any pics of 46-50 weps and gear?

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by fourtwenty68, Aug 15, 2015.

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  1. ItHurtsWhenIP

    ItHurtsWhenIP Forum Apprentice

  2. Durrendal

    Durrendal Padavan

    Where is it dropping?
  3. xEthnic

    xEthnic Living Forum Legend

    Every Map with 45-50 Monsters. Random Drops.
  4. ItHurtsWhenIP

    ItHurtsWhenIP Forum Apprentice

    I guess they dropp like the Deep Sea set. Thats why it has diff levels. I got them from elites at the Opal Shrine
  5. Durrendal

    Durrendal Padavan

    Nice work on the FB page btw.
    Any specific map with high droprates like Temple Sector?

    Deep Sea set is set at Lv40.
    This is the first non-event scalable unique.
  6. ItHurtsWhenIP

    ItHurtsWhenIP Forum Apprentice

    And noone argue with this. By mentioning the Deep Sea set i meant its dropping on a continent. Deep sea drops from lvl 36 to lvl 40 monsters. You can get it on all the areas that belongs to the atlantis update. Just like this one drops on every areas belonging to the Balor update.
  7. sebastian_fl

    sebastian_fl Count Count

    One of 40 weapons I've seen recently. Weapon Dmg% could be up to 50%, speed up to 20%, dmg up to 64, crit 500+ per line, from what I saw :)

  8. bendover

    bendover Junior Expert

  9. Novadude

    Novadude Commander of the Forum

    Thats a really nice staff.... looks like both attack speed % and weapon enhanced damage % have both been boosted. IIRC, the old limits were 15% and 40% for 1H, and as you noted, your level 50 has lines beating those.

    Makes me wonder if level 50 shields also have higher block rate and block chance/reduce lines now.
  10. Yash786

    Yash786 Forum Apprentice

    it gives some hope to rangers like me :p
    bendover likes this.
  11. trakilaki

    trakilaki Living Forum Legend

    bendover and silverseas like this.
  12. yeomanry

    yeomanry Advanced

    It gets me thinking. Does trak even sleep or has Skynet took over drakensang?
  13. bendover

    bendover Junior Expert

    WOOOOW! that 17.3 speed line o_O
    If you are lucky you can theoretically find a bow with 70-80% speed, which makes the predator look like a joke :D
    Combine that with 25-30% speed gloves, karabossa set, 5x12.5% speed gems on your adornment and 40% from the knowledge tree and you can get over 4 speed maybe XD
  14. BigPapa

    BigPapa Forum Overlooker

    I'm finding much bigger enchants on weapons, but other items seem to be pretty normal so far. Per normal, it will be a continuous search, mostly rewarded will GOP.
  15. trakilaki

    trakilaki Living Forum Legend

    Traknet took over Skynet ...
    If only those lazy devs were dedicated ... as Traknet is ... this game would have been a masterpiece.


    Last edited: Sep 5, 2015
  16. _Baragain_

    _Baragain_ Living Forum Legend

    The fastest long bow ever... or at least so far.
  17. bendover

    bendover Junior Expert

    But that would be like a white shortbow with a little more dmg and 20% less concentration consumption.
    I think that the best enchants for longbows are %dmg. But I may be wrong. But it seems like the best option, since you have more damage on the longbow so the %dmg would give more.
    But the speed enchants would maybe give less. 10% of 0.83 is less speed than 10% of 1.05
  18. _Baragain_

    _Baragain_ Living Forum Legend

    Agreed... now that they have nerfed so many other stats, the best build for max DPS is pure damage with as many speed gems as you can pack into your decoration.
    bendover likes this.
  19. trakilaki

    trakilaki Living Forum Legend

    No ... I have found legendary longbow with attack speed enchantments +35% ... over one year ago ... and it went to the smelting furnace right away. :D
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