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Discussion in 'Headquarters Archive' started by CM Greg, Jul 14, 2015.

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  1. Rhysingstar

    Rhysingstar Forum Ambassador

    The two big things right now are the Rangers EA and the SM's turrets.

    What if the EA could be mitigated a little by resistance instead of lowering the dmg value? I know EA is a pure dmg attack and not elemental, but there has to be something that could make everyone somewhat happy instead every Ranger unhappy.

    For turrets, maybe allow the other players the ability to destroy it, stun it, or use guardians to taunt it? Maybe only allow 1 in pvp.

    There has to be an alternative to continuously nerfing the classes.
    misterbean likes this.
  2. T-T1006

    T-T1006 Forum Apprentice

    Hi there,

    is Greg still alive or have you eaten him instead of the christmas goose? Just a signal, that he still is trying to answer our questions in the german/portuguese/... threads, would adequate. Thanks.


    Gummiball and Armando like this.
  3. misterbean

    misterbean Padavan

    Why not reduce all skills of all classes by a factor of 2x or 3x.
    For example if the precision did 300% before, it will do 100% of base dmg now.
    At the same time reduce the mobs hp, armor, resistance by 2x or 3x.
    This will fix the dmg inflation in pvp. We'll all do normal dmg while at the same time keep the current defense. Of course you're gonna see 1 hit kills if many have 3-6k dmg and 300-770% dmg skills.
    What were you thinking when you implemented this? You want me to buy a brain for you, devs? Wasn't it obvious that this would lead to disaster in pvp? Now your fix is to nerf rangers best skill for pve. You are retarded, I speak the truth.

    If you'll do this I promise I'll quit the game. It's not possible that you disrespect people's hard work this way over and over again. We put in a lot of effort and build our toon with the current skills only so that you can change it later and destroy the entire balance of the character.

    A nerf like this requires some compensation to the other skills. But you just take away from the class and give nothing back.
    Last edited: Jan 11, 2016
  4. MegaNuker

    MegaNuker Forum Ambassador

    Check it out.
  5. Wiz42zero

    Wiz42zero Forum Greenhorn

    Got my char to lvl 17 before i found out NOBODY on the server speaks english..... your game sucks
  6. daywaker2

    daywaker2 Forum Demigod

    There is no reason to buy this time stelargold :) 10k Andermant = 100 Stelargold.

    But if you make one round of this new Event map you get 2015stelargold:)

    So no buy, just farm:D

  7. fourtwenty68

    fourtwenty68 Board Analyst

    iv'e said this b4 ;)
  8. joão

    joão Forum Apprentice

    Hey, Haruki

    When will come the new expansion content?

    How can we get the new (long forgotten bone dragon?)

  9. _Baragain_

    _Baragain_ Living Forum Legend

    YES! I was so excited that it got reversed. That is exactly what I was talking about here:
    You did exactly what I was dreaming you would do and I am SHOCKED... the good kind of shocked!
    Armando took the words right out of my mouth. Give us the heads up on the crafting 2.0 and we will tell you what is done right and what is done wrong and save you a lot of headaches later.
    Armando, Troneck86 and -Skygazer- like this.
  10. EhtovK

    EhtovK Old Hand

    Phew, sure it's a relief to hear the gems are going to stay on Zumpe, I congratulate you on this decision, and show myself thankful at you guys for listening to the community on this one, I truly do. Then, here comes a question, might be a bit obvious and I'm assuming the answer, but I think it's worth asking anyway: Does this mean the increase of the appearance rate of Gilded Clovers and gems while betting on the Jesters is gone as well?

    On the other hand, I'm gonna hold my horses as much as I can with this issue, but..., to all the people here who complained about "this class being OP" and similar stuff..., are you happy now?, as a person who finds 200% more thrill in fighting strong mobs in PvE than fighting huge egos on PvP, I couldn't find you more hypocrit if I tried with all my might, all of you who complain about Dwarves being OP, I don't see you complaining about them when you team up with them on PvE, "turrets too strong", but sure you love them on Heredur fatal, don't you?, I have seen some of you, from my server, teaming for PvE mainly with the classes you complain about being OP in PvP in this or other threads.

    Do you all realize that at this rate the mobs keep getting stronger and stronger and due to your PvP egos being flattened and your cries you are guiding the devs to nerf us all and wreck our PvE experience???, I don't see you complaining like this "Ice magic spam kills mobs nice in PvE, unfair when they team with me , nerf it bua bua", "EA helps rangers hit harder and we kill boss faster, nerf it bua bua, not fair", I'm done with your double standards, have fun trying to go excruciating and fatal if you manage to get us all nerfed enough, are you out of your mind?

