Bug Shops dont work

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by koliko72, Jul 21, 2015.

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  1. Tester7575

    Tester7575 Forum Greenhorn

    kingshill npc is ok, but everywhere else i cannot select them :/
  2. Mikumon

    Mikumon Forum Apprentice

    So I guess our game is ruined until they fix it? -__-
    seriously -_-
  3. zombiemaozedong

    zombiemaozedong Forum Greenhorn

    can't talk to the npc, even in kingshill.
  4. Dyleon69

    Dyleon69 Forum Greenhorn

    Same!! I just bought membership too!!!
  5. novalisgr

    novalisgr Forum Greenhorn

    The Rift of Realms 3 green ticks go to talk to Chocilati and run on spot
    Also NPC 's are not working always, i did everything from rebooting to restarting again and again , i tryed all the maps but the problem with the event quest still exist, i cant finish it cause i cant click it at the end of the map in the cage.
    Last edited: Jul 22, 2015
  6. Cicadas

    Cicadas Forum Greenhorn

    The Eternal Eyes wont talk to me...
  7. GypsySam

    GypsySam Forum Greenhorn

    ok, glad to see I am not alone. This doesnt do much to encourage me to get membership, or to recruit friends from the game I just left. Mind you I am getting a great workout running on the spot lol
  8. Mikumon

    Mikumon Forum Apprentice

    I was going to add more ander to buy the new thing with the random mount..

    But being unable to play.. lol I don't think it's going to happen.
  9. trakilaki

    trakilaki Living Forum Legend

    Relax people ... it is not something big ... the game is not working ... that's all. :)
    Morinphen likes this.
  10. Morinphen

    Morinphen Forum Overlooker

    It might work if you re-teleport in the city you're in... but sometimes it takes multiple trials. I've also experienced three random resets in the last half-hour... the game just reloads itself, with no warning, and to make matters worse, it usually happens just when I can finally access NPCs. It's like the game wants the bug to stay...
  11. Novadude

    Novadude Commander of the Forum

    Reteleporting sometimes works to get the npcs working. Sometimes leaving the city and coming back in works.
  12. deedee01

    deedee01 Forum Greenhorn

    only just joined game got first nvp to talk eventually BUT i can't get captain fairfax to talk to me and when i try i look like im running into him constantly and it is making a clicking noise. i cant go backwards in the map to another area as i'm right at the begining and i can't get through to get sorted out. so i am left with 1 out of the 3 surv
  13. tonariway

    tonariway Forum Apprentice

    Ok guys ur all safe... They are up to fix this bug. ;)
    But damn, why i must lose interest so sudden and started to play new game...
    Well nevermind i guess :D
  14. dofkius

    dofkius Forum Greenhorn

    I can't speak and perform tasks, repair object ant everything else. As soon as i stand up on a people i only run and the task does not opening. I don't know what to do? HELP!
  15. _Baragain_

    _Baragain_ Living Forum Legend

    It seems to be related to instances... there are good instances and bad instances... you just need to keep trying until you get a good instance.
  16. Antonetta

    Antonetta Forum Greenhorn

    If you can get into the PW's the NPC's in the Atriums seem to work consistently (or a little more I should say). It's access the the basic seller NPC's, still screwed if ya need special ones.
    Last edited: Jul 23, 2015
  17. .P.trick

    .P.trick Forum Greenhorn

    Day 3 of this - very buggy - release (154) and still consistent interaction with NPCs impossible. Cannot trade, complete quests or get new quests.
  18. lewcar

    lewcar Padavan

    Rule 1 in DSO: Always have a back-up game to play in case of emerg- ...DSO.
    A reminder to us vets and a good lesson for the newbs :rolleyes:
  19. AxiioM

    AxiioM Forum Greenhorn

    Hi, i recently started playing and i did a quest for wood in the beginning and when i click on the blacksmith i need to click on the turn in the quest, it makes a weird clicking/tapping sound and stays in one place and runs.
  20. GypsySam

    GypsySam Forum Greenhorn

    This IS my backup game for the other game I play - which has just decided to have another emergency maintenance LOL
    Hmmm, maybe I need a backup game for the backup game??
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