Feedback New Full Moon and New Moon sets

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by -Soifon., Nov 30, 2015.

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  1. -Soifon.

    -Soifon. Forum Apprentice

    I saw the new gear from New Moon , i hope its some sort of sick joke , cuz its terrible .Atack dmg and speed ? are freaking kidding me ? the old gear is much much better . Why do u even bother to create new uniques if u make them useless ? i wonder if anyone would use this set , i guess nobody in its right mind .
    About the full moon set , the weapon adorment seems prety good , but other then that is not much differite from the old one.
    For the future better if u dont make anything if u make it crap like this . Don't get people exited for nothing
    Celticrain1982 likes this.
  2. BigPapa

    BigPapa Forum Overlooker

    Haven't seen the new stats, care to share what they are? Old set had Crit, dmg, and spd bonuses.
    draco994 likes this.
  3. draco994

    draco994 Active Author

    yeah share plz the stats of new ones of both event
  4. AmarWilrick

    AmarWilrick Forum Pro

    For Dragon Knight :

    Full moon weapon set bonus 4/4 = +25% critical hit rate and regenrate 1% hp max when u take dmg?!! its in german but i think its correct

    weapon 1 hand : basic dmg : 121-182 / speed attack : 15 %-30% / critical hit 714-1428

    shield : armor = 344 / block rate : 2773 / dmg : 47-95 / critical hit : 340-680

    crystal : 340-682 critical hit/ 3%-5% speed attack ( xD)

    head : armor : 138 / 31-63 dmg / 227-453 critical hit

    new moon : set 3/3 = 25% critical dmg / 25% of ...? dont uderstand german :D

    head : 138 armor / 31-63 dmg / 3% -5% speed attack

    shoulder and armor same think as the head :D
    enjoy powerfull sets hhhhhh
    -Soifon. likes this.
  5. wangwang

    wangwang Active Author

    Shame that full moon shield is total useless as well as the whole new moon set XD
    -Soifon. likes this.
  6. littlemichel

    littlemichel Active Author

    [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]
    for new moon
    [​IMG] [​IMG][​IMG]

    note: for the bonus stand in Germany , new moon: reduce duration of stunning effect 25%
    for full moon : for every defeated opponents you gain 1% HP
    Last edited: Nov 30, 2015
  7. DebugPlayer

    DebugPlayer Forum Apprentice

    This gear value and set bonus is what the junk ? :eek:
    Designer you are serious or kidding ? :confused:

    Old set is better a lot , this new set is not worth spent time to collect .
    -Soifon. and Celticrain1982 like this.
  8. trakilaki

    trakilaki Living Forum Legend

  9. Celticrain1982

    Celticrain1982 Forum Apprentice

    I guess that the upcoming hollydays makes BP team kinda...well, u know the rest.
    These new sets are indeed a sick joke for all players. In every game i played so far, the common sense logic was that, with every new set released, stats were far better than previous one. Can someone from BP staff explain us whats with these ``new`` sets? Im speechless...
    -Soifon. likes this.
  10. MANOJ

    MANOJ Forum Pro

    The only item of all the new uniques for both moon events is the weapon adornment for few builds.
    No player with a bit of sense would use this set as whole.
    -Soifon. likes this.
  11. MegaNuker

    MegaNuker Forum Ambassador

    Please note what you see is what I think is the Squire set. If I am wrong ok sorry in advance but if what I understood from twitch these were crafted to the stronger set. I was under the impression that both sets drop but I think this might drop off the ice minion. Again I could be wrong just a though.
  12. Darwarren

    Darwarren Count Count

    The secret is out. DSO's new game plan was to take the danger out of the game, by making everyone weak and puny with Release 155.

    Now everyone can get beat up in PvP, no sense of unfair there! Can't get a match? Oh, yeah, no fun either.

    Can't find decent gear? DSO floods the market with lots of new sets (with missing pieces). Make sure a few get the fantastic drops, to spread the word. But bring out something else, new and exciting, before it starts to make sense. Under no circumstances should players be allowed to increase their offense or defense, without paying through the nose for it.

    All this new and exciting stuff, at least it's not boring! Or maybe it is.
    pydragons, Hannai and Celticrain1982 like this.
  13. Beatles35

    Beatles35 Forum Apprentice

    Last edited: Dec 1, 2015
  14. trakilaki

    trakilaki Living Forum Legend

    Just sharing the links.
    Vargulf's shield is still available ... there are two modes hard and normal ... in the hard mode you get the new items ... the old items are dropping in normal mode.

    As it can be seen both sets are ultimate crap ... like every other new item after R155.
    DocWhisky and Beatles35 like this.
  15. onelove

    onelove Forum Apprentice

    tho i'd + 1 for this comment, any feature that u may suggest bro :)
  16. trakilaki

    trakilaki Living Forum Legend

    What feature?
  17. onelove

    onelove Forum Apprentice

    well any feature for new sets that u think may be good for next releases bro :)
    ho0ligans3 likes this.
  18. trakilaki

    trakilaki Living Forum Legend

    It is very easy ...
    Introduce the new ... old features. Why changing something that was working good in the past.
    I am not fan of these new set bonuses ... the fairy tale of "Invigorate" , "Dark Power Charges" and other crap.
    If someone else likes them ... well good ... let them use those items ... but make old style sets/items for the others that don't like the "new style bonuses".
    It is called freedom of choice ... let everyone use what they like ...not what the devs want you to use.
  19. MegaNuker

    MegaNuker Forum Ambassador

    I like the items you have a list of stats to choose from. You get to pick 3 or 4 stats. And there was a set bonus you choose once. To change the set bonus you had to delete all gear in that set... So as you can see alot of work. Choose wisely.
    Last edited: Dec 1, 2015
  20. Beatles35

    Beatles35 Forum Apprentice

    Yesterday I decided to enter test server and saw the new potion and scroll (hard mode) to the end at progress bar of the two events, anyway both new sets have horrible values. I was going to put a picture but test server this maintenance now.
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