    And for the devs, STOP nerfing just for the sake of it, if you're gonna do so trying to balance PvP, then add back to the skills as %increased damage to monster or something like that, whatever you want, some of us don't give a peanut for PvP but are being affected by these endless PvP tear rivers, leave PvE alone and out of your nerfings!.

    That's all, for now...
    Knifefromjack and BigPapa like this.
  11. _Baragain_

    _Baragain_ Living Forum Legend

    The answer is actually quite simple and they already have it half way implemented already. In every skill description that has a debuff or a stun, there are two times listed... one for PvE and then one for PvP in parenthesis... Simply extend this to the skill's damage too! If in PvP or against a PvP target, it does X, and if it is a NPC monster, then it does Y. I'm with you... No need to screw over PvE players to satisfy people who measure the size of their reproductive organs against how easily they can win in PvP and get upset when theirs turn out to be smaller.
    Bubble, Armando, -Skygazer- and 4 others like this.
  12. sebastian_fl

    sebastian_fl Count Count

    Spot on. And EA is a beautiful example that is hard to balance, not to make it either too OP pvp wise or completely underpowered PVE wise. Even though there are some class specifics that invented the issue, separating pve and pvp could be an answer.

    Also, having a Skill compensate for lack of something of the particular class, is also an issue in my opinion. Rangers cant go all in in terms of items, so let's give them a comprnsating skill. Maybe better give them items so that move isnt required at all?
  13. -Skygazer-

    -Skygazer- Advanced

    This is the first emotional post from a person whose posts I always enjoyed reading. Anyway, yes, please hold your horses. Throwing strong accusations about being hypocrites from someone who says only been in the game for a short time is a little too jumpy. Most of people on DSO chose the game due strong PvP inclination. People do invest in their chars mostly because of PvP, thus this game project has "fuel in the tank" for further development. I against nerfing this class today or that class tomorrow, but I strongly believe in proper formulas and testing before implementing ridiculous changes that lead us all to frustrations and disappointments.

    Judging from your post, I can tell how much love you give to your dwarf toon only after having played a short while. That is only commendable and I see you already share our passion for DSO, well done on that part! Can you now picture yourself having given that much love to your char over 4 years plus about 8k euros on top of that love to only find out one day that all of that got pizzed on by someone who makes bad decisions?

    I personally love a good challenge in PvP and I love dwarfs' power, great! I also started a dwarf toon not long ago and trust me, I give it a lot of love and ...... mula ;-) Yes, people naturally look for a huge damage output for Heredur farms, it doesn't mean they are being hypocritical. What pizzes people off is not so much the power but the insane (beyond all measures) survivability, and being able to heal in the exhaustion mode. I truly feel being robbed in this scenario when I have end game DK, with 18k HP and insane (for DKs) damage, 53% resist and other top stats being absolutely annihilated by a level 46 dwarf with only polished gems. The dwarf player makes a bow over my char's dead body and whispers "sorry bro, I know you, dwarfs are strong now". I don't see that fair at all. I also don't understand this exhaustion mechanics and formulas, how I lose 670 HP each second with all my stats (?!) I did an experiment with a friend SW in 1v1 arena: he has 7.6k HP and mine was 19k then, we just stood and talked till exhaustion. I got killed ...... finito......

    PvP is a very emotional area and it should be approached with caution and respect, it requires fine balance like it was back in 2012....

    Peace V
    EhtovK and sebastian_fl like this.
  14. crazyelli

    crazyelli Junior Expert

    This is what they did to the DK'S months ago .. and only the Dk's complained,,, now its happening to others ,,,,,people should quit complaining on other class skills and play what class they picked ,,good or bad,,,and maybe DSo will stop messing and nerfing us all.
  15. EhtovK

    EhtovK Old Hand

    I agree, I refrained myself quite a lot of times, but it's kinda hard being cool about these type of changes all the time, and because it's already hard to find a somewhat good group in our server for PvE, as you might know, that leads me to a worried state and makes me upset because they keep taking the road to nerf our toons, so, how are we going to hold our ground against upcoming challenges?. And, care to suggest a better adjective to refer to those persons I mentioned above?, I'm curious about your opinion, no sarcasm.

