Suggestion New Gem!

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by Haragoshima, May 22, 2015.

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Which one would you want on your gems?

  1. Obsidian- Base Damage

  2. Obsidian- Weapon Damage Percent

  3. Opal-Block rate

  4. Opal-Block Percent

  5. Opal-Armor Percent

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  1. Haragoshima

    Haragoshima Someday Author

    We have defensive gems for armor, jewelry, and any other thing besides weapons, and We have offensive gems for only trophy's and weapons. I'm a DK and I use a shield and I can't put any offensive stats on my shield. If you like medieval stuff you should know that the shield is a life saver and a punish-er with the bash and a spike which can put a open wound into a opponents head. So why can't we add offensive stats to that.
    Well the new gem Obsidian or Opal will add for the Shield, Quiver, Books, etc a new stats which can boost offensive or defensive stats.
    Obsidian would be offensive and would add lets say +2 base damage for a tier 2 and the Opal which is defensive would add Block rate or percent ( If they have any gems that give that sorry ).
    Onyx adds critical rate and that can be found on weapons, armor has Block rate, block percent, armor percent, etc, but has no gems for it. So to give balance or cause more damage, I believe and suggest they add Obsidian and Opal gems.
    Obsidian would add base damage or higher weapon damage percent, and Opal would add Block rate, block percent, Armor percent, etc. I mean you can add all of them to one gem. So What would you like to see on the Obsidian ( offensive ) and Opal ( defensive ).
    Thank you for you time reading this and I am well aware people probably already suggested this. Thank you, Happy Drakensanging!
  2. MegaNuker

    MegaNuker Forum Ambassador

    Could I ask what the difference in Obsidian and Ruby?
  3. Haragoshima

    Haragoshima Someday Author

    Ruby adds damage to your weapon, Obsidian add more Base damage means its more powerful then a ruby. Like say you have a +5 Dam Ruby and a lets say a Tier 3 Obsidian ( +3 Base damage ) you will get 3 base damage more and the ruby will only grant you more weapon damage. Ruby can't be placed on Amulets, rings, etc, but a Obsidian Gem can be placed on those.


    Also Obsidian can have a increased weapon damage if they decide to go with that. That is a rare enchantment and having a Gem the can raise it lets say 5% and you weapon already has 35.67% raised ( 2h ) then it will now be at 40.67% raised damage making it even stronger.
    Last edited by moderator: May 22, 2015
  4. trakilaki

    trakilaki Living Forum Legend

    Ruby adds pure damage AKA Base Damage not weapon damage. The only thing related with the weapon damage is the bonus that you are getting from a weapon with weapon damage enchantment for every ruby.

    There is a reason why offensive gems can be put into certain items only.
    Noriyull likes this.
  5. MegaNuker

    MegaNuker Forum Ambassador

    I think you would just want shields to be able to take rubies. I doubt that would happen...

    Gems with blocks or block rates might be very meaning less. The current system is extremely fair in the % maxes for shields I know there is some people upset with never getting the max but that is yet another debate.
  6. Haragoshima

    Haragoshima Someday Author

    No shields won't be able to take rubies at all. They can't re-due programming codes just like that. I want defensive things to be added to shield, quivers, orbs, etc. Like block rate % increase or Block amount increase. And with the Obsidian it will only increase base Damage or Percent weapon damage. Rubies and Onyx aren't enough. 4 slots for both the weapon and trophy. that's 8 slots only for damage or critical. I'm just saying they should expand offensive and defensive gems a bit. Every single gem is a enchantment aka hp, armor, dam, rate's, etc. I just simple want more to customize with gems. The only enchantments that are not in gems are the rare ones. Weapons Percent, Block percent, etc. If they add more it would make the game more enjoyable.
  7. trakilaki

    trakilaki Living Forum Legend

    That is 10 slots for rubies and sapphires ... I don't think that anyone is using onyx.
    Plus 5 slots in helmet for special offensive gems. (not limited to offensive gems only)
  8. Haragoshima

    Haragoshima Someday Author

    I just simple think they should add more gems because of the rare enchantments on items. Increased weapons damaged and increased block against damage % Etc they are so many of them that are rare. I just want to have a more customizable character.
  9. trakilaki

    trakilaki Living Forum Legend

    Possible scenario:
    Your character enters the arena ... you are paired with one heavy P2W player buffed up with all your suggested gems in all his items.
    Have you thought what kind of "customisation" your character would get from him? :D
    _Baragain_ likes this.
  10. Master0fpuppets

    Master0fpuppets Forum Baron

    This would be to much broken for game.
    _Baragain_ likes this.
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