Suggestion Few easy changes to start balancing PVP

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by Krazydamage, Dec 16, 2015.

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  1. Krazydamage

    Krazydamage Forum Apprentice

    1. Remove the slowing effect from the Ranger basic attack.
    Add the same slowing effect to DK Rage attack and Rage swing

    2. Swap the Cooldown and Speed stats of Ranger adrenaline and DK Battle Cry
    e.g. the ranger will have longer cooldown and less speed
    The DK will get a shorter cooldown and more speed

    (edited to provide details:
    RANGER Adrenaline gives 40% speed with 20 second cooldown, can be upgraded to 60% speed.
    DK Battle Cry gives 40% speed with 30 second cooldown and can be upgrade to 40% speed with 22 second cooldown which is still worse than ranger before and after upgrades). SWAP the cooldown time and the speed of these two.

    This game is absurd because you gave the Ranger highest range, highest damage, fastest running and lowest cooldown. And on top of that, they add a slow with the basic attack.
    Last edited: Dec 16, 2015
  2. BigPapa

    BigPapa Forum Overlooker

    Incorrect: All classes have the same range. Some skills such as scatter shot and Ice sphere have reduced ranges, and 1 handed SM's have limited range.

    Incorrect: SM's have highest damage

    Incorrect: Class does not effect run speed.
    Incorrect: Cooldowns are skill specific. I'll assume you are refering to the cooldown on regenerating the concentration pool, in which case SW's have the lowest cooldown and fastest regeneration.
    Correct, so what? It is not a unique feature to RA, and it is our only base skill as opposed to other classes.

    I don't have a problem giving DK's anything they feel is needed to balance the class. But, don't hate on RA's especially when you obviosly dont understand what they have/don't have compared to everyone else. Stick to making suggestions to fix DK, not nerf someone else.
  3. Krazydamage

    Krazydamage Forum Apprentice

    If you spend more time improving your skills rather than spouting nonsense, you won't have anything to worry about when re-balancing comes.

    All classes have the same range? You're pretty funny man. I guess DK can hit people from 2 screens away. Tell that to dwarfs and their basic attack also.

    You mean RANGER and mage have the highest range. Ok then, so rangers have the highest range.

    Wrong again, a ranger does 800% with 2 hits in about 1 second.

    Not tired of being wrong yet?

    RANGER adrenaline has 60% run speed on a 20 second cooldown.
    DK Battle Cry has 40% run speed on a 22 second cooldown. I guess those are the same in your world, lay off the drugs man.

    No, they aren't. There are equivalent skills between classes and the RANGER ones are lower cooldown.

    I'll indulge you by nailing your coffin even further:
    RANGER adrenaline 20 seconds cooldown at base. DK Battle cry 30 seconds at base, 22.5 seconds with 5pt upgrade
    RANGER Dive 12 seconds cooldown, can be 8 seconds with 5 pt upgrade. DK Rage jump 15 second cooldown, can be 12 seconds with 5 pt upgrade
  4. onelove

    onelove Forum Apprentice

    thanks for pointing out such thing bro, not to mention end-game Ra with 80% crit rate like the one Yogo's shown us :|

    a 20% speed boot + 5% x 2% speed gem = 30% speed boot + 5% cape + 5% from gnob item
    well 40% + 60% speed, i did saw 1 RA with insane speed at PVP bro with really high dmg + crit

    the gap is really big for end-game players (RA - crit 2-3 insane EA hits, SW 2h dragan fireball, DK 80% armo + > 16k HP + > 60% resistance + 80% block, SW ? [i dont know, haven't seen a pro one in arena, but i'm very pleased if you guys can share some info about this char]).

    btw, I'm happy that they released changes so that i can play my DK again :)
  5. sebastian_fl

    sebastian_fl Count Count

    Ranger deals the best burst damage.
    Dwarf deals the best total output damage per minute to a static object.
    Mage has perhaps the best 'moving'/'mobile' damage with liniar output every second.
    DK has the best healing damage.

    In 1 hit PVP ranger would be a clear winner. In a mass murder pvp - maybe mage. In a boss fight - dwarf. In a run through mobs activity - dk. In a kill all mobs activity - maybe mage, maybe ranger (assuming mobs come in bulk every 12 seconds and die fast enough)
    Kiwigal1 and misterbean like this.
  6. BigPapa

    BigPapa Forum Overlooker

    It's obvious you are just looking for an argument. Do you read every response to your posts with some kind of mean tone in your head assigned to the person writing it? Pointless, but isn't it fun to rehash the same crap over and over about OP, and who has what skill. Half the argument is just getting the facts straight, which you obvioulsy don't have yet.

