Suggestion Bring back the walk and ride feature please

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by wangwang, Oct 16, 2015.

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  1. wangwang

    wangwang Active Author

    It is very useful both in pve and pvp
    OR you can just make it the same like it used to be
  2. sebastian_fl

    sebastian_fl Count Count

    That was the only post 155 'feature' I liked. Give it back, Dev, please. PVE only should work just fine so the flag bearers are not frustrated.
    wangwang, hempthegreen and Darwarren like this.
  3. MANOJ

    MANOJ Forum Pro

    Yes, consider that as one of the bugture.
    Bring it back please.
    That is a cool feature to have and there is no harm to anyone from that feature.
    Darwarren likes this.
  4. hedwig70

    hedwig70 Someday Author

    Bring it back ! When that thing is still in dso i always use it and now its gone , its hard to play now because i gettin the hang of that bug
  5. hempthegreen

    hempthegreen Advanced

    that was a great thing to have. made farming much faster .
  6. sparky0333

    sparky0333 Forum Greenhorn

    I really liked this feature. It allowed me to save time instead of standing in place mounting and gave me the opportunity to avoid attacks so that I could successfully mount better!
  7. Morinphen

    Morinphen Forum Overlooker

    As was the teleport + mount thing, this was not intended, and swiftly corrected because *sarcasm on* it was obviously very harmful to everyone's gameplay and there were no other more important things to work on *sarcasm off*.
  8. bloodyneo

    bloodyneo Forum Master

    every thing speed up farming for free is a NO GO for edit.point ..i guess NO is the official answer for that great bug....its exactly like mortis bug fixed very effectively
  9. taketh

    taketh Regular

    I liked the bug, they wont unfix it though. Everyone complained about how they could not mount straight after using the town teleport, and they did not do anything about that. For PVE, we do not need to wait at all to get on the mount, its just annoying, but i guess they want to sell items that reduce mount time, and increase travel speed.
  10. Morinphen

    Morinphen Forum Overlooker

    As far as I know, the Cloak of the Undefeatables is the only item that can shorten the time required to summon a mount... and it's not purchasable. Similarly, I don't know of any travel speed increasing items that one can buy...
  11. taketh

    taketh Regular

    @Morinphen If we had a 1 second mount speed in PVE, travel speed would be useless. People value travel speed because of the mounting time. Some boots have 15% travel speed. Bigpoint is trying to sell the idea of travel speed. In the wisdom section, +25% travel speed is the same as +50% damage, +75% health and 40% attack speed. I think only annoying twink dwarfs would be using knowledge points in travel speed for pvp. It would be soo much better for me if instead of +25% travel speed in the wisdom section, they allowed for +50% mana/rage/conc/steam (i play dwarf).

    I loved that bug because my travel speed was slow, and everyone wants it back, but they didnt unfix the teleport+mount despite everyone wanting it back, and id be surprised if they do anything about this.
  12. Ergooooooo

    Ergooooooo Forum Apprentice

    pls bring it back everyone misses it :) and it was so much fun, now everybody is a snail again. it was the best feature of the year, although it was a bug and mount on and teleport to city also pls :) so helpfull with farming
    tothmartin likes this.
  13. hmm

    hmm Forum Apprentice

    Don't, unless you can prevent it from being used at 5x5
  14. pydragons

    pydragons Padavan

    Many games have this feature, with the additional animation of your character jumping on the back of the mount.
    I'm pretty sure they are discussing this, I'm sure.
  15. Dragonnns

    Dragonnns Count Count

    Many warriors learned to mount while moving (think Mongols and Native Americans). I know of very few horses that actually stand stone-still while you take the time to get on their backs. Most are ready to rumble and are walking off while you are still getting your feet in the stirrups.
    Darwarren likes this.
  16. taketh

    taketh Regular

    @Dragonnns It is probably the dwarf's fault. Mount must stay still so they can climb a ladder to ride it.
    Dragonnns, Frutic and BigPapa like this.
  17. Testador

    Testador Junior Expert

  18. Dragonnns

    Dragonnns Count Count

    Well dang!!! I hadn't thought of all the small folk that have to get up onto a dragon!!\
    Darwarren likes this.
  19. Darwarren

    Darwarren Count Count

    Other options:
    Dwarves walk up the tail.
    Dragons bend down and give dwarves a leg up, like an elephant would.
    Dragons grab them by the scruff of their necks, and drop them into the saddle. (It would explain why saddles have no saddle horns. :rolleyes:) The "toss them up through the air" option would make a great visual effect!

    There must be a few more possibilities.
    taketh likes this.
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