Feedback Indolent Devs and Indolent Mods

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by yeomanry, Jun 27, 2015.

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  1. yeomanry

    yeomanry Advanced

    jthames and DocWhisky like this.
  2. Mal3ficent

    Mal3ficent Guest

  3. yeomanry

    yeomanry Advanced

    Quick editing. Sadly, you cant fool me.
    jthames likes this.
  4. Morinphen

    Morinphen Forum Overlooker

    The message containing the dates has been "last edited by moderator: Jun 18, 2015"... the date the event started. Plus, the banner has the correct dates. They mods indolent just for that - copy/pasting what could be copy/pasted and altering according to the changes in the current iteration? I would've done the same.

    Only one mistake: listing the "Sword Fragment", as it was the quest item from Branard, now removed from the event. And maybe that the information about the quest items related to Kristoff & the Destructor are in German.

    Also, while not being related to this event, the storyline concludes with Mortis, if I'm not mistaken. Isn't his Skeledragon the one he created and the one who's so often mentioned in the story? I'm not quite sure, so don't quote me on that (haven't come to the final part of the "end chapters" yet :p), but the overall plot of the game could use a bit of homogenizing.

    There's lots of things you could call higher-up people bad words for, but certainly not these minor ones, sorry :oops:.
    Last edited: Jun 28, 2015
  5. Mal3ficent

    Mal3ficent Guest

    Clear your browser cache, it could help.
  6. ScientiaPotestasEst

    ScientiaPotestasEst Someday Author

    I can't help but lol at the title of the thread.

    Anyways, nothing wrong with copy and paste. I would do the same.
  7. Anyki

    Anyki User

    Mmm indolence. I prefer calling it... efficiency. :cool:
  8. Thank-you so much for bringing this to our attention, Yeo. I don't know what we would do without your sharp eye. I mean, really, it's amazing that the event was able to launch and run with such a catastrophic error in place. I briefly considered sending an emergency SMS to Big Point asking them to shut down all the servers until this issue was resolved, but they get a little niffed when I do that. So the DSO EN Mod Team instead worked around the clock and invented a one-time virtual time machine. This enabled the correct data to be beamed back through a limited time-space distortion and be inserted into the appropriate section of the guide. I then had all knowledge of this erased from the team's minds so that they wouldn't have to live with the guilt of having made such a horrendous mistake. I mean: how could they live with themselves after failing everyone so badly, right? And now you've gone and blown it. They are starting to remember. There is no other option.... I shall have to discipline them all. Firmly. Until they are very, very sorry....

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