Feedback Feedback about Lor’Tac Items & Item Changes

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by teddy.bear, Aug 6, 2015.

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  1. Leonixis

    Leonixis Forum Apprentice

    onyx gems are once again useless
    without quiver/book/axe critical strike are very low...
  2. fab

    fab Advanced

    Dso have been short changing critical hit values till now then they decided to look into it and i have been this game for 3 long years.
    I got more than 60% crit hit values and yet those hits looks like 40% or less, shortchanging players isnt good bp.
  3. shadow-whisper

    shadow-whisper Forum Mogul

    Most of those changes look promising, I will comment only on 2 things :

    1st - the new stat window. I like that you added the percentual values into the stat window. What I still miss is the actual amount of hp and energy I have. It was there before and then you removed it after you redesigned the stat window, quite annoying I cant see how much energy I currently have without moving mouse onto the energy ball. Here is what I mean :

    2nd - longbows for rangers ... Please stop adding nonsense bonuses for longbows and give them full damage instead. This change won´t help me at all. With upgrading the skills I can remove the concentration costs on most of the skills anyway so this change is totaly useless. Why you can´t simply give longbows same damage and enchantments as all other weapons and make them truly 2handed weapons without the possibility of using quiver/shield ? There is no other way to improve them, because even with this change, shortbows are better in every situation. Or if you can´t fix longbows, just remove them and make a new weapon for rangers :rolleyes:
    cdeepal likes this.
  4. fab

    fab Advanced

    • All classes now cause the same basic damage.
    • The armor values for Rangers, Steam Mechanicus and for Spellweavers were equaled out and increased. The armor values for Dragnonknights were balanced accordingly and are now consistently 10% higher than those of the other classes.
    • The Spellweaver's basic health points were lightly increased to create the same scenario as enchantments on items for other classes, for example. As usual, this class still has the lowest number of health points though.
    • The basic armor values of all classes have been increased to match the requirements stated above. Basic armor value is the value that you receive from normal (white) armor sets.
    • Basic equipping of all items was evenly distributed among all the classes:
      • Helmet: 20% of the overall basic armor
      • Pauldrons: 20% of the overall basic armor
      • Torso: 30% of the overall basic armor
      • Gloves: 15% of the overall basic armor
      • Shoes: 15% of the overall basic armor
    • The basic equipping of shields was lowered since they provided greater basic equipping to ranged combat classes than all other equipment items.
    • The stats for shields for all classes now have 50% additional basic armor .
    • Belts and offensive off-hand items no longer provide any minimum basic armor protection anymore.

    How can all classes have the same basic damage, its just not fair.
    Spellweavers doesnt have buff skill like rangers, rangers dmaage should be nerf down to match the balance between classes.
    Their precision shot ignore armour too and without scoring a critical hit is already a big bang let alone those hit is turn into a critical hit.
    Take away that double damage skill same as spellweavers and i think most other characters will be very pleased with that setting !
    On the other hand, spellweavers needed critical hit to land high damage, and yet it is nerf again and again.
    Last edited: Aug 10, 2015
  5. Red_Jaeger

    Red_Jaeger Junior Expert

    Here's my feedback on gems and items:

    Doubling the base DMG of all weapons was a good idea. However, the stats need to be matching that change. Now +DMG and +WDMG% stats remain the same, making the DMG stat entirely unappealing. For example, a 2 handed sword will receive over +100 damage with a mediocre +50% WDMG stat but plain +DMG stats do not get nearly close to that. Furthermore, the critical hit chance has been reduced a lot, so 200-400 critical hit chance increases are relatively useless. The potential of all non-relative stats should be doubled or more.

    Increasing the contribution of the Onyx gems was a good idea but, at the same time, the contribution of each critical hit point to the % chance is more than halved. That makes the Onyx gems even more useless than before! Why would I put five 120 Onyx gems in a weapon and get just 7-8% greater critical chance when I can use five 6.5% Sapphires and get +32.5% attack speed? I do not even have to make a mathematical calculation to see that the DPS difference is insanely higher with the Sapphires. Onyx gems should be greatly enhanced.

