2 Handed Weapons (showcase and talk - DK only)

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by Master0fpuppets, May 5, 2016.

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What 2H Weapon do you prefer over all?

Poll closed Mar 28, 2017.
  1. 2H Sword

    12 vote(s)
  2. 2H Axe

    41 vote(s)
  3. 2H Hammer

    19 vote(s)
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  1. _Baragain_

    _Baragain_ Living Forum Legend

    So, who here has seen my shield post about "Perfect" shields and the math behind them?

    Next Question...

    Who in this thread would be interested in me doing something like this for 2H swords focused on % weapon damage vs + damage?

    It is generally accepted that Crit and Crit Damage are next to useless on a 2H due to the diminishing returns from Crit and the fact that it is not increased like a + Damage line could be. Then Crit Damage is useless because you only really get 30%-60% (based on crit rate) of the listed value applied towards your over all DPS. This leaves % weapon damage and + damage. And, those two stats are easy enough for me to plot using estimated numbers to give the weapon's DPS before other enchantments. The table could even be used with weapons that have crit damage or crit lines if you were looking at just the DPS of the weapon itself.

    OK, Final question...

    What interest is there in Axes and Hammers? I know that most people are looking for the perfect sword, but once the work is done, it is easy enough to extend it to the other two.
  2. Morinphen

    Morinphen Forum Overlooker

    I've seen the one about shields, and I guess it would be pretty helpful to know what the best balance of + damage and % IWD lines is. It would help people with their 2Hs, not just DKs, maybe even give some orientation about what a powerful 1H should look like (because I'd rather not have any kind of crit. enchants on those either, nor attack speed - since more often than not, a single line is a measly 6% - if they're more, it adds up, but takes away from the damage potential).

    About the interest in axes & hammers... well, of course every 2H DK would want a perfect sword, as you've said yourself, but I see many people with legendary axes or hammers instead. I mean, if I were a DK looking for the perfect 2H, I would probably use an axe or hammer too, if it had very nice stats, even though I'd kill for the same stats on a sword.
  3. silverseas

    silverseas Count Count

    Sure, why not. :v I've been lurking the 2h DK thread for ideas since there's practically nothing out there on 2h SWs. :p
  4. sirsquishy

    sirsquishy Junior Expert

    I would love it, but I feel like it should also include hammers and axes.

    Of course the sword comes with speed, giving an advantage right from the start, but I would love to know if that really makes them the ultimate weapon.

    Like everyone I would prefer 3 lines of % and 1 dmg, but yesterday when I was crafting the leg, one of the exo swords had a huge increase of crit dmg % as one of the lines (That was the only good part) but I put it on to check the stats and my crit % jumped to over 300%.

    With the right amount of base dmg and % increase, a crit dmg increase doesn't seem all that bad.

    So maybe an apples to apples comparison to see if 1 line of dmg or 1 line of crit dmg really makes a huge difference.
  5. _Baragain_

    _Baragain_ Living Forum Legend

    Ok, when I wake up tomorrow, I'll start on that. I just got in from a concert and am barely awake as it is... but my addiction is such that I need to check the forums before I can sleep.
    thebearreturns likes this.
  6. thebearreturns

    thebearreturns Exceptional Talent

    last fail... the correct spells.. but low all them :(

  7. Morinphen

    Morinphen Forum Overlooker

    Well, at almost 500 DPS, it's not THAT bad... how's it compared to your main weapon? Or is this it?
  8. Mario_Boss

    Mario_Boss Regular

    too low both % and + dmg lines...and 2 gem slots...just hate that
  9. Novadude

    Novadude Commander of the Forum

    Its not bad, but it will cost 20K anders to open 5 slots on that thing. And his 2x weapon damage is low at 78.8%, getting over 50% on average on each line would be better. And the same for the +damage lines, since the can get up to +80s or +90s.

