
Discussion in 'General Archive' started by HeroicPanonic, Mar 3, 2016.

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  1. HeroicPanonic

    HeroicPanonic Forum Greenhorn

    Why this month is no traditional Dragan event , and if it does not please respond when will it be? Anyway, I have more problems with Keen to colect for two years , now I need a couple of cloak to complete the Dragan set , and all of a sudden , guess what does not most traditional event , I can not believe it!
  2. MegaNuker

    MegaNuker Forum Ambassador

    I think it is safe to say the stability of the servers need to be corrected more. Please not that the Curse of The Black Knight is on of the most popular events. I honestly know of no one that would be happy not to do it so. The servers will have a 20% more load once this event starts so moving to April is smart.
  3. SGK|GaminG|HD2000

    SGK|GaminG|HD2000 Active Author

    We have already did a a lot of hot fixes.. a lot of time waste.. we might need to test it on TS for a long to check it must not leave any bug. also April gives you more holidays.
    why not wait until that? it's a good thing :D
  4. Rhysingstar

    Rhysingstar Forum Ambassador

    The first Dragan event was in June 2014, the second time it was in Oct 2014, the third was in April 2015, the fourth was in Oct 2015. As mentioned it will be somewhere around Easter which would put it once again in April.

    I'm not sure what made you think this was a March event.
    Novadude likes this.
  5. trakilaki

    trakilaki Living Forum Legend

    What server stability? This event was not planed for March at first place ... if you watched the twitch shows they (the CM's) said it will come much later than the Easter. Stability issues ... yeah right ... they are working on the Asian game.
    Isn't it great ... WE are giving feedback and suggestions ... so they can implement them in that game ... not in ours ... because we are not important.
  6. HeroicPanonic

    HeroicPanonic Forum Greenhorn

    Becouse Easter,right...
    And in my question is(when he come)
  7. trakilaki

    trakilaki Living Forum Legend

    You are knocking on the wrong door. The players can't give you that information because they don't have it.
    draco994 likes this.
  8. HeroicPanonic

    HeroicPanonic Forum Greenhorn

    I asked someone from the leadership of this forum , but feel free to discuss .;)
  9. trakilaki

    trakilaki Living Forum Legend

    Ah ... sorry ... in that case I rest.
    Anyki likes this.
  10. HeroicPanonic

    HeroicPanonic Forum Greenhorn

    but tnx

    -- MERGED --

    No admin in this section? :eek:
    Last edited by moderator: Mar 8, 2016
    trakilaki likes this.
  11. Mal3ficent

    Mal3ficent Guest

    Hi @HeroicPanonic

    We don't have any other information than those announced.
    However, I am certain this event is not happening soon.

    draco994 and Anyki like this.
  12. HeroicPanonic

    HeroicPanonic Forum Greenhorn

    tnx,and what min. level required for event,becouse i have char 12 level and i dont have new moon event?
  13. Mal3ficent

    Mal3ficent Guest

    Only players level 20 and higher can participate the events.

  14. HeroicPanonic

    HeroicPanonic Forum Greenhorn

  15. MegaNuker

    MegaNuker Forum Ambassador

    See if I am right. Come back in one month and see

    2 possible dates are
    April 10th to April 29th
    April 11th to April 30th
  16. trakilaki

    trakilaki Living Forum Legend

    Any date between March 2016 and September 2016 is a possible Dragan event date.
    Both April 10th and 11th are doubtful for me ... because it is Sunday and Monday.
    They are never releasing a new event in not working day or the first working day in the week.
    draco994 and artemisz1221 like this.
  17. HeroicPanonic

    HeroicPanonic Forum Greenhorn

  18. MegaNuker

    MegaNuker Forum Ambassador

  19. trakilaki

    trakilaki Living Forum Legend

    Ah ... you are using one example when they were releasing the content in different way.
    It has changed long time ago ... and BTW that event was not a new one when was happening.
    I said
    just like the DDH III that will happen tomorrow after today's new release.
    In my opinion that is because of the technical issues that may occur ... and if the event is not in a working day no one can fix it.
  20. MegaNuker

    MegaNuker Forum Ambassador

    Winner winner chicken dinner %)
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