Suggestion Rangers wolves should...

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by hempthegreen, Oct 4, 2015.

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  1. sdknightno1

    sdknightno1 Advanced

    Maybe not in PVP, but the tree is still good in PvE. Especially in boss fights where the wolves would die easily the tree can actually tank a few hits and do some damage.
  2. misterbean

    misterbean Padavan

    Yes for boss fights or maps with mobs who have huge dmg, the tree is better, because the wolves die instantly. But for maps with normal dmg, the wolves are better because they start healing you much faster. The tree is so stupid and slow. The wolves run around much faster and each attack a target. The tree, instead of attacking a big group of mobs, he goes to 1 isolated mob sometimes pfffffffff
  3. trakilaki

    trakilaki Living Forum Legend

    I am not comparing the wolves and the tree ... everyone uses what best suits him.
    I am pointing out the Tree has been nerfed and I don't like it ... i will never use the wolves and now I am without the tree. In fact the last time i was using the wolves was when I was level 40 ... long time ago (before the level 45 expansion)

    The was very useful for large hordes and Bosses ... now it is useless since neither it slows down the monsters nor it is holding the bosses.
    One example ... if you are playing moving bosses like Dragan ... the tree will never catch up the boss ... never will hit ... therefore you are out of the healing.
  4. misterbean

    misterbean Padavan

    Exactly ... The tree is so stupid... Yet many people still want rangers nerfed even more. The thicket nerfed, tree, deadly blow. And we have 1 good skill which is so so useful in groups and requires tons of concentration and they want that nerfed too. Mean people
    trakilaki likes this.
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