Feedback New Knowledge Talents

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by teddy.bear, Aug 6, 2015.

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  1. teddy.bear

    teddy.bear Forum Ambassador

    Hello Heroes,

    Every character can have a maximum of 50 wisdom talents points (1 per character level).All classes have four identical talents (see Basic Wisdom, see graphic highlighted in turquoise) which can be improved to your own liking and will strengthen, attack speed, base damage, hit points or movement speed.

    What about Teleportation, Mount Riding, the 7th Slot at the Skills bar and the Kobold Bank? These are talents that your character will have from the very beginning.

    Basic Wisdom (All classes)
      • Agility - Increases attack speed by 1,5% per spent point.
      • Offense - Increases base damage by 2,0% per spent point.
      • Defense - Increases hitpoints by 2,0% per spent point.
      • Mobility - Increases movement speed by 1,0% per spent point.

    Specific Wisdom (Differ per class)

    Next to the identical talents each character had character specific talents (see graphic highlighted in purple). These talents can also be improved individually, see the tables below to understand their effects.


    TalentDescriptionUnlock LvlCost
    Juggernaut50% increased damage on 2h weapons / 10% reduced attack speed1515
    Moving Fortress50 % increased block chance / 5% reduced movement speed1510
    Berserker's RageCharacter gains + 25 % maximum Rage. Increases rage regeneration on being hit by 50%.2510
    Supernatural RegenerationWhen falling below 33% HP regenerate 33 % fury instantly and 33% hitpoints over 10 seconds.
    Cooldown: 1 minute


    TalentDescriptionUnlock LvlCost
    Juggernaut50% increased Weapon damage / 10% reduced attack speed when using an offensive quiver1515
    Moving Fortress50 % increased block chance / 5% reduced movement speed1510
    Nature's MarkCharacter gains: +25 % maximum Concentration. "Marked" enemies are slowed by additional 10 % and the "Mark" effect lasts 2 seconds (1 pvp) longer.2510
    Survival InstinctWhen falling below 33% HP cleanse all effects, regenerate 100 Concentration and gain 50% Movement Speed as well stun immunity for 5 seconds.
    Cooldown: 1 minute


    TalentDescriptionUnlock LvlCost
    Juggernaut2H Weapon: 50% increased damage on 2h weapons / 10% reduced attack speed1015
    Moving Fortress50 % increased block chance / 5% reduced movement speed1010
    Mana CrystalCharacter gains + 25 % Maximum Mana. Increases the mana regeneration by 1 per sec.2510
    Cyanid ShieldWhen falling below 33% HP, generate a Shield for 5 seconds, that increases Armor and Resistances to 85% damage reduction.
    Cooldown: 1 minute

    Steam Mechanicus

    TalentDescriptionUnlock LvlCost
    Juggernaut2H Weapon: 50% increased damage on 2h weapons / 10% reduced attack speed1515
    Moving Fortress50 % increased block chance / 5% reduced movement speed1510
    Nimble TinkererCharacter gains + 25 % Maximum Steam. Deconstructing turrets now gives 30 steam back.2510
    Emergency MeasuresWhen falling below 33% HP you gain 40 Steam and automatically build 1 "Mechanical Turret", on your left and right side as well as a Tactical Turret, a Tesla coil and 1 "Dwarf in the Box".
    Cooldown: 1 minute

    We are looking forward to your feedback!
    Best regards,
    Your Drakensang Online Team
    Darwarren likes this.
  2. ItHurtsWhenIP

    ItHurtsWhenIP Forum Apprentice

    And how the wisdom levels are increased/increasable?

    Still with Ancient Wisdom books, or we symply get it as the character grows?
  3. morituritesalutamus

    morituritesalutamus Forum Apprentice

    Is the idea to get points in both places when you level, one in the shared bar and one in the class specific bar ? Otherwise, where did the level increases go ?
  4. L0li

    L0li Forum Greenhorn

    You will get points after leveling up, that's what they said in the twitch live stream. I think DK will be pretty broken after this. I mean, for DK 50% bonus damage on 2handed weapons for 10% attack speed reducement? That's overpowered as hell. 2handed warriors already have 2k+ base damage and now they will have 3k+... I like the fact they are trying to make 2 handed things more popular, but I don't think it's going to work. Warrior with 2 handed weapon is popular because they can have a ton of health, a fair amount of armor and ridiculously high damage AND because of the healing they can get from spinning around with that stupid ability, they can't die, even if they have lower health and armor than a good ranger, but they have even higher. It's definitely going to be interesting to choose what to upgrade...
    Last edited: Aug 6, 2015
  5. Kráčajúci

    Kráčajúci Exceptional Talent

    you think, we are totally out of mind :D
    We have 30% basic dmg from wisdom tree & 30% hp.
    plus: ranger has 25% to short/long bow, dragon knight has 40% to DH
    we have 30 points per wisdom tree.

