i wanted to join or not!!!o_O:eek:o_O

    My "conspiracy theory" is this....
    ....if this bug isn't fixed before the last mini-event, than it was included on purpose so many of us won't be able to finish it to get the pet+mount. It will be only available for least for the ones that are willing to pay for it!!!
    thedarkestlight likes this.
  11. XenaGirl90

    XenaGirl90 Advanced

    If your using Google Chrome don't use it any more, use Firefox, Chrome doesn't work very good with a lot of games really... yeh the guild i joined the othe night has gone too :(, and yup people are going around calling each other noobs LMAO xD i got called a noob too because i asked who else.
  12. Morinphen

    Morinphen Forum Overlooker

    So, now there's nothing to do except where you can solo... very nice, what can I say (-_-").
  13. XenaGirl90

    XenaGirl90 Advanced

    I don't think it's done on purpose because i've only done 1 event, not planning to do another until i'm a lot stronger but i still got it, it's just what happens with their fixes and updates, it's all trial and error, when i used to go on Steam a lot it was the same thing, broke games and caused all kinds of errors, i definitely hate this trial and error method, i wish they did more to test it before releasing, i wouldn't mind waiting.
  14. MegaNuker

    MegaNuker Forum Ambassador

    Ok what I am hearing is heredur is having a group bug. Could people that are having this bug contact support. If this is already known by support maybe letting people know in forums is a good idea also.

    Checking Facebook for a possible post.
  15. 9ndrei

    9ndrei Forum Expert

    No. If you were in a group when the bug happened, only one dude can farm. ;) Or at least someone from the previous group last hits and gets the farm.

    Can anyone say AMATEURISH? :)

    Can't wait for THAT guy to join the thread and tell us how we should stop complaining =)
  16. XenaGirl90

    XenaGirl90 Advanced

    Yeh i think it's just Heredur because last night i looked at the Grimage server (even if i don't have any characters on that one), came up with create a character fine... Heredur went down while i was playing, at least it seems to be stopping some people from logging in, i think that's what happened to me last night, couldn't connect to my ranger and i tried connecting with the other characters and it said "Character is already logged in" lol. I can get on today now but whatever happened just wiped the friends and guilds after.
  17. MegaNuker

    MegaNuker Forum Ambassador


    Is this what it looks like. Notice on the right side the names grayed out.
  18. XenaGirl90

    XenaGirl90 Advanced

    *shrugs* I'm not sure that's what it looks like because i couldn't even log in last night, i've seen that bug before though, i just thought it was a glitch of players character not materializing proprly on their game.
  19. Bearer-of-Death

    Bearer-of-Death Exceptional Talent

    Nope, I'm in a group...but the names of my teammates don't even appear!!!
    spartawars likes this.
  20. Morinphen

    Morinphen Forum Overlooker

    Nothing appears. Friends' list = empty. Guild members' list = empty. Invitations don't get through, so no grouping.
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