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Discussion in 'Headquarters Archive' started by CM Greg, Jul 14, 2015.

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  1. trakilaki

    trakilaki Living Forum Legend

    It is pretty fair to me ... DKs since always had more armor and HP
    fkdsosucks likes this.


    there was a time when dks had more armor and hp and in exchange less dmg on items. that was fair. now they have everything at least equal or even better.
    Armando and fkdsosucks like this.
  3. trakilaki

    trakilaki Living Forum Legend

    Yes there was a time ... and we should get back in time ... and abandon this new stupid system.
    VMmage, misterbean and fkdsosucks like this.
  4. Rhysingstar

    Rhysingstar Forum Ambassador

    DK's - Nerfed.
    SM's - Nerf announced.
    Rangers - Nerf announced.

    So we have to nerf the mages next to make it fair.
    Then we need to prepare the nerf talk for the new class that is coming at some point.

    After all fair is fair right....?

    Only after everyone gets nerfed at least once can we go back and start over with the talk of round two.

    Sooner or later maybe players will get off the nerf wagon and figure out a way to encourage growth for all characters.
  5. sebastian_fl

    sebastian_fl Count Count

    Sorry to hear) will miss the nit picky guy)) but yeah, really sorry to hear. But guess everything has its end. Gl in whatever you switch to.

    I do understand mage is the easiest to play. DK would probably follow. But to be honest, you can still do a lot with math, it will give you a base for the conversation. You will know who sucks in terms of stats and values, and then be able to reasonably think what skills should compensate, do they compensate or not. I'm still of an opinion, that the damage stats on EA were caused by compensating lack of damage output, and especially when we talk about 2handed weapons. They wanted to create one skill that will satisfy both worlds, but it turns out they strugle. Current EA seemsto me to be overpowered for PVP, but even that is not enough for PVE. Instead, I would do the following:
    1. Move the armor break to another skill, make it with fair cooldown, good break etc. Hunting traps would be an obvious option.
    2. Adjust the precision shot as a primary pvp skill. Perhaps improve marked damage.
    3. Remove the EA, and replace it by PVE oriented skill, similar to mages destruction or ices here in terms of ease of use. Should be tons of damage, but more damage - more cooldown and less ease of use.
    4. Introduce 2handed weapon. They can keep the longbows, but take that dragan set bonus off (15%), and decrease or remove the concentration modifier.

    That will:
    1. Offer tons of power to PVE mode, ability to go glass canon.
    2. Make the high damage skill harder to use, so it will not be super reliable in PVP, but still on the table as mage's destruction.
    3. Ability to reach dmg output numbers in boss fight.
    4. Ability to reach Mage's damage points in mass murder competitions like 5v5, with proper two handed setups.
    5. Finally add more flexibility, as ranger would have 3 weapon options .

    Mages and others might get a clone of longbow too, a slower but more powerful 1handed variant.

    Just a sample thought. There might be tons of smarter ideas.

    Wasnt mage already nerfed? Destruction and ice sphere?

    But yeah, you are right in general. Guess rangers deserve real 2handed weapon, and damage mitigation should be addressed before any further nerfs are being considered. As if they focus on pvp aspect, they break pve aspect, and vice versa.
    Last edited: Jan 10, 2016
    Armando, misterbean and fkdsosucks like this.
  6. Rhysingstar

    Rhysingstar Forum Ambassador

    The only way that I see balancing pvp is to create a new system that is separate to the pve system, but could add to it like it was prior to 155. There were reward skills that players could acquire specifically in pvp that encouraged players to play.

    Maybe set cap standards for dmg, crit, speed, hp, etc for each level of pvp fame and open up new stats within each skill as you go. This would also slow down the twinking to a point. Yes there are certain skills that may be a little op, but those same skills need to be a little op in pve, so capping them in pvp needs to be separate.

    Every time DSO decides to whack something, those of us who never or rarely pvp get our time and efforts taken away also, all because a small percentage of truly OP players are winning more often and everyone gets butt hurt over it.

    I want them to build upon the system instead of just nerfing everyone simply because it's easier.

    Choose some really good players within each class and find out what needs to be improved for that class. Then and only then, should they need to, find things that could be mitigated to create some sort of balance. No more blind nerfing.
  7. cdeepal

    cdeepal Forum Baron

    If you don't play PvP then please don't comment on PvP.

