Suggestion confirmation box before spending andermant

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by lonepaladin, Aug 14, 2015.

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  1. lonepaladin

    lonepaladin Forum Greenhorn

    Yesterday, I logged in and started by doing my daily gem maintenance, excitedly searching my equipment for gems to combine, opening slots, and adding combined gems back into the slots. Unfortunately, when attempting to open a gem slot with a gem, I clicked a little too far to the right and added a gem slot to an insignificant piece of equipment, dropping 1,600 andermant. I was quite upset because I have been farming andermant to jump up my wisdom level on discount wisdom day, or I could have better spent it expanding my tiny inventory space. I have nearly made this mistake on at least one other occasion, though I try to be careful. Could we please have a confirmation box that says, "This costs 1,600 andermant. Continue? Yes/No."? It would really mean the world to me.
  2. skillarea1

    skillarea1 Active Author

    i like this suggestion, i have same problem with lonepaladin. have prepared andermant for something, then lost by mistake :D
  3. _Baragain_

    _Baragain_ Living Forum Legend

    Especially since there is a confirmation box for socketing gems (though you can click the check box to hide it in the future.) It would be simple to include a check box for this confirmation window too, and if someone has checked the box, then they couldn't complain if the "accidentally" spent their andermant because they removed the protection.
  4. _Dragonscale_

    _Dragonscale_ Advanced

    Completely agree with this. When there was a glyph sale, I accidentally spent all my andermants that I had been saving for the inventory extension. My own mistake, but I was so frustrated I quit DSO for a few months.
  5. fourtwenty68

    fourtwenty68 Board Analyst

    lots of things in this game need this,clik on arrow to exit map ect.
  6. Greekhell

    Greekhell Advanced

    It's a nice idea but you really think that they don't want you to spend adermants unwisely?
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