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Discussion in 'Headquarters Archive' started by CM Greg, Jul 14, 2015.

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  1. _Baragain_

    _Baragain_ Living Forum Legend

    All of those fit under my "..."
    But on a serious note, those are more things that we want. There is no shortage of things that we do care about, yet it had been a while since BP had implemented a change that was as universally sought after as those found on your list and my list. I'm not counting their backpedaling when they realized the riot their proposed changes to the jester gems would cause. That was just them acknowledging the stupidity of ideas that are 100% BigPoint born and breed for a change.
    Troneck86, Armando and Yogo like this.
  2. Opalsion

    Opalsion Junior Expert

    It's just a mount! see forum announcement :p
  3. _Baragain_

    _Baragain_ Living Forum Legend

    It says "like mounts." We don't know if they will be in the mount slot or something new.
  4. Opalsion

    Opalsion Junior Expert

    It's mount slot, on fb they were giving us also 3 options so I believe it is just another mount. :)
    Armando and Ella like this.
  5. Darwarren

    Darwarren Count Count

    Wings? The art department must be bored itless.
    Angel and demon wings are mildly entertaining, but I always thought inter-species dating was a maximum perversion.
    -Skygazer- and _Baragain_ like this.
  6. Ella

    Ella Someday Author

    What will be again,I suppose:1. for 100 clovers 2. for many anders... like usually... no need panic :D
    Anyhow if I am remembering well at the costume contest they wrote to not make nothing with the wings,because DSO is not that kind of the game... Anyhow I dont care,its not important at all...1 mount less or more...
    _Baragain_ and Opalsion like this.
  7. trakilaki

    trakilaki Living Forum Legend

    Wings!!! Wings!!!

    motorola11, VukChe, VMmage and 6 others like this.
  8. sebastian_fl

    sebastian_fl Count Count

    Waiting for 5v5 for 3 hours already :)
    Ella likes this.
  9. bLaind

    bLaind Forum Baron

    Wings? And without an actual functionality, just levitate but not over obstacles? Great, also coming soon: tails and ears.
    PS: I bet they will be accompanied by some new bugs (I wish I was talking about the insect bugs).
  10. User330K

    User330K Junior Expert


    This stuff reminds me of a game i wont name. It was fun for a while to play with then many grandiose updates came cause it started to fade.
    Lets see how it turned out:

    Wedding dresses .... OK it was new!
    Devil dresses .... Ah yeah!! they allowed the characters to levitate. The female characters looked kind of hot, and the male ones seriously gay ... Oh wait dont we have some kind of same stuff with the ballet costume?
    Came many many other same outfit changing garbage, when suddenly noone seen the news on any characters running around. And we got a new appearance in every second week.


    Ah yeah separate sockets for the dresses to put magic options in them, and so making them seem more worthy to buy.

    After a few weeks noone cared.

    New change: Put up to 4 of the same magic option in it. ... Fair good 4times 5% damage boost comes handy!! Or not .... cause everyone else had the same! Well what to do...

    New feature, A new kind of sockets in the gear. Put a specially crafted stones in your items and they will allow you to activate some time restricted boosts.
    Yeah... Had no quick slots enough to use them, but the possibility was given.

    Then came the devil spirit. With monthly subscription price. Activate it and it will change you into a demon and you get also percentages of boosts to all your stats. Oh and A, B S versions so if you are able to pay more you get more benefits.

    Why i have the feeling that its all drowning?

    I had a few months of break due to work. Now that i had a little break I wanted to enjoy some hunting. Full moon event and other I liked. Yes liked, cause now i found nothing enjoyable.

    Paralel worlds: Now its really new. Drop rate is fair ok. For blue items. And maybe for rare ones too. The different difficultiy levels were needed long ago. But why you had to take away the boss farming? Why i have to make that dumb quest to be able to get to the second map?

    You always said you take into consideration that the game needs lots of time to achieve something, and you want the gameplay to be rewarding.
    What is revarding in forcing me to fight trough two whole maps to get to a boss which then drop me a rare and 3-4 blue items?
    Its just waste of time.
    Sall I try higher difficulties? That takes even more time.

    Then i tried the Full moon- New moon events... Wish i didnt... Why the miniboss wolves have to have so much life? They are fairly stronger than the Boss itself... It became an another time wasting activity. I have to farm 30 -35 silver scrolls just to have enough for the normal maps. And i even have to farm more to get trough the hard map? for a set which i may get randomly? No way. I dont even get the entrance item to get in there. At least if i kill the normal boss it should give a fang. But nah... Its not how this game work. Those second tire sets arent even worthy to waste my time on to get.

    Skills are constantly changing values. The right mouse button skill idles to start firing my shoots.

    Balor? I had nerves to go to kill it... Will never go there till its like this. Its just an another exampleto something resource wasting and time wasting garbage. Just tell me what is so much fun in letting those crystals stay for that long? Why i have the feeling that its life had been increased at least 10 times compared to how it was when it was introduced? Maybe i said less than its actual increase...
    Yeah i can guess... Feel the challenge... I rather feel the freedom of not wanting more of this stuff. Sorrry, but i feel that way. I miss and will miss the fun this game gave. Now it doesnt give any good feeling.
    VMmage, Bubble, ULTRAPEINLICH and 4 others like this.
  11. Master0fpuppets

    Master0fpuppets Forum Baron

    Wings ... The main reason I did not like the other games ... Please don't do this ...
    Troneck86, -Skygazer- and Yogo like this.
  12. Noohbee

    Noohbee Forum Apprentice

    I've been eating a lot of chicken wings lately... now this.. LOL ! Srsly i dont like how things are going..

