DSO Start Date

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by dragonlordz, Jul 22, 2016.

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  1. 19th February 2013 @ 0:34

    13th November 2011 @ 20:22 if you are asking about your Heredur a/c
    Yogo likes this.
  2. LUZAK..

    LUZAK.. Forum Greenhorn

    could you find out my start date too plese?
  3. Conan

    Conan Forum Apprentice

    Im also sooo curious plz check my date too :D HEREDUR
  4. 22nd October 2011 @ 19:07

    12th August 2011 @ 13:34
  5. Yogo

    Yogo Forum Great Master

    Would you please be so kind and check for us when Relese 7 was implemented? One of our players claims he started around a month prior that Relese and that was quite a biggish one for those times.
    Last edited: Jul 23, 2016
  6. I'm not certain when R7 was implemented. If your friend posts in here, I can check for him. You may find this Wiki DSO page useful.
    Yogo likes this.
  7. kristianalcalde

    kristianalcalde Forum Apprentice

    I think i started play dso may 25 2012 12:17 am in tegan server. Can u check it if i am right. Thanks
  8. Mal3ficent

    Mal3ficent Guest

    You don't have any another post in this thread but that one.

    23th July 2016 @15:35
  9. _Baragain_

    _Baragain_ Living Forum Legend

    Some of these are rather impressive. I have two dates. One is for this account which I started in June 2012 and the other (Baragon) was one that I started back in January 2012.

    I was checking out a bunch of different games at the time and I found Drakensang. I started with a SW, but I didn't like it, so I decided not to play the game more than about a week or so. Problem was, the other game I played turned out to be so bot heavy that if you didn't have a bot doing the basic farming 24/7 for you while you were AFK and if you didn't join the server more than a couple days after it opened (they made new servers every 2-4 weeks since maps could only support a couple thousand players), then you'd never catch up. It was also verrrrrry heavy P2W (even worse than DSO if you can believe it), so I revisited some of the other games that I had looked at back in January. Problem is that I couldn't remember my log in details, so I made a new account. This was probably a great choice since back then you only had one character per account and this time round I picked my DK and I've been working on him ever since.

    As cool as having an older character is, there are only two dates of "Age" that have any importance in my opinion because they represent an actual advantage over other newer players (particularly F2Ps) and represent old and really old players.

    R64, 25 July 2012: This is when they introduced gem removal and allowed you to combine three gems at the jeweler instead of 4 gems at the work bench. I can't tell you how many gems got sold with their items or they sat in my inventory waiting to be combined when I reached level cap, but I can tell you that I'm still a little bitter about the fact that I don't have the 5% XP gem on my DK because of that change. So, any player who started before that date found themselves on similar footing when it came to gems from that time on, but players who have started since then haven't been building up their gems for as long.

    R106, 23 July 2013: Ironically, the second important date is almost exactly one year later. This is when glyphs of power were introduced as a means to upgrade gear as opposed to using andermant. Similarly to gem removal, everyone started on similar footing at this release when it came to upgrading gear. Basically, the longest anyone in the game could have been collecting glyphs for is 3 years (exactly 3 years today). Sure, some heavy farmers who started one year ago will have over 100 million, and some more casual players who've been playing since that release will have much less, but you get my meaning.

    So, my by metrics, I'm an "old" player and a "really old" player. Do any of you have a good measure that I missed?
  10. Dark_Sinister

    Dark_Sinister Forum Apprentice

    Hi all mighty Allogeneous!

    May I ask when I started my Heredur acc?

    Thx in advance
  11. You're probably correct - depends on which time-zone you're using. The Admin Control Panel shows your a/c as being reg'd: 24th May 2012 @ 9:17

    31st August 2013 @ 2:19
    Last edited: Jul 24, 2016
    kristianalcalde likes this.
  12. filipszymon1

    filipszymon1 Forum Greenhorn

    can I know my start date please? heredur
    Last edited: Jul 24, 2016
  13. matix

    matix Forum Greenhorn

    can I know my start date please?
  14. matix

    matix Forum Greenhorn

    heredur sorry :)
  15. Yogo

    Yogo Forum Great Master

    they are my friends- they are from Heredur:)
  16. mariokik123

    mariokik123 Forum Greenhorn

    May I ask about my account too server Heredur
  17. 16th January 2012 @ 16:05

    29th July 2012 @ 14:13

    10th February 2012 @ 22:42
    Yogo and matix like this.
  18. matix

    matix Forum Greenhorn

    thx allogeneous
    Yogo likes this.
  19. filiprutka11

    filiprutka11 Forum Greenhorn

    can I know my start date please? heredur
    Yogo likes this.
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