    Increasing the contribution of Cyanite gems was also good and now they are a competitive solution against Amethysts. However, the current stats system greatly favors Diamonds. Not only the gems contribute more but the potential stats on all items are nearly a third of possible armor/health stats. As an extreme example, let us consider a legendary breastplate with four identical stats. If they are armor stats, chances are that the armor increase will be well over 800. Four resistance stats however will barely be 500-550. At the same time, Diamonds contribute over twice as much as Cyanites (the % DMG reduction of resistances is half that of armor and they give more points). Why would I use a +33 armor Cyanite when I can get a +250 armor stat instead of a +120 resistance stat? I only need three Polished Diamonds to reach +120 resistance but eight +33 Cyanites to get 250 armor. Most high end players usually throw away items with resistance stats and favor health/armor stats instead. As such, the potential of resistance stats on items should be increased a lot (possibly doubled) to make their appearance on items appealing.
    Last edited: Aug 11, 2015
    thebearreturns likes this.
  6. silverseas

    silverseas Count Count

    Took a look at this on the TS today and even though I will likely benefit from this, as I am planning to stay 2h, I gotta question the sanity of seeing a SW with maybe 3-4k base if they stack every bit of damage they can get out of the wisdom tree, lol.

    Oh well... makes up for the crit rate nerf I guess. :rolleyes:
  7. littlemichel

    littlemichel Active Author

    well they only slightly nerf that critical hit rate from curently 2k equal 50% become only around 23-22% crit chance :mad: ,this make onyx and critical damage more useless than before
  8. loudmute

    loudmute Someday Author

    Does this mean all the unqiues will be reworked as well to increase their base value ? or else unqiues wont be able to compete with normal enchanted items.
  9. MegaNuker

    MegaNuker Forum Ambassador

    Noticed that the Block Rate % does nothing now...

    Reread the paragraph about the block rate still don't see anything about block rate % being useless. This is a bug or intended. If intended then could you change the block rate to something else. I got the shield after the update so I am pretty sure a block rate % still exists in the drop pool.
  10. Leonixis

    Leonixis Forum Apprentice

    it works but showing only in stats
  11. MegaNuker

    MegaNuker Forum Ambassador

    Awsome thankx. Guess I should have looked ,_.
  12. cdeepal

    cdeepal Forum Baron

    Block rate is still there, but it is now different. Instead of giving you a decreasing advantage as you add more block rate, it now has a linear curve. If you now increase the block rate by 30%, it actually increases your survivability by 30%!
    So, adding a better shield is now more important than ever.
    However, the catch is which shield is better. Previously people sought for 3x/1x shields. Now, that will have to change.
    Instead of looking for more block rate, now it would be a choice to go for either added block rate, or added block amount.


    Even before R155 all classes except DK had the same base damage. So, it is nothing new.
    Only DK had reduced base damage and now they will have the same base damage as other classes too.
    To compensate on that, now every class will have the same armor as DK used to while DK will have 10% more armor.

    So, they have not done anything unfair. Just switching the stats between. + damage for DK, +armor for others.
    Last edited by moderator: Aug 11, 2015
  13. cdeepal

    cdeepal Forum Baron

    Some low level equipment (level 2-4) seems to have incorrect upgrade costs between the level ranges 40-45.
    I thought it was a global change, but then as I have leveled my character, I have checked the upgrade costs of items levels 10+ and they have the same previous upgrade costs for levels 40-45, where the lower level items had much higher upgrade costs. Seems like a bug to me.
    I have only checked a couple of low level items, so not sure if this is a bug with all items or only few of them.
  14. Mal3ficent

    Mal3ficent Guest


    Next off topic/spam post and you win longer vacation.

  15. trakilaki

    trakilaki Living Forum Legend

    I did and it is working as announced ... the items are on your level (highest level member of a group).

    Not true ... this system is now puzzling even for most experienced players.