    Statements made are accurate based on the original statements you made. An edit after the fact does not make my statements wrong. Apparently you thought you said something different. Everything i stated is correct based on the original statements you made.

    Attack range: You have read bad info about range or didnt understand what you saw. AS STATED: Dwarf basic attack has the same range as all classes unless they use a 1 hand, just as I stated. The limiting factor is the weapon. If you really thought i was including DK in a conversation about ranged attack you are seriously just intepreting what you want to see so you can continue your diatribe or make sarcastic insults. I can play that game also, but ill defer to your expertise.

    Damage: Sebastian beat me to it with the damage evaluation and he is right on as usual. If you wanted to know who could do the FASTEST damage my answer would have been different but that is not what you said.

    AS STATED footpeed of all classes is the same, if you want to change what you said to speed boosts from a skill then: Speed boost on Adren is 40% for 4 seconds. It can be upgraded to 60% for 5 points which no ranger in their right mind would waste points on except in specific applications. PVP not being one of them. And as a further note, so what?

    On cooldowns, you want to take Rangers regen skill for their mana pool and make it 30 seconds? The footspeed is a byproduct not its main function.

    You completely missed the point in my last few sentences so I'll say it differently. If you think DK's need more footspeed cool. If you think DK's need better regen cool. If you think DK's need lower cooldown, cool. Whatever, you think DK's need then lets make it happen. Pointing out that other classes are different is telling people grass is green. Of course they are different. Some of those differences are better than yours and some are worse. DK's have all kinds of useful skills other classes don't which we dont need to list as it redirects the conversation. All of these "this class is OP" threads are the same. Point out some skill you dont have or that one class has better of and make statments about how unfair it is. Get a grip. We all have advantages and disadvantages in skills compared to each other. If you had been playing longer than 4 months you would know the evolution of those skills and would be able to make a better analysis you why they are what they are. Have fun picking lines to critique; the argument can be over becuase you can have the last word, and you will feel good about yourself having done so. It doesnt matter anyway, everyone know OP whining gets nowhere and just ends up making the attacker look like a flaming rant crazed ..........person.
    Last edited: Dec 16, 2015

    SHAWSHANK Forum Greenhorn

    hempthegreen likes this.
  8. Excalibur1974

    Excalibur1974 Junior Expert

    I have an even better counterproposal for balancing entire PVP:
    Please delete your game accounts. There will be a noob less populating arenas and ruining others' performances. :D:D:D

    Before sentencing in this way, first learn to play, dude.
    Hannai, hempthegreen and misterbean like this.
  9. _Baragain_

    _Baragain_ Living Forum Legend

    I knew exactly what to expect the moment I saw the author of the thread, but I read it anyway. I must say, there was no shock. This is basically the same stuff he was complaining about in the CM thread. The only thing that is even a halfway decent suggestion is to add a slowing effect to at least one of the DK's base attacks. A DK has to chase their target and if a DK had something that could slow their opponent, it might force the other player to use their debuff or give more opportunities to attack the slower moving target.

    Regarding the rest of it... go make a ranger if you think they are so good. I know you think it takes soooooo long, but if you are right, then it should be worth it.
    Hannai and misterbean like this.
  10. Krazydamage

    Krazydamage Forum Apprentice

    1. It's pretty obvious that I made 2 fairly minor suggestions, and then you came in all hostile like a "big man" with your response. I don't take hostility without responding in kind.

    2. Sebastianfl's post only supports what I said - the Ranger is the king of PVP.
    Mages are a close 2nd.
    He writes that dwarf has highest "total damage per minute to a static target / boss fights" and that DK is 'best at running through mobs'

    3. We have 3 ranged classes in the game and 1 melee class.
    The melee class is the one that should have slowing effect on attacks, not the ranged one. That's only logical.
    Sometimes to re-balance a game, you need to buff classes and nerf other classes appropriately.

    You know full well that many rangers take the 60% run speed upgrade, but I don't even need to debate that with you.

    Appparently in your magical world it's not ok for a Ranger to have a 30 second cooldown on regen skill.
    Meanwhile a DK ALREADY HAS 30 sec cooldown on this same skill Battle Cry.
    Nevermind that a ranger starts with 100% concentration and a DK starts with 0% rage.

    You just want to get free points off DK that cant get close enough to even attack you once because your attacks hit from 2 screens away and add a slow effect.
    You want DK to have 0% rage so they can't use any of their skills.
    And even if by some miracle when a DK gets close to you, they can't chase you because your attacks slowed them and your Adrenaline runs 20% faster and has a shorter cooldown. (and your Dive jump has a shorter cooldown than Rage jump)

    OK let's make it happen. What they need is my suggestions 1+2 in the original thread.