    New option:
    lets talk about ranger in pve mod.
    from new talents i need:
    1. Juggernaut (50% weapon dmg, not basic dmg) 15 points
    2. Nature's Mark (omg, this talent is free now-without concentration) 10 points
    3. Survival Instinct (this is my pvp talent and this is the reason why i played pvp) 10 points
    40 points spent (nowadays we have only 30 -_-) and i have to reduce penalty from Juggernaut, because i use quiver.
    i need 6-7 points to have the same attack speed (breakpint)
    and finally i have 3-4 points which i can use to dmg, hp or mobility
    i lost 30% hp
    i lost dmg, because talent is for weapon, no for character

    Are you kidding me?
    shadow-whisper likes this.
  6. xmasholo

    xmasholo Forum Apprentice

    So nice balanced, thanks bois!;)
  7. Dylannn

    Dylannn Board Analyst

    I think the best choice would be to keep the 30% hp + dmg that we have now, if we would have to recover them using points, we won't have a lot left.
    Maybe you can maintain this bonus, but only until lvl 30 Wisdom, and after that no more hp-dmg bonuses, just an idea. ;)
    aezakmi98 likes this.
  8. Pumpkin7

    Pumpkin7 Junior Expert

    Come on guys, be serious !!! Supernatural regeneration still here? More damage to DKs? Who's going to restrain them again?

    I make myself clear and I hope I don't start a flame war here, because it's the last thing I want...

    DKs are the most broken class in DSO, meaning that a strong DK cannot be beaten from a similar strong other class claracter. In all other relevant games, Fighters, Warriors or whatever they are called can be built in two ways: Either TANK or DD (Damage Dealer). It's very natural for a warrior not to fall easily, but he has to have low damage for that built. On the other hand, it's not a bad thing for a Warrior to be build as a Damage Dealer but he has to be weak in defense and fall easily. DSO is the only game in the universe that DKs are BOTH. They are TANKS AND DD at the same time !!!

    That's why most of them tend to be isolated, they don't prefer playing in groups and many of them are arrogant and selfish... Because they can do everything by their own, survival and kills.

    And don't tell me about aggro. The way aggro works in DSO is stupid, because only damage dealt is considered. Tanks should take aggro by OTHER means instead of pure damage, like the right usage of certain skills.

    I conseder myself a very experienced RPG and MMO player (about 25 years of gaming), so please pay heed to my urges and find a way to restrain DKs and create some sort of balance bewteen classes.

    Thanks for reading !
  9. _Baragain_

    _Baragain_ Living Forum Legend

    Take a look. Supernatural Regeneration has been nerfed and is now almost useless. Also, with no stun immunity (as far as I have seen) makes SWs the masters of chain stuns.
    mokranje likes this.
  10. fourtwenty68

    fourtwenty68 Board Analyst

    i like that^^^^^^^
    SW's need HP and RES and damage and all i see is they r getting weaker n weaker in all stats.
    Rangers n DK's are what they buff up here,so y have SW n SM?
    i agree DK's need to have 1 or the other-Tank or Damage,same goes for Rangers.
    this 2 handed for SW is crazy,just single hand is all that should be needed.or make it like the Ranger and their longbows,pffft
    Jace_control likes this.
  11. silverseas

    silverseas Count Count

    I like how there's some love for 2h SWs... at last! :p A lot of these talents look like they might be compatible with how I play.

    Honestly though, I think I preferred it when cyanite shield had to be earned out of the fame tree and wasn't nerfed to this extent. With the 30% extra HP from wisdom tree gone unless you specifically donate points toward that talent (which, knowing me, won't happen...), and a cooldown applied to cyanite shield, I see this as curtailing my abilities to randomly solo run PWs if/when I can't find a party for it. :v
  12. nasowas

    nasowas Junior Expert

    This is not great imo. You add 10% to DK 2 hander and take away 10% attack speed. 2 handers are A LOT slower anyway to begin with, think maybe that nerfing any of our current attributes on the new wisdom system on any class isn't really fair at all.
  13. _Baragain_

    _Baragain_ Living Forum Legend

    Yea, I had a LVL 45 2H sword that used to have 1.05 Attack speed, now it has 0.95. Basically, when this update hits live server, I'll lose 20% speed unless I want to make it up with the wisdom tree. :mad:
    mokranje likes this.
  14. Durrendal

    Durrendal Padavan

    So, what happens to cloak?
    I don't see them at start level talents.
  15. Jace_control

    Jace_control Forum Apprentice

    I am a SW and I'm really disappointed I'm talking mostly about the last talent for all classes

    DK: When falling below 33% HP regenerate 33 % fury instantly and 33% hitpoints over 10 seconds.

    R:When falling below 33% HP cleanse all effects, regenerate 100 Concentration and gain 50% Movement Speed as well stun immunity for 5 seconds.

    SW: When falling below 33% HP, generate a Shield for 5 seconds, that increases Armor and Resistances to 85% damage reduction.

    SM:When falling below 33% HP you gain 40 Steam and automatically build 1 "Mechanical Turret", on your left and right side as well as a Tactical Turret, a Tesla coil and 1 "Dwarf in the Box".

