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Discussion in 'Headquarters Archive' started by CM Greg, Jul 14, 2015.

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  1. trakilaki

    trakilaki Living Forum Legend

    The funny thing is ... I heard those rumors too.
    I am sure they can be tracked down ... but only if BP wants to.
    So BP ... what you say?
    The glove is thrown in your face.
    If you step away - you are coward.
    if you accept the challenge - do it now before it is too late.
  2. mike125

    mike125 Forum Apprentice

    It's true.. on Grimmag the guild DarkClan used this bug (it's most visible on this guild), maybe there some other players who used it too i dont know. Now there are players from Grimmag with stats like mages with 19k hp , 3-5k dmg and 80% armor, for free, it's ridiculous that BP haven't done anything so far. I guess they wont do anything as usual..
    tothmartin likes this.
  3. sebastian_fl

    sebastian_fl Count Count

    Another agile guy out there, nice)

    But agile isn't a methodology, just an approach or philosophy. It's framework only has principles written in the manifesto, so it doesn't tell you how to score, to vote or not to vote etc. Neither scrum says how.

    Even though I agree with you forum is ineffective for voting, I doubt they will ever open their scrum tool to us. I wouldn't.

    Perhaps some other tool. They could even use some small amount of drakens to vote, following an agile game from innovation games called Buy a Feature.
    Armando likes this.
  4. Ella

    Ella Someday Author

    Regarding that 1500 coins bug I agree that they deserve to be banned.Its a "direct" atack to the players which are paying few hundred,thousands EUR to can have special gems.I am sure that the terms of the game are "1 way" game - players(payers) but there need to be some terms what protect players too from the unfair system.For every product,service there is a law which is protecting the costumers. Ofc if there was really the bug :)
    My question near all above more important is really marginal but ok:
    After 6 months of the patch 155 when we can expect from the cubes uniqs lvl 50,and from Emilia too?

    semen470, Bubble, tothmartin and 2 others like this.
  5. Darwarren

    Darwarren Count Count

    Banning would require effort by BigPoint. It hasn't happened yet; doubtful it will ever happen. Remedies for the rest of us? Pfff.

    Which leads us into 2 groups, with some overlap possible.
    1. People who play the game, Big Point's meal tickets, grinders, and chumps.
    2. People that play BigPoint, bug experts, glitch riders, strategists, tactical wizards, and so forth. Some know more about the game than the DSO staff. Some know much, much more.

    If DSO doesn't balance the game by banning the abusers, they can balance it by giving everyone else the multiple drops. That's fair, isn't it? Good for a few, good for all? Just dump it in our inventory. It's OK. We are standing by, waiting for it.

    tothmartin likes this.
  6. Beatles35

    Beatles35 Forum Apprentice

    Hi there!

    First of all, I love this thread. In release 160 patch notes I've seen a big changes to the hunter's skill: explosive arrow, I do not go to speak about changes in this ability, well I have two questions. There isn't a specific skill from bowman to generate all area agro like the rest of classes. Wolves and tree are on their own, they not help nothing, monsters still hitting you without giving a second of respite, a little modification in wolves or tree will help in this way. Second question is that it will be possible some day for the hunter a real two handed weapon? I don't know, maybe crossbow, and that's all, really thank you for your time and your patience @CM Haruki
  7. sebastian_fl

    sebastian_fl Count Count

    Well, I have heard the rumors BP is going to ban them. Will see.
    tothmartin and -Skygazer- like this.
  8. -HARRA81-

    -HARRA81- Forum Mogul

    It would only make sense. If you think that all bot users got banned. I would personally say that using such glitch or a bug
    for getting millions of andermant, jesters and ten thousands of Drakens wouldn't be making much difference of using 3rd party program
    for hacking andermants/ items to your character. If you have a ten guys in the same guild who was using this bug/glitch to upgrade their characters..... You might as well forget about the guild battle feature.
  9. BigPapa

    BigPapa Forum Overlooker

    I'd be happy with a direct taunt. If you won't let me be a decent damage dealer, then give me a taunt and HP regen skill so I can be a decent tank.
    misterbean and crazyelli like this.
  10. tothmartin

    tothmartin Someday Author

    I may invested like 4K Euros to have medium level of these stones. If someone get them for free, can I get my money back?
    Darwarren likes this.
  11. kiro73

    kiro73 Forum Greenhorn

    Hi Haruki, it is said that in the fall there will be the release of two new titles that will reduce a lot the users of D3 Blizzard.
    Have you and your staff a plan to counter the imminent release of titles like Lost Ark and Eternal Lineage? How you will hold your users in your server?
    Szmaciak and misterbean like this.
  12. Rhysingstar

    Rhysingstar Forum Ambassador


    As much as I would like to believe that DSO is trying to fix pvp, the constant nerfing is negatively affecting every single player, whether they pvp or not. It is difficult to understand why we are being punished for all of our hard work, effort, time and money spent.

