event issuse

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by darogus, Mar 9, 2016.

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  1. darogus

    darogus Forum Apprentice

    something is wrong with my accounrt did whole enent +10 more karbossa kills. total of 36 kills of karbossa got 1 legandary/unique item and that is it. something is whong nothing is droping for me at all, should get a yellow every 5-6 runs but i got none. not gonna farm up for weeks again and wait another month for a chance a a pice of gear thats beter than mine i am quiting such a waist of time spent hours on game feals like a waist. weeks of farmoing months of waiting to get nothing run after run till go go through over 400 frags for EDIT. how do i deleate my accunt so i never spoend money again.
    Last edited by moderator: Mar 9, 2016
  2. EhtovK

    EhtovK Old Hand

    Let me introduce you to the PRNG (Pseudo random number generator) that rules over the drop inside this game..., wheter we like it or not, there's no guarantee that you're going to get a unique item from a boss after a certain number of runs, it's not designed that way, you might kill Karabossa 1000 times and get nothing, or kill her 3 times and get the full normal set.

    I did like 6-7 Karabossa events before seeing a unique drop from her, then in one iteration I got uniques 80% of the runs (never the hat though), so, again, it depends on "luck", this is how everything works around here, and more and more things are becoming achievable only by the luck factor and the will of the almighty PRNG, there's nothing wrong with your account nor with your toon, it's the way drop works for everyone.
    Morinphen likes this.
  3. ekant1992

    ekant1992 Padavan

    take it like this.... they are called unique for a reason, if everyone got it easy then how will they be different from improved or magic items.
    As for the grind...well all MMORPGS are a grind fest but ya the drop rate for frags is low and BP has promised to fix it and also they keep providing compensations for it all the time so just relax give BP some time :D
  4. Morinphen

    Morinphen Forum Overlooker

    EhtovK is on-point. You have to work on that patience... because DSO will play with it like a kid who's never seen a toy before. You can delete your character(s) in the char-selection screen... but if you will feel bad after and want to have it back, you will most likely not, so take care with that button :p.
    Some uniques drop more frequently than others (example: Essence set pieces versus world uniques such as the Keen/Roshan/Yachak/ Sparks set), but you're essentially right. Also, yes... giving BP time is crucial. Time to screw stuff over and offer compensations, that is... with how stuff seems to be going, but in all seriousness now - I truly hope they can get to their senses and become far more professional and effective in the game/service they're delivering, which is also their business/job.
    Last edited by moderator: Mar 9, 2016
  5. trakilaki

    trakilaki Living Forum Legend

    int getRandomNumber()
    return 4;​
    ekant1992 and eedman86 like this.
  6. ekant1992

    ekant1992 Padavan

    But .. but.. that ain't random :(
  7. Morinphen

    Morinphen Forum Overlooker

    Maybe that's why it's called PRNG (pseudo random number generator) xD.
  8. trakilaki

    trakilaki Living Forum Legend

    Well that's how it works XD
    Last edited: Mar 10, 2016
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