Invasion on the Resistance Command Center - FAQ

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by ekant1992, Apr 9, 2016.

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  1. _Baragain_

    _Baragain_ Living Forum Legend

    It is a gamble, but it might pay off.
  2. trakilaki

    trakilaki Living Forum Legend

    I haven't completed the event progress even on my main character. Whenever I try to play ... I fall asleep.
    ToshiBoy, VMmage and Scythe like this.
  3. Guitarman

    Guitarman Forum Master

    end up with 11.08% and 230 war gears... i am risk averse... I will take a break from this endless grind for now....

    I would have given up if not for the opportunity to "waste" my stacks of am keys :)
  4. Morinphen

    Morinphen Forum Overlooker

    So, has anyone seen any unique-skin offhands drop or anything? Where the heck are they?
  5. ToshiBoy

    ToshiBoy Someday Author

    Almost on the dot at half way with my last char... I finally got it. :)
  6. tassadar1977

    tassadar1977 Forum Expert

    I completed and never saw them, nor have I seen anyone with it
  7. rjrichards

    rjrichards Forum Pro

    I completed the event a few days ago and did not have one of these drop nor do I know of anyone that has had one drop. The adornment I received has decent stats at 11.88% and 340 resist. but it is of no use to me.
  8. trakilaki

    trakilaki Living Forum Legend

    I really hope i can finish the event in the last 2 days ...


    All i have to do is try not to fall asleep after the first run ... If i manage to stay awake in 2-3 consecutive runs ... it is plausible in two days :)

    The answer is NO.
    Not a single person I know has got those items ... and i haven't even heard of anyone getting one.
    Scythe, NoelaniAlthea and ToshiBoy like this.
  9. bLaind

    bLaind Forum Baron

    I think you should edit them out from the wiki.
    By the way... Where did you get that info from in the first place?
  10. Scythe

    Scythe Someday Author

    Teach me sensei! I have this exact problem.

    Traki just knows things. I think unique skins were also mentioned in the official guide here.

    Did anyone solve this mystery? :)
  11. papalel

    papalel Forum Apprentice

    It reduces the number of monsters during the final boss fight in rcc. I noticed that there are 2 less monsters around during the fight.
  12. Scythe

    Scythe Someday Author

    I think you're right! Thanks for cracking that nut! :)
  13. trakilaki

    trakilaki Living Forum Legend

    There is no reason to delete them from the wiki guide ... since they are mentioned in the official guide. I guess the devs are familiar with their creation and probably that is why they gave that info to the guide makers.
    I only enter info that I get from my TS playing experience ... i didn't put them in the guide. But other people are making edits too ... and that's alright because they are reading the forums as well and playing at TS too.
    I won't take them out of the guide ... because I can't prove they are missing from the event whatsoever. Maybe I was just unlucky to get them ... even if it is a case with thousands of players ... maybe we were all out of luck XD
    BTW ... i am still keeping that shield from the last Kingshill invasion

    It kills the monsters at opposite side of the map ... and therefore reduces your drop. Because the monsters are not being killed ... but they are disappearing. So don't take that quest .
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