    My opinion about caps is that they are bad because people work hard to make their characters strong in PvP and when they do they deserve it. You can't just come into PvP without any effort and expect to win all the matches.
    fkdsosucks likes this.
  8. Darwarren

    Darwarren Count Count

    [QUOTE="trakilaki, post: 641333, member: 1997" In fact I am on a verge of quitting all my activities with this game ... including Wiki. [/QUOTE]
    A change would probably do you good. Any which way, your decision.
    You would be missed, and not forgotten. Leaders are hard to find.
    If you do create a game, please let us know.
    trakilaki, misterbean and fkdsosucks like this.
  9. Darwarren

    Darwarren Count Count

    Active Listening is only the first step. Sure, playing attention and seeking understanding is essential, but without a timely response, the purpose is defeated.

    Take the changes to the moon events, for example.
    The last Full Moon event took flak for having unstackable portals to the hard map. Sebastian even told the designers how to fix it, by changing a single character. Make one lousy number different, and the problem is gone.
    Did DSO fix it while the event was going on? No.
    Did DSO tell anyone what they were going to do, while the event was in session? No.
    Did DSO compensate anyone for the passes tossed to save inventory? No.
    Did DSO promise to look into it? Yes.
    Did DSO do anything about it, before the next moon event, 2 weeks later? No!
    Lame, very lame. No one lifted a finger, but talk is cheap.

    If the CM's want to get that nasty taste out of their mouths, they should stop chewing management manure.

    This is a post about timely responses.
    VMmage, Armando, Szmaciak and 2 others like this.
  10. Rhysingstar

    Rhysingstar Forum Ambassador

    The way the current system works, I and everyone else is being adversely "effected" by PVP whether we choose play often, rarely or never.

    So you want everyone who is not actively doing pvp yet being effected by it to simply not offer some ideas?
    Knifefromjack and misterbean like this.
  11. cdeepal

    cdeepal Forum Baron

    I am sorry, Yes you are correct and you have a very valid point.
    Rhysingstar and Knifefromjack like this.
  12. BigPapa

    BigPapa Forum Overlooker

    Haruki, just a note of concern about nerfing Explosive Arrow for Rangers. Not here to complain about the nerf itself if the team feels that is what is best to "balance" things. Here is the unforseen result on the other side of the game - PVE.

    A reduction in damage to EA means that Rangers will now have no niche in PVE. Our ability to burst damage gave us utility in several areas of PVE. Our continued sustainable damage is very low, so we break hell loose with huge hits then throw pebbles till our concentration comes back up. After you reduce EA damage: Now the SM will be king of sustained damage and SW will be Queens(most are) of burst damage. Rangers will be a far third in the sustained area and a distant second in burst. Reducing our burst damage so it doesnt overwelm other classes or toons that are thinly armored in PVP makes us impotent and less balanced in PVE.

    The only way to compensate for this while maintaining balance on both sides is to compensate for the loss of overall damage in a less concentration heavy skill such as Hunting arrow and/or Deadly blow. No one has said rangers do too much damage, they have said EA does. If EA is the problem fine, then fix it, but you are reducing our total output of damage making us lowest on the totem pole overall with no specialty to make up for it. We'll be lucky to find groups if other classes are available.
  13. Szmaciak

    Szmaciak Junior Expert

    As BigPapa wrote up it is wrong decision - Haruki told devs to SEPARATE changes in skills pvp FROM PVE. Leave all skills which are good and strong for toons and teamwork in game ALONE.
    Dwarf is very good now for play together, when BP put him in game he was shit. Now you want destroy it again because % of players of pvp who don't know how to shut up and just play not destroy game others players who are not arena's bots and know that point of mmos is farming and make somethig in group, not a lot of winners one class at pvp again and again. I play DK, BP destroy him as member of grp at pve, now I don't like ideas about nerfing dwarf and archer because stupid pvp.
    Than make changes but ONLY at pvp, at pve skills should be same or better. START listen to us not ONLY write to us about IT.

