connecting issues

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by RoMaverick, Feb 19, 2016.

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  1. DrGonzo50

    DrGonzo50 Forum Greenhorn

    Same here, stateside.
  2. lol9696

    lol9696 Forum Greenhorn

    The last couple of days I could not play over the thin client so i was playing over mozilla browser and now I cant play the game at all.Your hotfix needs a hotfix.What are you doing to this game all I want is to play this game and nothing more:(
  3. maancrust

    maancrust Junior Expert

    I thought they fixed it by now, since the "PLAY NOW" button is accessible again, but I still keep getting that "all connection attempts have failed" message.
    I'm wondering if they even test their work after they "fix" it?
  4. lordgreywolf

    lordgreywolf Forum Greenhorn

    Agathon Server same issue so it's not just the two servers listed on notice
  5. Emergency SMS sent. The IT team is working over-time to resolve the issue:

  6. Mallet90c

    Mallet90c Forum Greenhorn

    But all servers showing green and populated, yet nobody can log in ???
  7. MikeyMetro

    MikeyMetro Forum Overlooker

    I cannot access any of my accounts on Tegan since the restart. All connection attempts failed msg.

    Luck be with ye,
  8. VukChe

    VukChe Forum Apprentice

    6:44 PM - thank you for your patience
    10:19 PM- all connections have failed

    How much patience we need?
  9. Guitarman

    Guitarman Forum Master

    same here from TEgan. This time it has to be 500 dusts to cover time lost.....
  10. BurdushSM

    BurdushSM Forum Apprentice

    It seems to be much more than a farming a whole day without any good drop. BP "teach us" patience and how to "enjoy" in the game ;)
  11. wenny0119

    wenny0119 Junior Expert

    I wouldn't bother about the event, I sold all my dust for gold. Hope the compensation would be anders and uniques.
  12. PetraSkullsplitter

    PetraSkullsplitter Forum Greenhorn

    I’m sure the staff is working hard on fixing the current connectivity issues.. This is, after all, a business as much as it is a game.. When it’s down.. They lose as well.. It’s awesome to see so many game fans but really… this isn’t. a life or death issue… Have a drink… Watch a movie.. The problem will be fixed soon enough…

    Thank you, to the staff, for the hard work..
    wenny0119 likes this.
  13. MikeyMetro

    MikeyMetro Forum Overlooker

    :eek: Blasphemy!!! Repent or perish in the pits of the Anderworld :(

    Heed my words and follow my deeds. I made a pilgrimage to a shrine (a.k.a. ye local tavern) and made an offering to the gamerz gods (a large philly cheese steak and two pints, yummy :))

    And BEHOLD... upon my return a miracle, my world of Tegan had been restored :rolleyes:

    Luck be with ye,
    Dragonnns and Allogeneous like this.
  14. fireball991

    fireball991 Forum Apprentice

    I'm getting the same thing on Tegan server...
    Damn... worst still i don't get compensated for premium... do i ????
    Just a few days back it was error code 23... couldn't log in for 2 days and now this...
    If BP really treat us as their customers, they should be compensating us... i have already spent a significant amount of my hard earned money in DSO and all i get is what? ??? Mystic cube drops rates are getting lower and lower... =(

    EDIT : Took me another 10 minutes and i finally am able to log in... seems like my guildmate is having trouble now.
    Last edited: Feb 20, 2016
  15. PetraSkullsplitter

    PetraSkullsplitter Forum Greenhorn

    LMAO @ Mikey and cheers ya wit a pint of me best hooch..

    and if i was not drinking the stuff as we speak i prolly wouldn;t have be needing to edit this.. like twice... hahaha
    Dragonnns and fireball991 like this.
  16. bLaind

    bLaind Forum Baron

    Not again...:mad:
  17. deidre71

    deidre71 Junior Expert

    i need to connect I went to ashraya and now I cant get back onto game, I was on my dk padmeme I cant switch toons either please let me log back on, my internet works fine, its the game thanks.
  18. MegaNuker

    MegaNuker Forum Ambassador

    Doctors need enough patience to pay the bills and put a little money into their pocket...

    In all seriousness I have had issues with getting on for a day so I did something else. I know it is frustrating when you can not get on. In these times the true you comes out. Would you want to live with that person that rears it's hear out? I try to make that person as friendly as possible level headed and understanding to the fact that no one clicked a switch and brought it down. Knowing so poor guy had to get out of bed and drive into work or (hopefully) turned his system on at 2 am in the morning and is trying to bring the systems up. I don't want to say anything to upset that guy. If I do he will likely say "too tired to care about them hot heads..."
  19. finnagin97

    finnagin97 Forum Greenhorn

    I am also having connections issues again just now, it keeps coming uo with the blue bar saying "reload"
  20. icewolf98

    icewolf98 Junior Expert

    same here, try log later, after 1 hour maybe...I hope it works or whatever there... :p
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