Suggestion world event boss

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by glesia, Apr 29, 2015.

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  1. glesia

    glesia Advanced

    on certain wilderness maps a huge boss or two would be nice to kill with i dunno lets say 50 people are on the map. spawns every few hours or so and players can participate in a boss battle. no need to ask for group request just simply walk in and participate. the loot is shared equally so one player does not get the loot all player who participate on the real world event will get his share of the loot. dont get me wrong the boss/bosses should be fairly huge and very strong. would also like to see events that change the world or maps design. to feel part of the server playing among s great players. felling part of something big. that would bright up this game a bit.
    Last edited: Apr 29, 2015
    Trailboss1 and BigPapa like this.
  2. trakilaki

    trakilaki Living Forum Legend

    This was already done in the past ... and the outcome was not so good.
    That is how they introduced Dragan's Knights (at that event they were level 50).
    _Baragain_ and Noriyull like this.
  3. guinsoo

    guinsoo Forum Apprentice

    Dragan's Vanguard was that kind of event.Very not fun.
  4. Noriyull

    Noriyull Forum Apprentice

    It was in game but it did not work good ... 2-3 days off w8 for DKs to show up,teleporting,log out and in .... ahahha this was w8st of time and when u finaly kill DKs no drop for u ahahahahh ...
  5. BigPapa

    BigPapa Forum Overlooker

    I like this idea but would say extend the spawn times to once every few of days in a random map and make the kill worth while loot wise. Imagine chat going off in every city "Boss X just spawned in Troll Canyon" You go to the bosses location knowing you better wait for more support before attacking.

    What made the Vanguard event unlikeable for me was that we had to compete against everyone else to get the drop. Also, since it was a timed event everyone was on guard running maps looking for the Knights etc.

    If this had been a cooperative event with longer random spawn times it would have been more fun.
    glesia and DesertKoala like this.
  6. _Baragain_

    _Baragain_ Living Forum Legend

    Also, you have to worry about kill steals, and in addition to the difficulty, that made it totally not worth it.
  7. Trailboss1

    Trailboss1 Forum Mogul

    I think that event had big potential, IF the devs tweaked it.

    One possibility could be, for example, make the boss with 50k exp and/or a coin drop of 2-3 gold to be split amongst the mass group trying to kill it. Should NOT be based on amount of damage, but rather on how many times a certain player attacks it....if it can be done that way. So if a player is just standing around a shoots a arrow or fireball once in a while he/she gets a lower % of the drop.

    Another thing that would be helpful to DKs anyway, is to let us move above the wolves or tree guardians or whatever. If you have 2 rangers in your group and happen to use the wolves at once it gets to be a pain to have to go around a 6 pack of them to attack.
    goof and glesia like this.
  8. glesia

    glesia Advanced

    yes i remember when i first posted about world event bosses but not in such detail. a few months after that they came out with wilderness boss that was very hard to kill. Dragans Knigts. thing was only 1 player or 1 group of player got the drop. preferably the strongest.. there should gave been a participate option when enter the map or so on or walking near the event. so all player whom hit the boss will get the loot also not just 1 group. every 2 or 3 days this boss appears and players can take part in boss battle . this should be ongoing of maybe 3 levels wildernes bosses just a suggestion.
  9. Trailboss1

    Trailboss1 Forum Mogul

    Kinda like an "incursion" type of battle...if you will? A designation area of the world map. In that area groups can exceed 5. And, just shooting off the hip here, maybe in those certain areas groups can have certain bonuses applied to the group. MAYBE have special vendors in that area that sell group buffs instead of individual ones.

    The sad thing is I'm kinda getting excited about this discussion and I know nothing will come to pass of it.
    glesia likes this.
  10. multitoonz

