CotBK - Return of Dragan (June 2016)

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by trakilaki, Jun 9, 2016.

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  1. .proba.

    .proba. Forum Apprentice

    I also cant beleave that ranger bow will have that dmg. In past BP always put rangers much lower than other classes. For example item from bosses in PW.... other classes are = ranger + 60% .

    Can anyone explane how weapon is craft? OK, you have to get 4 pieces from bosses on each map (m30/60/90/120) and than you craft.... what? Weapon or weapon tier 1? I finish Fox quests with 2 char and get 3 part for weapon... actually I get one. Simply fist part is guarantied on m30... so 4 maps, each 4 run and 2 char = 32 boss kill for one part?!?!?!?
  2. MANOJ

    MANOJ Forum Pro

    The new weapon has to be crafted from items that drop from 4 bosses in 4 different dungeons, right?
    How is the drop rate of these ingredients? Pathetic as the rest of drops or a little better?
  3. BigHink

    BigHink Forum Inhabitant

    supposed to drop automatic on 1st kill of each boss. If you don't pick it up will not drop again this event
  4. Zed

    Zed Forum Pro

    First part guaranteed on Administrator Schilling.
    You have a chance to drop the 3 other parts on the other Administrators of the other dungeons (part 2=Shadaiqan, part 3=Ravius, part 4=Andris). Then you craft the 4 parts and you have the weapon.

    no, only the 1st drop of the 1st boss is guaranteed.
  5. trakilaki

    trakilaki Living Forum Legend

    Only the first part is 100% granted drop ... the others are not.
    I made 10+ runs on each map ... not a single drop yet.
    Same goes with the stones from the wooden chests. :eek:
    MANOJ likes this.
  6. Troneck86

    Troneck86 Forum Great Master

    You guys didn't think the weapon would be that easy to get, did you?
  7. _Baragain_

    _Baragain_ Living Forum Legend

    There is "easy to get" and their is BP's normal kick in the nether regions. I fully expected the latter.
    Zed, Troneck86 and EhtovK like this.
  8. ekant1992

    ekant1992 Padavan

    Wow, so basically all the hype about dragan that i had, as it would have been my first are all for nothing? :(
  9. trakilaki

    trakilaki Living Forum Legend

    Whatever you do ... think twice before enter excruciating mode in any map. I was playing all the maps and those which will not be included in this event (probably next time) Battleground and Mystra ... they are hard as hell. But knowing the players only just started crafting items ... if not in the next event ... but in the one after the next I expect them to add Fatal mode :eek:
  10. glesia

    glesia Advanced

    back to the dumb tier thing again. thats retarded .
  11. zmek

    zmek Forum Greenhorn

    So here are several bugs:
    - entering a map takes to long for the end user (the player ), thus many times you end up dead if on the other side are many mobs
    - when someone enters a map and dont move from the entry point , the rest of the players are coming behind are spawned away from the portal (this is a big problem combined with the delay of the spawning in - specially in the minievent 4 map)
    - in the minievent 4 map (the 5 trees map), sometimes randomlly and without reason , a tree is exploding , thus the drop is lost .
    - on minievent map 4, on lv 2 (i did not tested on lvl 3 :) ), when the trees have speed buff, they are impossible to kill - think of that :)
  12. trakilaki

    trakilaki Living Forum Legend

    I know more ... but I won't say anything because they are "player-friendly" :p
  13. bloodyneo

    bloodyneo Forum Master

    i accept the weapon parts to be hard to get but not impossible... i did sulfur desert 35 times and no weapon part is drop..those developers have a hidden target which is: DESTROYING THE GAME... players are starting to be more inactive ..less and less log in because of this policy.
    i got my creditcard ready to buy some andermant for this event to buy some essence but when i saw that impossible drop rate I STOP and i got serious thinking of stopping deluxe membership and maybe quite playing at all
    icicle478 likes this.
  14. trakilaki

    trakilaki Living Forum Legend

    Reworked challenge progress for this event.

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