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Discussion in 'Headquarters Archive' started by CM Greg, Jul 14, 2015.

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  1. Ulphius

    Ulphius Forum Greenhorn

  2. Dylannn

    Dylannn Board Analyst

    I'd suggest a complete removal of ess in the open maps and arena, but also a complete removal of the honor points that one can get there. It simply makes no sense, go to a public map, kill 10-13 people and you'll probably have gotten more points than you can get in a single 3v3-game.

    Also fact is that people insult me a lot for 'using ess' while I'm not at all using any... Quite annoying.

    Another thing... remove the max. capacity on the ignore list... Insults are annoying and when the ignore list is full, then it's impossible to censore them.

  3. Armando

    Armando Forum Connoisseur

    Well, balancing without regard to individual items and stats means that you have to regard the average. I am just telling you from my (rather extensive) experience of playing a dwarf, DK's in average are hardest to beat.
    And I have not met any in a while that tried to play hide and seek - that is a tactic not very successful against an experienced dwarf, of course.
    But those that attack me and stun me often kill me easily, because turrets are easy to evade for them and don't do enough damage through their defense.

    I frankly admit dwarfs (especially at lower levels) are a "coward class" that has to run a lot (also in PvE). But they also are a tactical class that actually requires quite some skill to play (I think)... turrets have to be placed strategically, and you have to predict and evade enemy moves.
    If I got angry then it is because often I would do 2x as much damage to the DK as he to me, and he will still be virtually unscathed and win easily against me. Or he will chase and stun, hit and kill me so quickly that I even don't really have a chance to place more than my initial 2 turrets... Many DKs I have met simply don't (have to) care about these at all.
    (Note that I am talking about 1v1/3v3 here, 5v5 and 6v6 may be a different matter)
    If you want to win against a dwarf, skill runspeed and use your stuns and DoT. That is what I meant with "good DK" - the right tactics. No need to nerf the one class that has been most neglected since its introduction...
    Last edited: Dec 15, 2015
  4. sebastian_fl

    sebastian_fl Count Count

    hey Dev, I just wanted to thank you all for the New Moon rework. You have clearly made it better.
    1. You have incorporated most of the community feedback.
    2. The cost of entering the map is fair, it reflects the benefit match better than it used to. The total cost of 500-600 realm fragments to complete the event is nothing comparing to beautiful drop is waiting for us in there.
    3. You have created a masterpiece brand new set everyone would be dreaming about
    4. You made the event much less boring.
    5. Thank you for making the scrolls not available for purchase. it is a sign of moving in right direction, towards F2P
    6. The old New Moon set has be drastically improved.
    7. I was also pleased with the hard scroll drops. One should work real hard to get it, should deserve it.

    thank you again. Thus now, you can take all my realm fragments. I won't ever need them again.
  5. crazyelli

    crazyelli Junior Expert

    So dissapointed in Bp over newest hot fix ,, why change things that may make it easier for players to complete mini challenges and get the "Big Present" leave it alone and at least have some goodwill towards the players....if you dont like how it works then change it next year but not in the middle of this event.....
    Darwarren likes this.
  6. taketh

    taketh Regular

    About nerfing the dwarf.... we would need to create a poll on whether most players want it nerfed or not. I think people are happy with the upgrade but don't know for sure. If the dwarf is in fact OP, the solution is not to nerf the dwarf, but to buff the other classes. If a nerf is inevitable, it can be done so that the majority of players who don't do pvp don't get nerfed.

    For all stuns, there is a PVE time, and PVP time... this principal can be applied to all skills, a PVE damage and a PVP damage. Can be also done for cooldown and mana cost. That way the ranger can be siginificantly buffed to make the class useful in PVE without messing with PVP. A compromise to the dwarf mechanical turret could be that it gets summoned like a machine gun does, right next to the dwarf making it more difficult for the dwarf to run and hide.

    Before you nerf, please ensure its what the majority of players want.
    misterbean likes this.
  7. _Baragain_

    _Baragain_ Living Forum Legend

    Be careful how you phrase these things... I don't always trust the CM's sarcasm detector. They might think you are serious.
  8. Troneck86

    Troneck86 Forum Great Master

    It's too bad the smart, well informed, and rational people on these boards are not in positions to make changes to this game. Only reason I am putting up with these lack luster "releases" and events is because I am curious to see what the re-worked Dragonache set brings.

    Hey Haruki, I was under the impression you said the Realm Fragment drops would get a buff with r159 to compensate for the increased price of entry. I am not seeing this at all in my game time.
    Excalibur1974 and misterbean like this.
  9. sebastian_fl

    sebastian_fl Count Count

    Nice one :) but I wouldnt worry, they don't care about feedback so the odds are whatever I wrote is going to be ignored. Oh no, wait, in 93 pages of this thread I've got Haruki to force the Dev team to change a tooltip of the Attack Bonus... you are right, I will be more accurate next time)

    And Haruki, and other great minds of this game. One of our EVP Business Development guys says (super bright guy) - there is nothing worse ignoring the feedback you gather. It is much better not to gather it at all, not to create false expectation in the first place.

    So guys, if you have any reasons not to incorporate the feedback, if you lack capacity or whatever, adjust the process, make it fair, transparent and reasonable, but guarantee it is being followed. For example, if your capacity if to evaluate 3-5 ideas of community per month - introduce the voting process so the idea are being gathered, people vote for them, moderators shape them and send to the team. Greg/Haruki/GameDesignOffice dispatches them and either incorporate, partially takes into account or declines. Each decision is followed by extensive explanation.
    It is quite common system within large organizations. Or use the petition-signature based approach.

