Suggestion Crafting 2.0 Ideas

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by pydragons, Jan 10, 2016.

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  1. pydragons

    pydragons Padavan

    The last Twitch session at 01.08.'15 we didn't received any info on the new crafting system . One might deduce that they still don't have a well placed design or even some rough idea, they kinda hinted the lack of it.
    So this thread will serve as an idea generator for Crafting 2.0.
    As we know BP's skills and the way they work, we must come up with slim, minimalistic, not so complex and simple and easy ideas. We need a simple but deep design. We also need a design that will pick up their interest. I know BP hardly takes our feedback, but if we give a decent idea that is easy to implement and favors both parties (mainly them), then I think we as a community can have an impact on their set-in-stone idea.

    Get your creativity to work, for the sake of the future crafting system. Post here and fight against the a bad crafting system that will most definitely come ! Post now for the sake of DSO, or face the failure wave that often hits us !

    --Update on some rough concept.
    I would like to see subdivided single (item or set?) parts.
    They should be farmable from mobs with legendary like probability of drop.
    They can also be included in the fragments shop.
    Their purpose will be used as input for the workbench.
    Depending on the set of parts, they can be unique, legendary, ... piece.
    Few of these pieces are needed to craft a whole usable item.
    We have a new items to collect that will add to our inventory.
    This pieces will be used to craft an item with a single set like stat; 1 single stat line of stat
    Because of nature of these stat effect DSO can monthly code new effect that will be added to the possible drop

    This piece of crafted item can be combined with some normal items that we farmed previously.
    *** Place here any crafting mechanic that will act on possibly 3 normal items being crafted in combination with the legendary/unique piece we crafted ***

    The way I see it is something like 2 not so different steps.
    First we craft an object with some parts that we farmed. And they will result with an object with only 1 line of stat or effect, which can be used to craft a whole item. Part of set or simple legendary.
    Next we farm some mobs to collect some items and craft an item with supposedly changing some stats. Few posts below show such interest.
    Now these items, the crafted object with some effect mechanic and the the other crafted item with manipulated line of stats. The combination of the two results into an item with some effect.
    Lets say I combine "crafted poisonous giving fang" and "crafted legendary item", we get "poisonous legendary" with stats of our choice (ander or gold, I dont care), but also gives a poisonous effect.
    Last edited: Jan 12, 2016
  2. AuZor

    AuZor Forum Apprentice

    But what's your suggestions?
  3. pydragons

    pydragons Padavan

    I still haven't come up with anything concrete, I will give myself few days. In the meantime anyone who thinks they have a proposal can post it.
    Odds are, DSO will start implementing a Crafting 2.0 for r161, but I doubt it. If I'm correct then we have 1 month to generate a quality proposal.
  4. Darwarren

    Darwarren Count Count

    Marketing hype runs their show. Whatever new thing they "discover" will be dumped as soon as it is old and loses its sizzle.
    We are just along for the ride, as long as we pay for it.
  5. Rhysingstar

    Rhysingstar Forum Ambassador

    Why not just consider some of the ideas in this thread?

    I absolutely love the idea of having player feedback, but after they purposely ignored 16 months of moon feedback I have my doubts that DSO would care what we think about crafting.

    In this last twitch they sort of admitted that no one uses crafting now (and we all know why), but if for some reason they did somehow allow targeted crafting or something good, they would still find some way to mess it up.
  6. trakilaki

    trakilaki Living Forum Legend

    Don't bother folks ... they are not listening anyway.
    They are always doing the opposite of what we suggest. One plain example is the Teleport+Mount ... they removed it and when they decided to get it back they made it Mount+Teleport.
  7. MegaNuker

    MegaNuker Forum Ambassador

    Here is my idea.

    When you place the items on the workbench you have a few lines depending on the quality of the outcome.