    All other classes get fury concentration or steam to do istantly new attacks as well as very very useful other effects we get only the increase in armor and resistence, SW defense is usually really low before cianite activates so many times maybe SW falls below 33% not at 32% but maybe at 1-10% that means also with high armor and resistences activated by cianite an hit taken is probably our death that makes cianite useless while other classes get things to attack regenerate move fast use automatically really useful skills and stun immunity :eek:. Those are things that help a lot to survive, high armor and resistence if you have 5% life is worthless

    I am a bit disappointed also about the 3rd talent comparing the classes, the + 25% is = for everyone but SW gets 1 mana regeneration per second that is not so bad but it's neither so useful, in 10 sec we get 10 mana (what I can do with 10 mana? not much I can regenerate already 5 mana with each magic missile) in 10 seconds teleport cooldown ends and I got full mana if I want so please increase regeneration to 2 mana maybe or swap it with an HP regeneration that could be more useful. DK regenerations seems useful more in pve and less in pvp but hey DK got all good things in this game, really high damage, higher life and defences, the only thing they lack is attack at distance? Yes and not, with the new upgrades for charge and ground braker they can hit hard and continuosly also joining fast the opponent. SW is also the only class that has 2 min cooldown in specific fame talents that is DOUBLE than others cooldown, I prefer a bit weaker supernova with cd 1 min as others than a powerful with 2 min cd.

    In conclusion I see every day, at every update DK power increasing and SW decreasing, SW is already the most brittle character with ridicolous defense compared to others and no Hp regeneration or movement speed increased to run away, he deserves more damage or more stun, freeze, poison... effects than others if you keep giving other class their same damage or even more.
    shadow-whisper, fab and fourtwenty68 like this.
  16. shirado

    shirado Forum Greenhorn

    This whole situation is becoming to be sick, but rather people who think such a "balance" they have something wrong in their heads (maybe bcs of the heat nowadays). Including that update will kill the game...
    Of course I was playing a mage, but currently playing Dragonknight and I already feel cheated, because both time and financial outlays invested for the game can be lost in a single day - the date of update. I dont get why you lowered Dragonknight, bcs of what?? he can solo mortis with less essence and time?? dont you realize that mages were able to do it faster?? rly?? dont you know your own game?? The same for archers.
    We'll lose 30% HP DMG and knowledge, and to get it back we have to spend those 30 points on something hard worked out and recovered passive skills, which does not have enough points. Passive skills as "Nature Mark" (raise rage when getting hit) were transferred to the tree of knowledge ... seriously ?! I can not imagine playing without this ability, because to get that passive again I have to devote 10 points with the knowledge, losing at DMG and HP. Before update mages and archers where able to het higher armor and hp than dragon knight and you talking about balance??? Raising them 2h dmg by 150%?? Dwarf would need that but mages?? How to keep agro now on bosses.
    I do not know how knight will be tanking bosses or even he will be able to do it, even now its hard for dk's I feel that this move is the company tries to pull money off players who will want to come back to the state of chars before the update.
    Each company is required to provide services and develop products of the highest quality. By introducing this update quality of the goods will fall and I do not know, do not want me to wonder how it will continue.
  17. dannyy868686

    dannyy868686 Someday Author

    im not going to lie things are pretty crazy atm, dks running around with 25-30k hp, sw 2handed weps doing 900 damage with no gems and only 60% wep damage and 120 damage roll, also why dose wisdom tree still cost wisdom? is it not meant to be 1 point per lvl..?
  18. multitoonz

    multitoonz Forum Great Master

    There should be absolutely no nerfing of the DK AGAIN like so many other patches have done. The ranged toons complain about DK durability and damage potential while forgetting a DK HAS TO RUN THE ENEMY DOWN and take damage while doing so. Ranger and SW stand back and just keep jumping/porting, stunning and hitting. Think the new skills, wisdom and fame are going to affect DK gameplay the usual.
    Then give us a ranged attack of something if DSO considers the new system "balanced". I don't care, a slingshot, a spear, something so a DK can stand back and deal damage so the sw's and rangers know what a DK has to deal with to even reach an opponent to do damage.
    Walt likes this.
  19. basher

    basher Forum Greenhorn

    are you kidding? so whats the point of DK then? just 10% more armor than other classes (was written here as well)?
    how that can be fair that DK and mage will have same block. absolutely EDIT
  20. trakilaki

    trakilaki Living Forum Legend

    Before jumping into conclusions you need to test the skills for ALL classes.
    ALL classes has been nerfed not just one particular class.
    I can tell you ... Lor'Tac won't be a walk in the park ... there are 90% immune monsters ... some of them are even immune to damage. :D
    I will quote one ancient Chinese philosopher:
    "Why changing monster's AI when you can screw the players"
    -- Tra Ki La Ki​

    That is all I have to say for now. I am gathering more information so I can post my summary for all new skills and talents.
    mokranje likes this.
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