    You will be getting higher quality ideas, that are already shaped by the community, as whoever has an idea will start a topic on it to do the ideation, ellaboration, discuss pros and cons and only after that submit well shaped, structured petition/feature request/user story to the team for evaluation even with some of the CBA done.

    And a side question. Do you guys use some math to compare sets? I have tested the new moon sets today, with max stats. That from the hard map sucks real hard.
    Armando, VMmage, Darwarren and 4 others like this.
  10. Dragonnns

    Dragonnns Count Count

    Hi CM's - I've been hunting for the 5th piggie on the "purple" map for the Solstice Event and haven't yet found it. This would be the one replacing the 2nd piggie. The other four still exist. Can you confirm if it is there somewhere or not? - Thanks!
  11. sebastian_fl

    sebastian_fl Count Count

    Stay tuned! They are celebrating major success of the New Moon rework. Someone will get a bonus before Christmas)
    Troneck86, misterbean and MANOJ like this.
  12. Rhysingstar

    Rhysingstar Forum Ambassador

    I would love to ask why they bothered to have a moon feedback thread if all they were going to do was ignore it, but no one would answer that question.
    VMmage, Bubble, Dragenstein and 3 others like this.
  13. Mindship

    Mindship Forum Inhabitant

    BP knows exactly what it's doing. It knows exactly what its priorities are. This will not change. Ever. Our choice: take it or leave it. Period.
    Beatles35 and Dragenstein like this.
  14. pydragons

    pydragons Padavan

    Problem is they ask for suggestions and then withdraw to their cave to implement something. When done they release the obviously pathetic product. What other game companies are doing is coming up with a rough sketch and ask the community for feedback on THIS sketch. Half way done they post more details and ask for more feedback. When released, the product is somewhat familiar to the players but not that much. Thus, a decent product is made with the help of the player base by letting them follow through development.
    DSO is doing the opposite. They simply release a a product out of the blue. While this is ok for some game companies, for DSO team it's not, because they are simply amateurs. It just can't work if you aren't a professional.
    This happened with the dwarf class. We received unexpected useless archetype.
    Happened with the new new moon.
    Will happen the same for crafting 2.0 (oh wait, it's already happening, bring your hopes down immediately), and will happen again for the assassin class. You can quote me on this !
    Armando likes this.
  15. MegaNuker

    MegaNuker Forum Ambassador

    Ok Nerf in the dwarf is no good thing.

    No good deed goes unpunished :)

    Dwarfs are the standard where all need to me sure upto. This game is getting harder we need more things in the game to ocupy our time. I remember the alchemy system. This is of to me but...

    Dwarfs are awsome but it is hard for me to find one.
  16. tassadar1977

    tassadar1977 Forum Expert

    just post on the other language topics of same title as they seem to answer there. not reading Spanish, but maybe the posts on there are more to their liking so can put a nice answer back rather than here where they have to try and justify the long periods of silence that always occur after a release when people notice that everything they have ever been asked has been ignored and we just get what we were going to get from the beginning.

    The feedback threads are just so that a tick can be put in the box that says "Engaged with player base" TICK. now can ignore all their comments and complaints until the next time
  17. Ikarian

    Ikarian Forum Greenhorn

    Could we have an option to turn off screen-shake? Some of the events require serious grinding. People are already traumatized, no reason to add a migraine on top.

    Could you tone down the mount noises? The troll and Moosov sounds are driving me nuts. Try standing by the blacksmith in Cardhun for 5 minutes.

    Could we have a feature to ALT+click a player name in the chat, to show their class and level?
    Last edited: Dec 17, 2015
  18. Ulphius

    Ulphius Forum Greenhorn

    Look in every MMORPG game all classes usually would have a unique playing style and prety much all of the players would do the same.Since im more of a medieval guy i dont like the first thing about dwarwes at all;its playstyle,items,skills..Of course there is gonna be certain tactics that we can use for each classes but did u ever wonder why dwarwes doesnt even bother getting an item that has crit or attack speed and mostly they just use 2h weapon cuz they dont have to.They got their ''automated and mechanical turret'' and they have enough steam to get hp and use those skills at the same time.While other classes works their a** off trying to kill all the mobs or etc dwarwes just put a turret and waits and in pvp its the same whether they get beaten or not its the SAME they do the SAME things and even when 1v1 times over they can heal themselves really all of the things you wrote here how its being neglected or etc. is just utter sh**.Nerfing a particular class rather than changing bit by bit can cause different problems like player quitting the game etc.This game needs nerfing but they have to repeat it like when nerfing a characters skill buffing a different skill and see how it can be more balanced.Just like the game designers of the famous moba game that we all know.I know its impossible to have that kinda team but seeing their work and seeing this unbalanced game...sad just sad:/
  19. Mindship

    Mindship Forum Inhabitant

    Variable ratio/interval reinforcement is wonderful stuff. I am ashamed to say I have spent more than a little $$$.


    Spot on.
    Darwarren and Dragenstein like this.
  20. Rhysingstar

    Rhysingstar Forum Ambassador

    New players spend money to open inventory, lockers, on gems, glyphs, and more often than not premium. Keeping customers is always harder than getting customers and it requires a certain desire and effort.
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