Suggestion 5th slot for cloack

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by spurs58, Oct 28, 2015.

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  1. spurs58

    spurs58 Forum Greenhorn

    i just found out,that the last slot on my cloack will cost me over 63,000 adas, im not a millionare,please could BP change this,its to high, all other slots are ok,but 63,000 adas,this will take me years to farm,so im asking,if BP could chnage this,its too high for my cloack thanks alot
  2. fourtwenty68

    fourtwenty68 Board Analyst

    holy curb surfing Batman *POW *BANG
    i'll keep 1 slot and not pay 1 ander more,Muhahahaha:p
  3. sdknightno1

    sdknightno1 Advanced

    Each time you open a slot, the next slot becomes 3x more expensive. So I should not come as a surprise for you if the 4th slot was 21,000 anders your 5th will be 63,000
  4. spurs58

    spurs58 Forum Greenhorn

    i know this, im trying to get this down,its to exspensive for most ive mentioned,im not a millionare
  5. iapetus

    iapetus Advanced


    Indeed 5 slots for a cloak is nice but that price is way too high for this and yes, it's not a surprise but for a "free" game as they said on the front page, it is!?
  6. spurs58

    spurs58 Forum Greenhorn

    yeah,and dont forget,children play here too
    rather unfair from BP
  7. Novadude

    Novadude Commander of the Forum

    What are the costs for each slot?
  8. spurs58

    spurs58 Forum Greenhorn

    second slot tripples,then thrid,then fourth then fith
  9. Hiro73

    Hiro73 Forum Expert

    A month ago I had zero slots in my cloack, now I have three, I do not break the balls and I thank BP.
  10. spurs58

    spurs58 Forum Greenhorn

    then start saving for the two rest,your,ll get it next year.have fun farming for 80,000 adas ;-)
  11. Anyki

    Anyki User

    Hello @Novadude,

    Prices for gem slots can be found in the guide here.

  12. spurs58

    spurs58 Forum Greenhorn

    well that,s a clever boy indeed ;-)
  13. bloodyneo

    bloodyneo Forum Master

    its exactly as this game cost....3times more expensive each year...greed is multiplying
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