    Its usable, but 1 or 2 average to above lines would have been appreciated...
    Morinphen likes this.
  10. bonjourvietnam

    bonjourvietnam Someday Author

    Mine xD
    Last edited: Jun 25, 2015
    Bloodstain and Morinphen like this.
  11. thebearreturns

    thebearreturns Exceptional Talent

    My current is 141,1% weapon dmg and 103 dmg with 105 dmg on rubys
  12. Morinphen

    Morinphen Forum Overlooker

    Then it'll be hard to replace. I'd stick with that and stop spending valuable resources in tiny hopes that I just might find a better one. Try focusing on improving whatever else you can improve (if you still have anything that fits said description :D) and, just maybe, you'll get an OP sword when you least expect it.
  13. sirsquishy

    sirsquishy Junior Expert

    I would be jumping up and down with joy with either of these.
  14. bonjourvietnam

    bonjourvietnam Someday Author

    be patient sir :) you'll get a good one :)
  15. Morinphen

    Morinphen Forum Overlooker

    Perfect example of "easier said than done" :D, but you're right. Patience is virtue!
    bonjourvietnam likes this.
  16. bonjourvietnam

    bonjourvietnam Someday Author

    Believe or not, I just found my sword 3 days ago, my old one is just 86 damage and 84% weapon damage :D. I keep crafting 1 or 2 swords every single day since the big release introduced. :)
    Morinphen likes this.
  17. sirsquishy

    sirsquishy Junior Expert

    It's not like I have ton of choices other than being patient. I'm having a blast making my little DK a little bit stronger every day. Of course I'll always wish for the ultimate OP weapon, but who doesn't? That's part of the fun. :p
  18. _Baragain_

    _Baragain_ Living Forum Legend

    OK, Here is the first one for a 2H sword. As we all expected, 2x/2x is the best (or is it?). I've made the assumptions of +80% being the max (not really an assumption as the update that made these swords possible says this in the release notes) and +80 being the max damage on a single line at LVL 45 (This may be a little off as the highest I found in this thread is +84 at LVL 45, but you will still be able to fit 99% of all 2H weapons on this table.)

    The two charts below:
    The first one shows the damage range, The second shows the average damage of the weapon.
    These two are without gems.
    I've also highlighted a little box in the middle of where the normal "god killer" swords fall accounting for the fact that luck is a fickle thing and will likely screw you at least a little one at least one number.


    But wait, there's more!
    I'm going to show you the second chart again, but now it has 100 damage worth of gems.
    You'll notice that now the weapons that favor % weapon damage actually start getting better due to the extra weight they give the gems. So, if you have nice gems, % weapon damage is actually your friend.

    This one takes into account 100 damage worth of gems, and the 30%/30%/40% you'd get from the Warlord set (arguably the best choice for a highest possible damage build), LVL 30 Ancient Knowledge, and 2H Master.

    So, lets take one more look and take this out to the extreme.
    If we go out to the game's current limit and give the weapon 5x+31 rubies...


    What this also tells me is that you will likely gain more from your +Damage lines when you level a sword up than you will from the item's base stats if you have higher %s than you would from having 2x damage lines improved at a lower %.

    Of course, most of this is entirely academic as 99.999% of us will never have two weapons so god-like to have to do this sort of in depth analysis, but, in case you were ever wondering, a 3x/1x with near max stats will beat out a 2x/2x with near max stats in the long run. On the other hand, if you don't have crazy gems, your best bet is to look for a really nice 2x/2x.
    Last edited: Jun 27, 2015
    SillySword, Mal3ficent and Novadude like this.
  19. Hawkslayer

    Hawkslayer Junior Expert

    Sorry to be a total noob but what is 3x/1x and 2x/2x?
  20. _Baragain_

    _Baragain_ Living Forum Legend

    3x/1x and 2x/2x Refers to the distribution of the enchantments. In this case, 3x/1x means 3 lines of % weapon damage and 1 line of + damage and 2x/2x means 2 lines of each. It is also often used to describe shields talking about the distribution of the % block rate and % block amount.
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