Dragan event questions

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by cdeepal, Oct 16, 2015.

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  1. Novadude

    Novadude Commander of the Forum

    200~300 an hour is about right if you run a loop in ravencaw difficult - after a couple loops you can get synced with the respawn timer and if your damage is high enough you can kill them as they respawn.
    Darwarren likes this.
  2. 1ofmany

    1ofmany Forum Greenhorn

    omg rubber banding effect miss fireing of jack in box and why is the sulfer desert dungen not giveing out quest items even with giudence eating up my essece
  3. BitMaster

    BitMaster Someday Author

    Do you still get the Black Warlord set bonus even if the set peaces have a different level?
    For example, from the last event I got head and shoulders pieces, and since then I leveled up 5 lvls. So when I get the cape from this event, will I get the set bonus or do I need to have them all of the same lvl to get the set bonus?
  4. hempthegreen

    hempthegreen Advanced

    I heard of reports in game from players That have gotten say a lv 26 helmet , 29 helmet , 29helmet , and say a 31helmet (like you said they have leveled in event) But they say when they go to craft the items it wont let them.

    I do Not know 1st hand if it is player error or Something wrong with the game play system itself.

    As far as the bonus goes I would think you should still get the bonus. If not i would be red Hot !
  5. BigPapa

    BigPapa Forum Overlooker

    Yes you will get the bonus for the set regardless of level.
    There is no error or bug other than operator error. Can't craft if you are wearing what you want to craft. Disparate levels have nothing to do with it.
  6. Shiladitya

    Shiladitya Padavan

    @trakilaki How many pearls did you need approx to complete just the mini events in test server? If anybody else has a rough idea please say.
  7. tassadar1977

    tassadar1977 Forum Expert

    how do you get the frozen relics 2/2 quest?
  8. MegaNuker

    MegaNuker Forum Ambassador

    How many candy you getting per run in mini challange 2. And is there any curse pearls from the map.
  9. littlemichel

    littlemichel Active Author

    I tried it in 2 run most time around 90 and 98 ,and 1 pumpkin with 24 pearls ,and u need it for clicking 2 statue ,cause it drops 20 or 25 candy per statue ,so without clicking statue u will get less progress ( forgot but i think need more 20 per statue )
  10. BigPapa

    BigPapa Forum Overlooker

    I averaged 105 per run, which included summoning the 2 statues. Variation was 90-120. 23 pearls to summon statues, 20 candy dropped, no variation. Group play was not a factor in the speed of completing maps which took about 25 mins, as HP did not significantly increase, but was nice to share statue summons and of course laughing at friends running back after doing somthing dumb and dying, which was minimal. Will take a total of 13-14 trips to complete if you summon both statues which is about 40% of total available drops.
    sukmydick and Darwarren like this.
  11. dkarl

    dkarl Forum Duke

    I got 24 candies the one run I made in mini-quest #2 (did not bother with the statues) ... I can't dedicate that much time to first farming pearls then making 20+ runs (if my bad luck continued), especially when the rewards were meager

    QUESTION: How often does the Cursed Pearl to Dragan's Refuge drop for you in the repeatable quests? Over my last ~20 runs over the last week (~12 Excavation Site, ~4 each Gloomy Pastures and Sulfur Desert), I've picked up 0 (zero) CP2DR. Don't have the heart to do more runs per day as I'm chiefly interested in the Black Warlord Regalia and I can't even get into that champion dungeon. The two Dragan's Refuge (difficult) runs I've made yielded only Squire equipment, so I don't see killing myself trying to survive Dragan difficult when the rewards are Dragan standard quality.

    I >did< have a bit of success earlier when I got the free 3 day premium upgrade ... CP2DR were dropping then, as were rewards (I got 2 Black Squire items twice in different battles against Dragan standard while that premium was active). Did the premium status actually boost my results, or was I just coincidentally on a favorable streak?
  12. MANOJ

    MANOJ Forum Pro

    Am pretty sure, You missed a lot of mobs in mini event map. I completed the mini event and out of 16 runs I did the minimum candies I got was 52/RUN excluding the statues.
    This event map was a bit interesting, there were mobs spawning around you like an ambush when you moved to a particular spot (I loved that feature).
    You probably didn't run all around the map and hence missed a lot of mobs waiting to ambush ;)
    rpfo and Darwarren like this.
  13. kama5utra

    kama5utra Someday Author

    ok after HF 24 runs dragan hard 24 helmets 0 pauldrons 0 cape. I think something is fishy here... TY bp my dwarf will never see this set anytime soon.
  14. Noohbee

    Noohbee Forum Apprentice

    I just completed my Warlord set today and I'm feeling really fulfilled.. lol :D
    With todays 8 difficult runs yielding 4 capes... a whooping 50% drop rate (lucky)!

    Daily task goes by
    >farming pearls(difficult map) 2-3hours = 900-1k pearls
    >killing summoned heredur and summoned sargon.. 3-5mins each... so easy if you know the trick :))
    >kill dragan
    Total runs in Normal: 28 , average(3-5 mins each fight) = 2 Squire Capes
    Total runs in Difficult: 26, average(5-10 mins each fight) = 10 Squire Capes
    1 Free knight cape from challenge 1. and walah :D

    Hasn't been a week since I started farming dragan. I stopped farming normal after I noticed the lame drops...
    My SW is barely 2 months old (1.5-2.5k damage green ess)... so I had to kite kite kite a lot! Only had a group once in difficult, all the rest were solo runs.Its easy once you get the hang of it. Good thing I have saved a couple amphora keys from viscanium event as adviced by guildies..Also came prepared with saved red essences/violets. Lastly I came with the will to get that sweet cape... Lol.
    Now I need a good armor to pair it with :D
    Goodluck to all farming out there :)
    BigPapa likes this.
  15. dkarl

    dkarl Forum Duke

    Manoj, I appreciate your reply; however, after I swept the entire mini-event map (ending with the fireflies at the top), I mounted my horse and ran back through the entire map to see if I'd missed something ... nada
  16. rpfo

    rpfo Padavan

    1 - Well if the statues werent important , they wouldnt be there. Nothing personal , but each run u missed 2 statues means 40 candies lost. I understand ppl that dont have time to play , but when the statues are left , the only one ur not helping were u. 24 + 40 = 64 :)

    2 - Iron forest at night was 100% chance of pearl for dragan normal / All statues on hard map = 100 % chance pearls for dragan hard.

    Its not Lucky , its all about play! ;)
  17. sebastian_fl

    sebastian_fl Count Count

    It is surely not 100% in my case. Closer to 50%
  18. Darwarren

    Darwarren Count Count

    A lot of the programming changed, and payoff schedules changed, as BigPoint tried to adapt to programming and design failures.

    I averaged 1 Insignia of Arzator / run, until the BigPoint gates opened, and then I got 20 in 1 run. Quest completed. LOL

    What you get depends a lot on "right place, right time." :)
    In this game, that means "wrong place, wrong time." :(
  19. tassadar1977

    tassadar1977 Forum Expert

    Has anyone answered what are the Order's Notes are for? says part of a quest but ive done all the quests and I cant sell them. Are they a left over from last dragan event?
  20. dkarl

    dkarl Forum Duke

    you only needed one for one of those earlier quests, but they continue to pop up ... you don't need any more ... either don't pick them up when they drop or discard them ... can't sell them, but you don't need to waste an inventory slot on them
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