    multitoonz Forum Great Master

    I'd rather see an arena option with a lvl 50 RANDOM game boss, from Dragan, Sargon and all the PW bosses included as potential foe, with an xp level restriction...NO TWINKS ALLOWED.....and have it drop a guaranteed unique item that boss might drop in game anyway to the player who does the most damage to it.
    Everyone else would get decent drops but no unique.
    When the game is expanded to level 50, make the bosses lvl 55 then in that arena with a chance at getting new lvl 50 unique drops.
    Open world maps is too chaotic and it would be programming hell to try and divide loot from kills.We have enough bugs to deal with.
    Make Sargon kills count towards the amulet for whoever is even still holding onto that quest. I tossed it lol, amulet not worth it imo.
    Could even add a level 50/55 Karabossa to drop the powerful witch gear and a lvl 50/55 Vargulf boss to drop a new set of powerful wolf gear.
    Make it like Dragan was, regardless of premium/freemium, no free respawn in arena, all 120 ander revive so you wouldn't want to die as it would cost you in andermant AND the potential damage you would be doing if your toon was still alive. Make revive stones and Mighty Spirit guards the only available "free inside respawn" options available.
    Be a win for DSO, people would buy them then and that would make BP very happy.
    Imagine a lvl 55 Destructor, that would just be the worst possible boss you could face hahahahaha. I'd exit happily the arena, he could keep his uniques lol.
    Last edited: Apr 30, 2015
    glesia likes this.
  11. _Baragain_

    _Baragain_ Living Forum Legend

    I like it all except the "guaranteed unique item that boss might drop in game anyway to the player who does the most damage to it." part. SWs and RAs will always have an advantage over DKs. It would have to be random... as much as we all hate the idea of random, it is the only thing that is fair.
    -HARRA81- and glesia like this.
  12. Trailboss1

    Trailboss1 Forum Mogul

    I'm sorry Baragain...did you use "random" and "fair" in the same sentence? :p
    glesia and BigPapa like this.
  13. BigPapa

    BigPapa Forum Overlooker

    Maybe beyond fair or random:D the boss could drop an item for anyone that participated. Participate enough times to collect enough of those and you can go spend em. Maybe he drops a clover and the vendor is already in place for it.
    glesia, Trailboss1 and _Baragain_ like this.
  14. _Baragain_

    _Baragain_ Living Forum Legend

    More fair than saying "The toon with the highest DPS wins."

    As always, a voice of reason. I hope that is similar to what Greg was talking about here.
    glesia likes this.
  15. multitoonz

    multitoonz Forum Great Master

    I personally don't see any class having any advantage except for the serious P2P who are already equipping royal gems. Most end game tanks- DK's, if they were built wisely can already stand toe to toe with any boss in game and not die. SW's and Rangers will always have the armor disadvantage and one hit from a boss like I described would kill any class toon anyway or leave just enough HP to jump away and heal then. And seeing how most game bosses tend to chase down the toon "hurting" it the most, it would suck being squishy because that aspect would kill you.
    This was just an idea, doubt DSO would give away unique items, even though they let the twinks get them for free. Anyway, thanks for the feedback.
    glesia likes this.
  16. Trailboss1

    Trailboss1 Forum Mogul

    So, in saying must be a SW or RA

    Hey, I've gotten serious once....maybe twice. I lost count :D
    glesia likes this.
  17. glesia

    glesia Advanced

    yes that would be epic. not only to just fight other players. but a random boss at a random time to enter the arena. time extended and player must unite together to take down the boss or the fastest group to take down their boss. reviving a player is the only way to get back in is a great idea.
  18. multitoonz

    multitoonz Forum Great Master

    Sorry to disappoint but playing DK. My base damage is over 1600 now with 75% armor so the thought of facing a "nightmare" level boss doesn't worry me in the least. Equipped red ess and the damage I can do is incredible so yeah, I think I could be in the running to get a boss unique no problem.
    But then I have built my DK wisely too. Oh, and yes I have spent a bit of cash on it.
    Trailboss1 likes this.
  19. BigPapa

    BigPapa Forum Overlooker

    Lets stay on track with this one gang, no need to make it a class war thread. There's plenty of other pointless threads out there if that's your fancy.:p

    The really optimal thing about this idea is that with some creativity, the devs could make it mandatory for teamwork and mass participation. For that matter make it a boss that ess has no effect on. No one gets to be OP because they gambled, and no one is left out cause the didn't.
    glesia likes this.
  20. -HARRA81-

    -HARRA81- Forum Mogul

    I think it's a great idea that the boss would be dropping some item/ currency that you would be able to buy something from special merchant or craft something. How the drop would be divided then ? That's the main problem....
    Because I don't think it's fair that someone who is using red essence and deal lets say about 1million damage to the boss and some twink who shoot the boss once can collect the same reward... -_- Or I might just wait and let the twink kill it lmao
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