DSO Start Date

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by dragonlordz, Jul 22, 2016.

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  1. 31st January 2012 @ 16:18
  2. Marelinho

    Marelinho Forum Greenhorn

    Yes,that was long time ago :)
  3. _Dragon_

    _Dragon_ Forum Greenhorn

    May i know my start date,server Heredur?Tnx :):):)
  4. monttu

    monttu Forum Greenhorn

    Hi. Start date tnx. Heredur
  5. Megakiller17

    Megakiller17 Forum Greenhorn

  6. 15th June 2011 @ 12:44 <- WOW!

    21st April 2012 @ 13:47

    6th August 2012 @ 18:49

  7. Diames18

    Diames18 Forum Greenhorn

    This thread looks cool :)
    I would like to know mine also when did I start.
    Server Tegan. Majiang
  8. ronhoward31

    ronhoward31 Forum Greenhorn

    Hit me with the date please kind sir,tegan
  9. 6th August 2015 @ 4:56

    7th May 2012 @ 16:23

  10. as011

    as011 Forum Greenhorn

  11. theokino

    theokino Forum Greenhorn

    start day, thanks. Heredur
  12. ronhoward321

    ronhoward321 Forum Greenhorn

  13. ωιzzy

    ωιzzy Forum Greenhorn

    Hi Allogeneous,
    Can you look for my start date as well?
    Server: Heredur
  14. 24th June 2012 @ 15:19

    6th May 2012 @ 12:30

    7th April 2012 @ 21:56

    20th December 2014 @ 12:43
    as011 likes this.
  15. Barrettbarrage

    Barrettbarrage Commander of the Forum

    Hey Guys!

    I'm just having a short request @ our mods.

    Could you please check, on which date I have created my DSO account? I suspect, it was 2012 but i don't know the date :/

    Many Thanks in advance!


    Cody Barrett
  16. Ceilteach

    Ceilteach Forum Apprentice

    Just hover mouse on you nick on top right, then click "yout profile page" ... Then you'll see "joined : DATE" on the left.... That's it :) enjoy.
  17. Beldak

    Beldak Regular

    I think that's the date he joined the forums not the account, mine is 2015 and i play on and off since 2012.
    _Baragain_ likes this.
  18. Ceilteach

    Ceilteach Forum Apprentice

    IDK then... i think both dates are the same for me.... lets see if some mods could give us further informations :)
  19. Beldak

    Beldak Regular

  20. Ceilteach

    Ceilteach Forum Apprentice

    LOL you're damn right and i feel damn dumb :D ... We now just have to wait about the mods answer.

    If by luck i could have those dates about my toons that would be nice.

    Thanks !
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