PVP idiotic

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by vanja1983, Jan 10, 2016.

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  1. sebastian_fl

    sebastian_fl Count Count

    Not to create a new thread, will ask here)

    What is the best post r158 mage strategy against a DK in 1v1? Assuming DK is well balanced, not a dmg only, which is easy, not a HP only, which isn't hard too, but the balanced with both HP, block etc and Damage.

    His tactic is to engage a mage only with dragon skin, use all his stuns, and run away, hide&heal in between.

    Asuming mage has equal amount of glyphs, gems etc, what would be the proper setup and strategy?)

    As for running dwarfs with turrets, placing a guardian wins the fight. No idea what to do with those DK though.

    And another question. Any other mage has issue with the frost nova not canceling the burning effect?
  2. w0k3r

    w0k3r Forum Apprentice

    Distance is your best friend. Slow, stun, skills (watchman, singularity, meteor, mind control, etc), movement speed, and using terrain to create distance. If he can't catch you he can't kill you.
    Assuming he is using a shield, taking a few hits is fine, but not iron brow, just recreate the distance and do damage along the way. Take your time and chip away his hp. Do take him down with singularity when he wasted all his escapes.
  3. epvp

    epvp Forum Apprentice

    All your statments are false.
    I don't even need to explain them to you ... because it is a high state of ignorance. See how its easy to debate a person like you!

    You have right and wrong opionons. For example I didnt know that you can block gaining experience in pvp. Is that true ? or just a word ?
    And apart from this PvP , twinking subject look at FACT 5. Forget about all these subjects just focus on this. Dont want to explain why or when or where .. "There are more marshals at lvl 50! then any other lvl". Its a fact ! And you are telling me its false, why ? Just because I said it ? Its like 1+1 = 2.
    Its clear to me now. There is no point to argue with you. I wont reply any of your further posts on this subject.
  4. trakilaki

    trakilaki Living Forum Legend

    You have to learn the game basics ... I will be waiting for you ... once you are familiar with the basics I will teach you the next level.
    Of course you can't argue when you can't throw even a single argument on a table.

  5. VukChe

    VukChe Forum Apprentice

    The statments of Trakilaki are truth, not false. Trakilaki said you as it is. You need more gaming, learning and thinking. And one more thing, "Marshal" does not mean anything, you can be marshal if you wont. There is many marshals who often eat dust in arena from flag bearers or Knights of the order. Title mean nothing.
    trakilaki likes this.
  6. BigPapa

    BigPapa Forum Overlooker

    Even moreso now than before R155. Before the expansion; a higher title indicated you had points that gave you access to skills lower ranked members could not get. Now everyone has access to the same skills and the only difference is the number of points you can put into them. The new system closes the huge gap that was there before and is actually a good thing. It eliminates the reason to complain when A grp of 5 KoTo's gets matched against 5 Marshal's. Notice I said it eliminated the reason to complain, not the illusion of unfairmess. Skill is skill accentuated by a little know how and KoTo's have every opportunity to be successful against a Marshal now as the marshal has nothing the Koto cant get.

    BTW epvp, you didn't say there were more Marshal's at 50, you said MOST 50's were Marshal, which is indeed inacurate. I play on Tegan and there are ~200 toons that are Marshal or higher and 50% or so of those are legacy toons that don't play anymore.
    trakilaki likes this.
  7. epvp

    epvp Forum Apprentice

    You are right. Not most 50s are not Marshal, but lvl 50s have higher rank players than any of lower rank players. My intension is to say at lower lvl if you newcomer, you can find 1-2 player who you can kill or fight with. But once you reach lvl 50 first time you will face monster player which you dnt have any chance.

    And could you please clearify is it possible to block exp at PvP ? If so, thats the real problem. DSO need to fix this immediatly.
  8. Vanakurat

    Vanakurat Forum Greenhorn

    You can get up to 5% of your level xp in a single game of 5v5. Traki is deluded.
    epvp likes this.
  9. trakilaki

    trakilaki Living Forum Legend

    Tell me about it.
    Then how can you explain level 10 KOTOs or level 15 marshals?
  10. pydragons

    pydragons Padavan

    DSO's PvP will never be even close to what MOBA PvP offers. It requires effort beyond BP skill.
    PvP have stayed and will stay always crappy.
  11. Vanakurat

    Vanakurat Forum Greenhorn

    They're old, and their fun is over.
  12. trakilaki

    trakilaki Living Forum Legend

    I can see new ones are coming.
  13. Vanakurat

    Vanakurat Forum Greenhorn

    Name? I'd very much like to see that.
  14. trakilaki

    trakilaki Living Forum Legend

    And you are?
    Like ... someone important?
  15. w0k3r

    w0k3r Forum Apprentice

    Toons that was made 2 years ago when they dont give exp from exhaust death is one possibility.

    Why even bother with this thread...
  16. Vanakurat

    Vanakurat Forum Greenhorn

    Ladies and gentlemen. I give you Trakilaki.

    Look at his post. Why do you ask a question if you have no intention of having a conversation. Pathetic. It's so bad it's not even funny.
    Here's a LVL50 who's spent 4 years farming 16 hours a day, the guy who goes on low level killing sprees, while bitching about PvP balance.

    While we're talking about exploits, Trakilaki was first to brag about finishing the Winter Event's first challenge in less than 3 hours.
    Here's a few quotes from the Forum Freak:

    "If you are smart enough you will finish it really quick and you don't have to buy anything."
    "Smart ways can't be shared ... it can be only learnt. Experience makes you wiser. XD"

    Yes. I know how you did it. Hypocrite. I don't see you posting about that one.
    I guess we all know what's coming next: "All your statments are false."
  17. trakilaki

    trakilaki Living Forum Legend

    Post links to wiki to those quotes ... So I don't have to search them ... mister BP guy.


    Yeah ... you are too slow

    here is the link to the conversation

    EDIT 2

    What is unclear for you?
    What bothers you?
    Is it the fact that you are a noob and you can't finish a single event or it is the fact that you don't have a basic understanding in PVP mechanics?
    Yes i finished it in 3 hours ... is there something wrong with it?
    How much should I play for 2000 progress? 3 months?
    Do you know who you are talking to? A guy who is playing the events before they reach the live servers ... a guy who is playing them and making guides for noobs like you ... so they can have information ...
    What do you think ... how do I make guides? Waiting for someone from BP ... to give me something on the silver platter?
    I play the events days and nights ... you should be grateful someone is giving you something for free. when they come to live server i play them blind folded.
    You are accusing me of cheating because you was to dumb to splash the cash and still not able to finish the event. LOL

    Regarding the PVP ... what you said? I am doing low level what?
    Read all my posts and statements about the twinks (of course if you are able to read) ... and you are accusing me of twinking because you don't know a single thing about the arena? Read the post above yours ... w0k3r gave one example ....
    And yes there is possibility to block the XP ... and what were you all thinking ... BP will fix everything just because you want fair play? XDXD
    They are here to milk every single dime from you ... that is what they do for living ... that is why they DON'T want anyone to lay a hand on their beloved stupid ugly retarded twinks.

    What a funny guy ... noob.
    Last edited: Jan 18, 2016
    Darwarren likes this.
  18. Well, well, well.... a swan song thread complaining about PvP imbalance (now there's something new) has gone pear-shaped and turned into a poop-flinging competition. Who'd a thunk it? Closing before WWIII gets started.
    hempthegreen, Anyki and Darwarren like this.
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