Re: new even Lor'Tac -Harbingers of Corruption

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by fds667200, Jul 22, 2015.

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  1. fds667200

    fds667200 Forum Apprentice

    My question regarding this event pertains to the possible items that can be received from the reward chests. Are we only able to receive the 4 items posted on the event reward page? It looks like the sets contain at least 9 items if you look at the set bonus description.
  2. Novadude

    Novadude Commander of the Forum

    not sure myself either....
  3. MANOJ

    MANOJ Forum Pro

    You will receive any one of the 9 uniques from the chest after Lor Tac is introduced.
    They have just 4 items in the event description maybe because all 9 uniques won't fit in the event window :p
  4. _Baragain_

    _Baragain_ Living Forum Legend

    Apparently, according to the German forums, you can only get those 4... the rest need to be gotten for andermant.
    MANOJ and Gummiball like this.
  5. fds667200

    fds667200 Forum Apprentice

    Thank you for the information.
    Gummiball likes this.
  6. Gummiball

    Gummiball Forum Ambassador

    Yes, that's right. A moderator in the german forum said that you will be able to buy the other items for andermant in the new city "Yaltepetl", after the update.
    Darwarren likes this.
  7. trakilaki

    trakilaki Living Forum Legend

    It is not that dificult to guess that you must buy the rest of the items ... it is shown i the _Baragain_ 's post
    The keyword is PaySetBonus:

    Last edited: Jul 23, 2015
    Novadude and _Baragain_ like this.
  8. multitoonz

    multitoonz Forum Great Master

    Can an english mod PLEASE clarify to the forum rumor mongers about the actual event rewards? Feedback thread is full of rumors, i.e. ANY item could drop, farm thousands of tablet parts and open 9 chests....I mean seriously, the event description shows and STATES we can open 4 chests and get 2 hander, torso, boots and gloves, nothing else. Feedback thread has turned into a discussion about all the items we will NOT be getting from chests but people believing they will get them. And on the note of the 4 chests, will we be able to get 4 chests? Or have to choose one out of the 4 to open? In which case my 900 tablet parts were a waste of time farming after the first 225.
  9. _Baragain_

    _Baragain_ Living Forum Legend

    Good point.
  10. multitoonz

    multitoonz Forum Great Master

    This post just adds to the confusion as you are assuming the items are scalable when boxes are opened. But then at the same time, the items will be offered from an artifact vendor for andermant which means they are and will stay lvl 46 items until one decides to glyph them up IF one decides these items are usable. THEN in feedback forum you stated that one could get 4 of the same items when the event description clearly shows that we get 4 different items.
    This is what I am talking about, it's hearsay and not fact, hence my question for official clarification and not player speculation.
  11. Morinphen

    Morinphen Forum Overlooker

    LOL, now that "PaySetBonus" thingy from the TS pictures makes sense. Kinda lame, though... win 4, buy 5. Or, you know, however more you want. Wait... that actually makes a bit of sense... and it removes from the chest randomness (though that doesn't necessarily mean easy set completing... you could just get the same one(s) multiple times). Now the questions are: are these scalable? Are they randomly generated from each box, or is there a specific box for a guaranteed certain item?
  12. tassadar1977

    tassadar1977 Forum Expert

    why is it the moderators on the german forum get more information than those on here? or is it they just choose to share more info?
  13. Morinphen

    Morinphen Forum Overlooker

    They could fit 9 items in there if they really wanted to. I mean, the grids on other events (Moon, Essence, Dragan) have 6 slots; adding an extra row wouldn't be impossible at that icon size. These ones are unusually big :D.
    This game's made by Germans and their HQ is there too, so probably German mods just get the info sooner, that's all.
  14. MANOJ

    MANOJ Forum Pro

    Yes, figured out why it is just 4 there. Becuase those chests will offer only the 4 uniques in description.
    And the rest have to be bought with anders :(
    There is no info about the rest of uniques and I guess they will have similar stats like the 4 in event description, not so unique :oops:
    I will rather spend my anders on gem sale coming soon.
  15. trakilaki

    trakilaki Living Forum Legend

    I don't know why are you so interested in that set ... when it is not even mediocre.
  16. MANOJ

    MANOJ Forum Pro

    I am not.
    But my other friends who are at 40s were.
    At first it seemed that all 9 parts from the set was attainable through those chests which would have helped them get a headstart to level 50.
    But that's not possible now.Though the 4 uniques from treasure chests get 10% damage as set bonus, rangers won't find it helpful with the long bow as part of the set. Unless they have high tier sapphires.
  17. maancrust

    maancrust Junior Expert

    This event seems rushed and unfinished, the quest line ends in Andrakash and the rest is just a long, boring, lonely slog for a "reward" that's designed to yank more money out of our pockets. WTH's up with us only being allowed to enter the event by urselves anyway? If I want to play solo I'll play a single-player game, not a MMORPG. Not for me, thanks.
  18. jeffzrx

    jeffzrx Padavan

    is it accurate or an error that there's only 8 Obsidian Auspices?
  19. Darwarren

    Darwarren Count Count

    The solo part might be a response to all the flak DSO has taken, because it allows twinks to profit from teaming with the more powerful.
    Or it might be part of a plan to have more toons active for more players.
    Or it may be a way to encourage more solo play in PvE or in PvP, in case teaming becomes a thing of the past.

    There are a few more maybe's, including the CM's might tell us, or a moderator might give away the secret. Or maybe not.
  20. _Baragain_

    _Baragain_ Living Forum Legend

    I don't think that this is in response to the twinks because what self respecting twink would level up to 46 before they were a "Grand Master?"
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