    Thanks, and nope, my main character is a wizard, and it's going to stay like that, my dwarf is an underdeveloped level 35 created just for the sake of testing and out of boredom, who's not even been inside a PvP arena ever and rarely groups with other people, my ranger is level 37 and my DK is level 38, all of them kinda fall in the same bag, except I started in this game with my DK. I'm complaining out of empathy towards all of them, including your class as a DK, not because this nerfing adresses my main's class at all.

    This, they say, is unintended, and they're going to fix it, apparently.

    Cheers, looking forward to maybe team up with you when I get good enough.
    -Skygazer- and Armando like this.
  16. Armando

    Armando Forum Connoisseur

    I would actually suggest to do this for the wisdom talents. Insane damage, runspeed or survivability would become a lot less likely, if those effects are cut to 1/2 or 1/3 for PvP.
  17. Master0fpuppets

    Master0fpuppets Forum Baron

    I'am done with PvP but just for test I went again. My build was 13500 life, 9077 armor and 79% blok with 65% damage reduction by blocking and gess what, it did not do anything :D
    So I have to say it, you have to nerf EA for RA and IM for SW it's just ridiculous damage and add to that RA can slow non stop -40% and SW can non stop stun with electricity skill. What chanse do I have as is? :D
    Last edited: Jan 12, 2016
  18. Troneck86

    Troneck86 Forum Great Master

    You are not part of the solution when you make nerf claims, especially when you want just one skill altered. That is part of the problem. It may seem simple, but when you are altering parts of the game there is a whole lot that goes into it. Try offering ways to improve other classes. It takes more mental capacity, yes, but it is much more effective.

    Separating pvp from pve stats is a valid strategy and is what a few of the mmo games I've played have done. It seems to work well.

    Chopping off the tip of the iceberg doesn't fix the issues underwater.
    Yogo, EhtovK and misterbean like this.
  19. Rhysingstar

    Rhysingstar Forum Ambassador

    Hello Haruki.

    I hope that DSO is really paying attention to the pw feedback thread and is seeing what players want.

    There are good things (maps and city) about the new pw and just about everyone agrees on the good things.

    There are also not good things (drops, boss hp levels, difficult mini bosses, non resetting maps, poor uniques) and just about everyone agrees on the bad things.

    The basic problem begins with how DSO operates, yet it happens constantly.

    Rush to implement an idea.
    Ask for feedback.
    Ignore most feedback.
    Wonder why players complain.
    Rinse and repeat.

    Before the great redo of the pw, just about everyone was running HOD, Mortis, Kahlys. There was a reason for this. Quick kills, good drops.

    As standard operating procedure, DSO chooses not to build upon what we had, but to take it away from us, then if they ever allow it again, charge us for it.

    The solution could have been simple. Instead of forcing us to run boring, bad drop maps, make them interesting and fun. All the new and newly designed maps should have been as good as the original HOD. If every map was dropping 5 exo's at a minimum and could be reset, just think of how much fun that would be.

    If the mini bosses were not tougher than the big boss, think of how much fun that would be.

    If all the bosses could be run over and over with decent drops like the old Mortis and Kahlys, think of how much fun that would be.

    And btw, more HP does not equal harder, only more boring.

    Then the next solution is also simple. Create a set of uniques that players want. The Ammon set was a bad joke to start with, and the improved version is only worse.

    I know the excuse is that it is for newer pw players, but what about those of us that aren't so new? Do we not matter any longer?

    Before you suggest the new tiered gear is for us older players, look at the feedback. They suck, and this was done on purpose. No one who had ever played a game before would design uniques that aren't even as good as average legendary items, and call it a good thing.

    Last thing, by truly listening to the players the complaints would be far less. Wouldn't that be something?
  20. Darwarren

    Darwarren Count Count

    Several thread have an underlying central theme: trust DSO, trust BigPoint, trust other players, etc. So,
    Trust (
    1. reliance on the integrity, strength, ability, surety, etc., of a person or thing; confidence.
    2. confident expectation of something; hope.
    3. confidence in the certainty of future payment for property or goods received; credit:
    to sell merchandise on trust.
    4. a person on whom or thing on which one relies.
    5. the condition of one to whom something has been entrusted.
    6. the obligation or responsibility imposed on a person in whom confidence or authority is placed.
    7. charge, custody, or care.

    "Trust is not given, it is earned."
    Will you give us some straight talk about trust?
    VMmage likes this.
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