    Regarding the new critical hit values:
    You nerfed the crit hit for more than 100% ... but wait you said :
    that means you will have to lose armor/HP/resistance on the right hand side and damage/critical damage on the left hand side in order to make up for the loss. I wonder who was that smart dude who proposed this crap.
    This is a screenshot of my TS character :


    At level 45 with ~2400 critical hit it was ~56-58% before this release. After this release ~2400 crit hit is ~26% at level 45.
    Raising the level makes it even worse (which BTW is acceptable) ... so you can have ~21% critical hit rate at level 50 with the same value of ~2400.
    Isn't that great? That means we are back to the times when level 40 was a cap level and everyone had 200% critical damage. With this release they not just nerfed the base damage and HP they made the critical hit useless ... therefore and critical damage.
    No comment.

    The blocking has been nerfed too.


    Sorry I disagree with you about the longbows ... -20% concentration usage is good move. The further move should be limitation of the range for the shortbows ... just like the SM have with their 1H weapon. Because you cant have uzi attack speeds with range of intercontinental ballistic missile in same time.
    Last edited by moderator: Aug 12, 2015
    _Baragain_ and thebearreturns like this.
  16. thebearreturns

    thebearreturns Exceptional Talent

    i totally agree with that critical hit has been nerfed... the only current way to keep old crit rate is using all resources to increase crit hit value, wear just onyxes, use the new talents to diminish the lost of speed, and then you CANNOT ENJOY NEW SKILLS, AND BECOME WEAKER THAN R155 (by reducing basic dmg, pvp dmg, block rates, crit dmg has no sense then)... this is a STEP BACK... imo.... so i think there are 2 ways to fix it:
    1- Recovering the old formula CH/(CH+1919) by adjusting this 1919 to lvl50 for something like 2500... but not this 7692.7.. this is insane
    2- Pump UP critical hit values on items and onyxes (triple values on critical enchantments, and onyxes)

    THEN people would start to buy some onyxes and craft more often in workbench for weapon adornments...
  17. cdeepal

    cdeepal Forum Baron

    I did some more testing yesterday with my SW (my favorite class).
    The new 2-handed staves proved to be simply overpowered. I got level 13 and found a blue staff with about 40% increased weapon damage and with that and without any upgraded equipment and using only the looted gear I was able to 1-hit pretty much everything on Crypts and was able to kill mini bosses with 2-3 hits and even the King himself without much trouble.
    I was amazed how easy it was but not at all happy because previously for all my new chars, Crypt was perceived as a challenging place and it was tough, exciting and challenging to hunt in Crypt and fight with the mini-bosses. Not anymore.
    One of the big attractions for me to DSO was that DSO is a challenging game. Not a hand-holding, you can kill everything and their mother in one shot kind of a game.

    Ok. I didn't realize that the damage increase was not just for 2H weapons, but for 1H weapons as well. Now, I understand that this was to compensate for loss of critical rate for high level players. However, this makes lower level content trivial. How about increasing the difficulty of creatures in lower level areas (levels 15-40) to make it still a challenging environment/experience?
    Last edited: Aug 13, 2015
  18. .Ptrick

    .Ptrick Forum Greenhorn

    Why does the 'Teleport' option - for Level 25+ - not restore mana? I have tried to use it on several occasions on several different characters and the only thing I know for certain is that the mana level is unaffected. After level 25 the act of teleportation is supposed to put your mana back to 100% but it does NOT. Is this just another example of the testers - if they exist - not doing their job or has the game gone completely EDIT and anything that actually works correctly ( very little in the last releases as retrograde actions - things not working such being able to interact with NPCs - seems to be the norm ) is now counted on the 'unique' level?
    Last edited by moderator: Aug 12, 2015
  19. trakilaki

    trakilaki Living Forum Legend

    You are doing something wrong ... probably you haven't selected the skill. (5 points)
    It is working perfect for me.
  20. bonjourvietnam

    bonjourvietnam Someday Author

    The critical hit rate will be nerf. OK! I agreed with you Devs, you want somethings new, more challenge. But its way too much!
    I suggest you just adjust CHR to 3800 ~ 4000 to reach 50% CHR.
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