Jarlshofn mini event - > How much tickets to farm

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by Guitarman, Jul 8, 2016.

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  1. Guitarman

    Guitarman Forum Master

    Hi all

    Can any TS veterans share what is the avg runs required to complete Mini event ?

    Thanks in advance
  2. Novadude

    Novadude Commander of the Forum

    Two trips to swaywood dale and 1 trip to jarlshohn resulted in 127 progress for my mech. Not sure i'll bother finishing the event, but you can use that to do the math.
  3. icicle478

    icicle478 Forum Apprentice

    What about the mini event and the mount, what is the approximate drop chance?
  4. Novadude

    Novadude Commander of the Forum

    No clue. All I've done is the two trips to swaywood dale and 1 trip to jarlshohn
  5. Guitarman

    Guitarman Forum Master

    By current progress , I should hit 500 winds after main event, not sure whether 10 trips to mini event is sufficient....
  6. trakilaki

    trakilaki Living Forum Legend

    In the best possible scenario:

    You need to make 38-40 runs in order to finish the challenge
    You need 1900-2000 frost wind ... which is arround 100 runs in Jarlshofn under Siege
    To get 100 Jarlshofn entrances you need to make at least 200 Swaywood Dale runs
    200 Swaywood Dale runs = 1000 realm fragments
    Realm fragments are not the problem but the boredom is :eek:
    Guitarman likes this.
  7. Guitarman

    Guitarman Forum Master

    Thanks Traki... was hoping that you will share your "Words" of Wisdom. I guess the way to go is to speed farm Map2 for Winds
    trakilaki likes this.
  8. trakilaki

    trakilaki Living Forum Legend

    For what?
    The rewards are crap ... if you are after that mount ... well ... it doesn't worth the effort. You might get it in the first run or don't get it at all after completing the challenge.
    I made over 30 runs on TS ... and didn't get the mount.
    Guitarman likes this.
  9. Zed

    Zed Forum Pro

    Yeah, because you get 5 frags back at the end of the quest. I finished the last event with less than 100 frags.
    Idk if this quest is still here on this event... haven't played it at all
  10. bLoodZ

    bLoodZ Someday Author

    No you don't. No RFs this time.
  11. Guitarman

    Guitarman Forum Master

    I be definitely way short of tickets to complete Mini2 when I complete the main event. I am thinking of not wasting my time with Mini, anyone thinking of the same ? I presume Traki might skip ....
  12. chiuseer

    chiuseer Advanced

    I will give up Mini event, because 1900-2000 frost wind required . I don't have lots of time to collect that.
  13. Guitarman

    Guitarman Forum Master

    This is just so poorly designed or designed to squeeze $$$$ from us.... Mini progress takes easily 4 times longer the number of trips to completion...... and I probably keep the winds for future, i can afford 1 slot for now.... . .
  14. Novadude

    Novadude Commander of the Forum

    I did 2 dale runs and 1 jarlshohn run on my mech and stopped. I think I will skip it altogether on my DK.
  15. Zed

    Zed Forum Pro

  16. trakilaki

    trakilaki Living Forum Legend

    No you don't ... you only get insignia.
  17. bLoodZ

    bLoodZ Someday Author

    There's no guarantee that the frozen farts will be used on the next one, it's not smart to keep them.
    Only the wood, stones, dynamite, axes and wargear seem reusable to me.
  18. trakilaki

    trakilaki Living Forum Legend

    It is not a smart idea keeping challenge items. The events are not repeating in same town so and the challenges are unique to the specific town invasion.
  19. Guitarman

    Guitarman Forum Master

    true from the description and the choice is obvious between selling for a copper, keeping in the museum or doing little runs ... .. .
  20. _Baragain_

    _Baragain_ Living Forum Legend

    That's what I'll likely do. I plan to use up what I have and if I get the mount, great. If I don't, oh well.
    MikeyMetro and EhtovK like this.
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