    And not fix of moon event with stock of frags to enter at hard map from last time - big fail.
    Bubble, Knifefromjack and thouvou000 like this.
  14. thouvou000

    thouvou000 Forum Expert

    i agree with both big papa and as ranger main as well and veteran moba games player i can clearly tell that u may think that EA is op at pvp, well yeah it is. u can nerf it. but leave pve out of it. its hard enough already to match the power of mages, dwarfs and dks when it comes to farming in PW excruciating and fatal. when EA first came the first thoughts were that for once BP did something good for pve for the poor rangers who did not have massive aoe dmg nor penetration skill, and now u want to nerf it? get your hands off this skill at skill at least in pve. do something good for once.SURPRISE us :D
    Last edited: Jan 11, 2016
    misterbean and Troneck86 like this.
  15. Troneck86

    Troneck86 Forum Great Master

    So is the Defeat the Undefeatables coming with r160? Another event that requires 10 Realm Frags to enter. Yet, the frag drop rate boost is coming in for r161? How hard is it to change a multiplier?
    thouvou000 likes this.
  16. Armando

    Armando Forum Connoisseur

    Heya Haruki,
    thanks for listening to player feedback, finally, once!
    Basically, first of all, thanks for announcing the changes to mystic cubes and gems at Zumpe early, and thanks for reverting those decisions now!
    That seems like a step in the right direction to me; I would definitely like to see more early announcements and reactions to player feedback in 2016!
    From my p.o.v. you could continue right away with some information on the draft of crafting 2.0 ;-) ; PLEASE collect some feedback BEFORE it is 98% final!

    While my Heredur doll question has been answered (thanks both for the answer and the solution), I am still eagerly waiting for a reply to the Lifekeeper issue (no more healing after x blocked hits). And yes, I would still appreciate a statement about the dependency of effective attack speed on the animation frame count of the skill used (and that rather incorrect naming of "Attacks per second" in the char stats window).

    Thanks and best regards!
    Last edited: Jan 11, 2016
  17. daywaker2

    daywaker2 Forum Demigod

    Hello Haruki.
    Soon Stelargold Event will start. My questions (1) : This time the person with the most stelargold wins "new mount" or its still random? Cause its not very fair when a guy wins this mount with 29 stelargold :) . Just an example.That was the last time on the balor Server. I dont know its the same on the other Servers or not.

    (2) Can you tell us the exact "date of the publication release 160+the 2Events",essentially for stelargold,please???
    Last edited: Jan 11, 2016
  18. Rhysingstar

    Rhysingstar Forum Ambassador

    No worries. I'm just trying to think of ways that DSO can build upon what we have instead of nerfing characters across the board. We all put in time and effort/money into our character to try and make them the best they can be.

    As far as pvp goes, I would love to get them to put some real rewards (like skills/talents) back in pvp to encourage more players to do pvp. Maybe even put in a way to gain additional wisdom points as a pvp reward. If more players played, matches would happen faster and we would all have more fun.

    We also need to come up with ideas on how newer players can get started in pvp without being completed frustrated by the low level twinks. As it stands now, the only advice we can give them is level up to 50 and then start. That's not a lot of fun for newer players. I do not know what the answer is, maybe have a rookie arena or something.

    Right now the majority of suggestions are nerf this or nerf that, and in the end it doesn't help any of us.
    Armando and misterbean like this.
  19. CM Haruki

    CM Haruki Community Team Team Drakensang Online

    Hey there people,

    aaargh - the volume of messages is strong in this one!! I know I said I would come up here on Monday, which is today, to answer some of the questions but time has been running very quickly today. So I will jump tomorrow here and re-read some of your PvP exchanges and other issues and comment. Some quick answers though:

    -- Rel160, gems and Zumpe - probably you know but the team has decided to revert the change that we announced for Zumpe and the gems. The result is that we will implement indeed the jackpot but we will not take away the gems from the NPC.
    -- Defeat the Undefeatables will come with rel160, yes, but not immediately with the release. Expect it by the end of the month.
    -- The details of the lottery of Xmas of the Gilded Clovers should be disclosed this week, me thinks.
    Enough of waiting!! I will ask about this tomorrow.
    -- Once we have more details about the final mechanic of Stellar Gold we will let you know!

    And see you tomorrow!!
    -Skygazer-, _Baragain_ and daywaker2 like this.
  20. Novadude

    Novadude Commander of the Forum

    It's very fair. If it were otherwise, nobody would participate.
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