    Now my questions for CM Haruki/Greg:

    Why? :

    Nerf the drop rates of mini bosses in normal maps (Ie: wolf in eternal watch/ mini boss in hailstone mountains), atleast before they are sure drop of a "blue item"....?????
    Realm frags now rare as hell.. ???
    Severely nerf the drop rates of mystic cubes??? Im sure its true since whole lot of people are complaining about it!

    I dont see any of this in your patchnotes so then WHY WHY WHY is it like this now?
    Tell me is it time to move on ?
  13. EhtovK

    EhtovK Old Hand

    Here goes another parchment, sorry...

    Wings..., exactly for what?, here's the thing, Haruki-Sama, I personally don't dislike the idea, much..., but the issue is this: they would be really appreciated if they come along with some of the changes we've been begging for for months, begging. Here's a silly little example: how would a person feel if he was really thirsty, he's been asking me for water for 6 hours and I, brought him a bag of peanuts instead?, he might like the peanuts, yes, but he needs the water more. Might be a silly metaphor, but I think I make my point clear.

    At this point the developers have pushed the community desires back so much that we don't get to appreciate the other little things that they try to give to us, please give them a wake up call, this community is enraged, I've been in the forums for so long and I can tell how everyone becomes more and more angry as time goes by, read posts from a few months ago and read the posts nowadays, the mood is changing and not for good, we ask/propose, devs don't listen, we beg, devs still don't listen, we riot, devs are still not listening, are they going to listen when we get to the point that everyone starts migrating someplace else?.

    And yes, it is insulting, here's why: I'm not an expert nor a very knowledgeable person on the matter of game developing, but I have enough knowledge to understand what you said on the twitch stream, some features might look simple but in a practical sense require a lot of work, time, and development to be brought to us, BUT, the devs give us a bunch of unwanted features meaning that they have enough time for those but not for at least one of the features we ask for?, here's a blacklist:

    • Combat Value: Everyone ignores it, you "fixed" a couple of bugs regarding it, bugs no one cared about because it's a useless and unwanted feature, waste of time, everyone still ignores it.
    • New group window: Unwanted again, bothersome, impractical, with less use than the previous one.
    • New equipment notifications: Unwanted, annoying, glitchy, also "hotfixed" but still the same problem.
    • Essences working on open PvP maps and arenas: I don't even...
    And now we get wings, marvelous, when are we going to get a little bit of attention on actual issues?, give the devs a little reminder of what we want?:

    And a lot more already mentioned by other people here.

    How about these other issues?:
    • Self healing bosses inside PW Grimmagstone when dying and respawning in the same map while playing solo (which I reported several times already)
    • Bug on non-deploying Frozen Sphere on several spots in the PW maps (reported on feedback thread with video proof)
    • Realm fragment drops not being paired with the amount demanded by events
    • Bug on "adept inventor" talent for the steam mechanicus
    • Mystic cube drop rate, and their contents being a complete joke
    • Almost non-existant drop of uniques from the new PW sets even after running a single boss 200+ times
    • Almost non-existant drop of Temple Guardian and Corruption sets
    • Ranger being obviously underpowered in PvE compared to the other 3 classes
    • Unavoidable attacks from boars and dog monsters, just like it used to be with the troll melee attacks
    • Double lightning nova from mini-bosses
    I could make the list longer, but it's starting to feel pointless to be honest, I truly want to believe you, and even Greg about what you say, but actions speak louder than words, and the developers are crushing yours through their actions. At this point we're left with accepting the fact that you're not rolling back the "wing thingy", but take in consideration that you might want to spice that kind of release with something that the community actually wanted.

    Thanks for your time.
    VMmage, cdeepal, Bubble and 7 others like this.
  14. Ella

    Ella Someday Author


    This is fresh...I stopped to play pvp but tried 1 more time in a hope something changed but not...
    This is from Grimmag where many players have this problem but not all...Some are going in one after another...
    Sorry because couldnt wait more..but its enough...for me pvp is dead...
  15. pydragons

    pydragons Padavan

    Wings, quest tracking and the afk-mode are all coming from the chinese community. It seems they pool a lot of cash so BP must keep a part of the game in their comfort zone.
    We will keep seeing such nonsense updates. A decision was made to include chinese players, now they must keep them interested.
    Bubble and trakilaki like this.
  16. trakilaki

    trakilaki Living Forum Legend

    ... and I am 100% sure it is not the dev's decision.

    VukChe, pennanen, VMmage and 3 others like this.
  17. Hiro73

    Hiro73 Forum Expert

    Give this mount 20% movement speed, allow us to be able to attack enemies or jump or cure wings with potions. , give her 4,000 hp before breaking, allow it to fly over small enemies like rats and we can use them.
    Otherwise do not bother with such nonsense and concentrate on crafting sistem.
  18. sebastian_fl

    sebastian_fl Count Count


    When the excitement on the wings release is over, and you celebrate this major feature, could you please let us remove glyphs from items?

    I'm sure 99% of users will appreciate this feature, as oppose to 1% of those who appreciate the wings (one Pole who asked and one more who voted for). And, as it would require gold, BP will benefit from payers as well.
    -Skygazer- likes this.
  19. MANOJ

    MANOJ Forum Pro

    Hey Haruki,

    here is my submission for the Script Contest.

    pennanen, VMmage, trakilaki and 2 others like this.
  20. sebastian_fl

    sebastian_fl Count Count

    Thats because you are really OP, Zaxtr) and 3v3 is all you wanna play) go grab some of you guild mates, who are also good as hell, and go get some flags ;)
    Zaxtr likes this.
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