    If it will be legendary item you have 4 lines to choose. Each line costs Gold or Anderment to unlock. With that line you can choose what each mod will be. This will give us a lot of eq we can test.
    Last edited: Jan 10, 2016
  8. Rhysingstar

    Rhysingstar Forum Ambassador

    No way they remove the randomness, that would make players way too happy.

    Now of course they could offset this and still make the majority of players unhappy by simply charging a ridiculous price like 100 gold per line or make everyone buy some type of crafting stone. That would be more in line with their thinking.

    My guess is that they'll simply add more tiers to the crafting, like they do with the new uniques. Craft four exo's to get a random leg for tier 1, craft four legs to get to a random tier 2, craft three legs plus some bought stone to get a lousy random tier 3.
  9. epvp

    epvp Forum Apprentice

    I like the idea. and 100 gold is not high. I can say its even cheap. Also not remove randomness. Just give player change to choose only 1 line type (armor, crit, % dmg, resis and etc) and not the stat value just type. You can you 4 same kind of item along with some kind of scroll or stone
  10. MegaNuker

    MegaNuker Forum Ambassador

    Twitch November 17th stated they wanted a way to remove randomness.

    I will do a mock up of the idea step by step as much as I can do. As much as I can understand about how the game works provide a step by step process like a flow chart ect...
    Last edited: Jan 11, 2016
  11. Armando

    Armando Forum Connoisseur

    Here's my old suggestion from the German forum:
    The (type and value of) enchantments of the input items should have an influence on the outcome.
    I suggest that if the resulting item has n enchantments, the type of n-1 of those should be chosen from those of the input items (that is, from those matching the item type of the outcome). The extra enchantment gained by producing an item of the next rarity level should still be randomly chosen from all possible enchantments for the output type.
    a) you craft four green shoes with runspeed on them, you get a pair of blue shoes with runspeed and one random enchantment.
    b) you craft four extraordinary weapons with all-in-all 6 absolute damage and 6 %-weapon-damage-enchantments: the resulting legendary weapon would have 3 enchantments that each have a 50% chance of being absolute or weapon damage. The forth enchantment would be random.
    c) you craft 1 blue weapon with 2 times attack speed and 3 blue body armors with 2 times increased armor, each.
    You have a 25% chance of getting a weapon with 2x attack speed and a random enchantment and a 75% chance of getting a body armor with 2x increased armor and another random enchantment.

    So, the steps would be:
    - determine item type of the output (randomly from 4 input items, as before)
    - determine all enchantments in the inputs that fit the output item type
    - choose n-1 enchantments randomly from those (draw without putting back, i.e. each input enchantment can be used once)
    - determine the enchantment randomly for the output item type

    There needs to be a random factor, otherwise it would be too easy to craft really powerful 4x-enchantments.

    For the values, I would also like to see an influence of the input.
    I think the most feasible solution would be to determine the quality of the n-1 chosen input enchantments as a percentage in the min-max range of the enchantment on the original input item. (you cannot directly use absolute values, as e.g. offhand items have a lot higher values for some enchantment types). Then, apply that quality rating to the respective enchantment range of the output.
    Example: Let's assume that you use two level 48 shields and 2 level 50 weapons in crafting (not very smart, but just for the sake of the example...).
    One of the 2 shields had a damage enchantment of, let's say, 40. Within an (example) possible range of 25-45 for lvl 48 shields, that would be a 75% quality rating. If this enchantment gets chosen for a resulting level 49 weapon with a possible damage value range from 20-60, the resulting enchantment would be +50 damage (also at 75% of the range).
    One might consider some more randomness here, e.g. a Gaussian normal distribution around the orginal quality value.

    I would understand if BP chose to raise the crafting costs for giving us more influence on the result - MODERATELY, that is to some 150 to 200% of the current costs.

    As BP and many players seem to like gambling, I think it would be nice to keep the current system as a second, cheaper Option anyway, so that one can still generate items of a desired item type with (new) random enchantments.
    Last edited: Mar 22, 2016
    ekant1992 likes this.
  12. Rhysingstar

    Rhysingstar Forum Ambassador

    400 gold for 1 leg is not high to you? For that price the values would have to be in very a narrow range and zero randomness for me.
    -Cindy- likes this.
  13. Darwarren

    Darwarren Count Count

    Let's go back to basics.


