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Discussion in 'Dragonknights' started by Spyke00, Dec 26, 2013.

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  1. _Baragain_

    _Baragain_ Living Forum Legend

    Very nice speed for an axe! For me to get that speed, I'd need to use my 33% speed gloves and a 5% speed pet!

    Personally, I can't survive with HP that low. It just doesn't fit with my play style of taking a bunch of hits, building rage, and then unleashing devastation.
    thebearreturns likes this.
  2. UndergroundKiller

    UndergroundKiller Forum Expert

    Not so good for a twink
    MikeyMetro and Troneck86 like this.
  3. gun

    gun Forum Great Master

    I wonder if anybody ever try this build for a tank...
  4. _Baragain_

    _Baragain_ Living Forum Legend

    I you have Dragan's set, it is much better for tanking. Plus, the amount of glyphs needed to make those uniques usable is insane. Unless you are a LVL 40 twink who somehow doesn't have the Warlord set, there is no reason to use this build.
  5. Novadude

    Novadude Commander of the Forum

    Obsolete build. There were tank runners that used something like this in the level 45 game, but it wasn't an ideal build then and is less so now.
    _Baragain_ likes this.
  6. Morinphen

    Morinphen Forum Overlooker

    Nice fun fact, tho. But that's about all it is xD.
  7. qnwk

    qnwk Forum Greenhorn

    If you use 3 items of deep sea instead of 4, it may be considered an alternative. In my case, this build gives 22000 hp n 6700 armor that is enough for tanking fatal bosses in pw.
  8. gun

    gun Forum Great Master

    I thought being able to get Black Warlord set this year.. But I will not have it this year, and will not have it for at least 1-1,5 year to come.
    The new defensive Dragan's set look's promising, but I don't think will be able to craft tier 3 very soon.
    I believe many players who started his/her toon after the last dragan event have same situation like me.
    It may be obsolete for players that already have better gear.. But perhaps option for players who don't have better gear.

    if only 3 items, what item that should be taken away?
    And that would loose 60% block rate bonus.. the replacement item must have a good stats on in.. what would it be?
    Is it to replace the amulet with legendary amulet with % health line?
  9. qnwk

    qnwk Forum Greenhorn

    My tank consists of dragan set + 3 deep see items (sword+ring+trophy). Those 3 items boost 10% hp and 20% armor which is meaningful to the level 50 player. Instead of discarding, keep them for one of probable builds at the time of obtaining proper items (shield, amulet ..). im using amulet (716 hp+14%hp).
  10. monder888

    monder888 Someday Author

    My latest PVP stats. I'm still working on getting more DMG and more HP, but for now, I think this will do. :):oops:

  11. _Baragain_

    _Baragain_ Living Forum Legend

    Very nice! The armor seems a little overkill though. Are you looking for the HP amulet from Arachna III? That would really help your HP.

    Hey LudiGrozd... Look at those Bloodtooth rings! I bet that Monder is getting about 1k crit from each. (997-1020 depending on if they have the 4% crit from the Christmas event). Do you ever get tired of being proved wrong?
    MANOJ and monder888 like this.
  12. monder888

    monder888 Someday Author

    First of all, its good to see you back with your old avatar pic :D And yep, I am on the hunt for that amulet. So far i only got a 2nd Axe from her :confused:
    As for the armor, i just need more glyphs I already got 5x30% armor gems in there, i just need to lvl it up a bit and i will make it to 80% :)
    Thanks for the feedback! :)
    _Baragain_ likes this.
  13. trakilaki

    trakilaki Living Forum Legend

    I wouldn't use even one Bloodtooth ring.
    monder888 likes this.
  14. _Baragain_

    _Baragain_ Living Forum Legend

    That is your problem/loss... Personally, I like getting over nearly 1k HP and 1k crit on a single item. Sure, RAs may be better off with the Darkness set for crit, but the rest of the classes miss out on serious damage if they were to use enough of the Darkness set to be useful.
  15. trakilaki

    trakilaki Living Forum Legend

    What rest of the classes? :D
    It is the same for SWs ... and midgets don't need crit.
  16. monder888

    monder888 Someday Author

    As Baragain pointed out they are a great source of Crit and HP, especially for me since I don't have the means to gain hp any other way that would still keep my build a bit offensive (unless I'm gonna use keen set which is just stupid :rolleyes:).:oops:
    I tested out a build where I used legendary rings, one that had 2106 HP at lvl 55 and one that had 30% Crit dmg, 225 Crit and 31 dmg. However, the build with 2 bloodtooth rings was much better in arena :eek:

    Cheers! :)
    _Baragain_ likes this.
  17. trakilaki

    trakilaki Living Forum Legend

    Exactly ... there are builds and builds.
    And Bloodtooth is not always good choice for all builds.
    monder888 and _Baragain_ like this.
  18. _Baragain_

    _Baragain_ Living Forum Legend

    Nothing is 100% useful everything, but it is a rare item that has as much potential as Bloodtooth. I actually used backwards math to find out how much crit I would need from other items if I had 2x Bloodtooth rings (and my gem with 4% crit) to reach 80%.

    8877/1.54=5764 where each Bloodtooth gives 1441 crit.

    Now, with a belt with about 1k, an amulet with about 1k, a sacred onxy with 335, and 1647 on an axe at LVL 54, that means I'd need 1784 from somewhere else. Since a 1700 crit line on a weapon goes up to over 2000, that means I'd bust the 80% mark with a crit line there unless I dropped back down to one ring.

    With just 1 Bloodtooth:
    8877/1.29=6881 where Bloodtooth would be giving 1720.

    Taking the same gear as before, I'd neex 2899 crit elsewhere which isn't feasible from one line on an axe.

    What I learned from this is that the best I can likely hope for is a 2 Bloodtooth build with my Damage Axe and then use my amulet to get crit damage and each Bloodtooth will give me about 1k.
    monder888 and Zed like this.
  19. thebearreturns

    thebearreturns Exceptional Talent

    I'm not a pvp player but.... why arachna's axe?... for the other side i'm impressed about your armor with no almost gliphs on defensive gear but gloves... may be you should put some in your torso so you could use more hp lines from other items... but this is a useless advice if i dunno your gloves, belt and amulet lines ;)
    monder888 likes this.
  20. _Baragain_

    _Baragain_ Living Forum Legend

    If I had to guess, I'd say they are preparing for getting the amulet. Also, the Tier 3 axe isn't bad. Not counting the spider effect, the lines are respectable. 30% is an OK % damage line, +125 damage is equal to 2 excellent damage lines, and the 15% attack speed is a very nice speed line.
    monder888 likes this.