    Bottom line is you are afraid because you lack skill. You are getting easy honor points from a completely unbalanced class with little effort, and the minute anyone suggests any reasonable re-balancing changes, you get scared and you come to quickly attempt to say everything is "incorrect".
  11. Lonligrin

    Lonligrin Forum Greenhorn

    Bro - what's your problem? BigPapa was perfectly polite in every point. He never attacked you personally in any way, so where the heck do you assume him being "hostile" towards you? Just absurd, man...
    MegaNuker, misterbean, Hannai and 4 others like this.
  12. hempthegreen

    hempthegreen Advanced

    I had the pleasure of having Krazy in my guild as a member .... he was removed and later Bashed my guild and me . :p Very rude player! What did you say My guild and I were? Rednecks because how I type. Why thank you sir!

    Anyways reading the post, Please continue The debate!

    **Grabs popcorn**
  13. trakilaki

    trakilaki Living Forum Legend

    I love when a noob playing the game 2 weeks is giving "valuable feedback". :eek:
  14. MANOJ

    MANOJ Forum Pro

    The thread topic and your description makes no sense together.
    Balancing PvP is not about nerfing a single class.
    Seems like you are new to the game and a DK by class.
    Please read old threads in this forum and see how players wanted DKs to be nerfed badly and how they proposed that nerfing a single class will bring ultimate balance to the gameplay.
    Surprisingly the Dev team listened to those stupid suggestions and nerfed the Dragonknight class big time leading to many Veteran Noble DKs quitting this game forever.
    Its the same reason that made you complain about imbalance in the game at first place few days ago on the Ask CM thread.
    And now you are back here to repeat the same mistake of getting a particular class nerfed.

    Maybe you now realise why is there so much opposition by many players to any topics regarding "Nerfing a Single Class", because we have seen how it ruined this game for once and we don't want that to happen again and repeat in loop to completely destroy this game in the end.
  15. Hannai

    Hannai Someday Author

    I thought it was gummie bears?!! ;p

    Yeah this guy gets off on hate.. don't feed the haters! Everytime I see him he has a different guild tag.. says it all. To come on forum and be obnoxious to experienced players who KNOW what they're talking about is annoying and the dude needs a 30 week cooldown! Spit the dummy much? ;p He should go make a ranger if he's so jelly. It's not all rangers fault he can't play a DK.
  16. Krazy, you are heading down a very familiar road where you started to get into personal insults instead of something even slightly recognizable as constructive discussion. Keep going down that road and this thread will hit a dead end and I'm sure that no one will be sad to see you go on a moderator enforced vacation from the forums for a bit. Consider yourself warned.
  17. Hannai

    Hannai Someday Author

    Yeah but one of you mods has a real talent for editing his posts! Gummie bears being the best so far, nearly wet myself laughin'! We're all here to see what you do! ;p


    Sadly the gummy bear post is gone.. that was too funny! "D

    I'm starting a guild: RedneckGummieBears if anyone wants in? Must have a redneck, like to complain about how everyone other class is more OP than yours...yet you still play, must like to annoy mods and experienced players in forums, must never concede to being wrong and last but not least must be jelly all the time.. hence the gummiebear addiction. ;p
    Last edited by moderator: Dec 17, 2015
  18. .Baraba.

    .Baraba. Advanced

    Useless thread.

    What is next? Someone who will cry that dwarfs have triple demage because it have 2 turrets and thay can run around not shoting? Or that mages are dangerous because thay make area demage? Or DK is favored because high armor, HP and number of stuns? Every class have thair strong and weak side... so learn to play and stop asking to weakan other class. If you dont know how to play all players are too dengerous for you.
    hempthegreen likes this.
  19. Theranger

    Theranger Someday Author

    Every class has their strengths and weaknesses , that being said , some are more useful in specific situation(regen in 1v1 for instance) , or skills which help carry flag in 5v5 ,however , that happens at end game , hard to justify nerfing/buffing a class giving example of endgame players . My only suggestion would be disabling pots and emotes in pvp .
  20. MegaNuker

    MegaNuker Forum Ambassador

    PvP fair and ballanced...

    This is a suggestion and if you find it odd.. Thank-you...

    1.) 1v1 All damage needs to be 1/2 of what it is now or double the armor value. Once you hit the end of the timer increase the damage slow up to 500% or 10x what it was. Also randomly remove items off the toon once the timer runs out...

    3v3 Disable grouping. You can not pick you fellow fighters anymore. Now once in the waiting pool add up all honor points divide by 2 and team up each team as close as possible. Once time runs out increase the run speed slowly to that of Mount speeds.

    5v5 When a player does not move for 30 secounds a bomb a pears over his head. A 10 secound countdown starts once exploits it causes 75% of his hp as damage to him only.

    This mode I have no suggestions for :( sorry.
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