    If the dev's cannot understand damage mitigation, can they at least separate the pvp - pve skills?
  13. daywaker2

    daywaker2 Forum Demigod

    Hi Haruki. Is it possible to give us stelargold event this week? It would be nice. Cause the other event starting at friday so we could play both:D We could farm the bosses for stelargold too:rolleyes: I hope you give us both events this week.
  14. misterbean

    misterbean Padavan

    They WON'T :D :D :D
    This is what they deserve :D
  15. trakilaki

    trakilaki Living Forum Legend

    That is not a good idea.
    The bosses are completely different ... as you know these two events are running on TS ... I have made something like 300 + runs so far both in normal and hard mode and the biggest pile of coins was x1. ATM I have only 3 coins into my inventory ... together with those opened it would be maximum of 7-8 coins.
    Those bosses in the DtU event maps are not the same as the original bosses. In the same time in the PW the bosses are dropping maximum of 60 stellar gold per kill (at least that much I got so far) depending on the difficulty.
  16. daywaker2

    daywaker2 Forum Demigod

    Yes but in this case you get stelargold+normal drop+event progress. So i think it would be better if both Events comming this week.

    [​IMG]you know some about this picture? Is that true?
  17. Rev

    Rev Active Author

    So is it true that there was a bug that allowed players to open the 1500 solstice coin chest multiple times? Please tell us the truth ^^ I'd like to think that the trust street is a mutual two way street. If you cannot ban or remove the acquired jewels from these users the least you could do is tell us the truth and what happened. For those that have spent values in the five digit numbers on jesters, this seems like a rather serious abuse. Not to mention that the developers are going to increase the drop chance of jester jewels by 150%, if i recall correctly. Obviously, i cannot complain that changes are made to the game, as it is a constant thing. However, as a customer i feel really cheated after spending several thousands of dollars to to acquire these jewels. There are people getting these through a bug? And now the drop chances increase for all? This is seriously disappointing.
    tothmartin likes this.
  18. _Baragain_

    _Baragain_ Living Forum Legend

    You really don't get it, do you? And you obviously didn't test it on the test server or you would get it. This is an all new DtU. You trade Realm Frags for a portal and kill bosses in those maps. You do the DtU bosses and you get DtU progress and keys to be used in the DtU maps. You get 0 Stellar Gold or Lucky Coins. If you farm the main map, regular bosses, PvP, or the Skyfall Arena for Stellar Gold or Lucky Coins, you get absolutely nothing that applies towards DtU. Doing both at the same time is a stupid idea because then you would have to chose which one you want to work on and would not be able to put your max effort into both. Next time, do some research before asking for such a momentously bad idea.
    Minota, Darwarren, thouvou000 and 2 others like this.
  19. BigPapa

    BigPapa Forum Overlooker

    New titles always threaten old ones; historically the rhetoric always says the new thing will kill the old but it is false. Look at the longevity of some of the decades old titles they said would die over and over and over again. There have been 35+ MMO's released since DSO came out. The hard core player base is still here, and new people continue to join. Some come and go, some leave and return. It's a revolving door and no new game is ever the be all end all it is hyped to be. In reality playing some of those other games has kept me involved in this one as it makes me appreciate more what this one offers that matches my prefered playstyle and level of complexity. Plus, what would i do without the continual emotional rollercoaster this game puts my on: anger, dissapointment, elation, frustration, satisfaction, laughter, pride, did i mention dissapointment? No new game ever lives up to its hype, even though it is usually fun to figure that part out. Somehow i always end up back here.
    Last edited: Jan 19, 2016
    VMmage, semen470, crazyelli and 2 others like this.
  20. sebastian_fl

    sebastian_fl Count Count

    Actually, I have done quite a research into the market of MMORPG 4 years ago before I decided where to invest my time. I have also performed another research 2 years after that, when there was already beautiful game on the market, and I decided to go with dso)
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