    1. an art, trade, or occupation requiring special skill, especially manual skill: the craft of a mason.

    2. skill; dexterity: The silversmith worked with great craft.

    A workman can make an improved item, or an extra ordinary item, even a legendary item.
    But only a craftsman can make items with special skill and dexterity. The items from crafting should be superior to those from common work. Better, superior, advanced, uncommonly good . . . you get the picture.

    Make sure work benching does not produce run-of-the-mill items, only fit for melt. Crafted items should be a tier above the ordinary at each level.
    pydragons and misterbean like this.
  14. MegaNuker

    MegaNuker Forum Ambassador

    Ok here is my idea with pictures and the way to make this game even more marketable

    1.) Input you items.
    Then combine.

    Once you get to this screen you click on (one) of the random enchantment lines. Depending on if you have premium or not what you will see is a list. A free player will see

    +%critical damage
    +critical value
    +hit points
    +all resistance

    The only change with the premuim would be they would see the values

    +9 damage....

    The change the programers could make to DSO would be to generate all the values based on the quality and level of the items (the min and max of each enhancement.) It would pick a number for each line. Once the user chooses one of the enhancement values, it would be rendered to that enhancement line and the user can repeat till all enhancements lines are chosen. After completion the item would have a price to obtain from the workbench just line the venders. If a person dc before he chooses it would simply be left on the workbench. No other item can be crafted til the item is choosen. There is also a button to take the item with no enchantmets choosen and then it would receive all of the random enchantments like always. This would be someone that crafted for the daily and will disregard the item...
    Last edited: Jan 12, 2016
  15. epvp

    epvp Forum Apprentice

    Depends how to implement it. If you think about existing item and changing its 1 selected line randomly (other 3 remains), 100 gold is good price.


    It doesnt matter much. At the end they did it. I assume they read feedback just mostly they dont like our opions. And probably because of no benefit from financial aspect.
    Last edited by moderator: Jan 11, 2016
  16. ekant1992

    ekant1992 Padavan

    This is exactly what i though when i heard crafting 2.0 the first time


    so can we choose all the lines to be crit hit value on a belt and so on... don't you think it would be a bit ...OP ?
    Last edited by moderator: Jan 15, 2016
    Armando likes this.
  17. MegaNuker

    MegaNuker Forum Ambassador

    No not at all. If I remove my +112 damage belt for an all crit belt I really think I will loose out on some damage. Every mod that you get is random value and the cost can be high to obtain the item you want.
  18. Rhysingstar

    Rhysingstar Forum Ambassador

    It's the random that is killing us at the moment. I already pay 100 for random and it is not worth it. Now it could work if we found 4 exo weapons with the same 3 lines of enchantments (dmg, dmg, %dmg) and paid a little extra to guarantee the 4th line was what we wanted. The actual numbers within those enchantments could be somewhat random, but at least you would get the 4 lines you want.

    If they charged 100 to keep the original 3 lines and 50 or 100 for the 4th, that would be better in my opinion.

    If they charged 100 per line, the random would have to be gone, but then you open up a whole different set of OP arguments.

    I'm fine with keeping the grind to look for four items with the same 3 lines and buying the 4th. That way the stupid random luck of drops still balance out for everyone.
  19. MegaNuker

    MegaNuker Forum Ambassador

    Hey I would even like the idea of re-rolling the stats before you take it off the workbench for a feel like the daily....

    But hey any improvements is a good thing...
  20. epvp

    epvp Forum Apprentice

    It can be like this :
    1 line costs x gold
    2 line costs 2x gold
    3 line costs 3x gold
    4 line costs y andermant

    But I still feel with this feature top players and eventually many players gonna max all stats at gears. I cant decide is it a good or bad thing
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