Announcement Ask the CMs in English

Discussion in 'Headquarters Archive' started by CM Greg, Jul 14, 2015.

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  1. Wllf

    Wllf Advanced

    You are missing the most crucial step... You must stand on the RIGHT SIDE OF THE KING HAROLD for this to work... Only then will you not receive XP. Hope I helped. :)
    trakilaki likes this.
  2. Zed

    Zed Forum Pro

    yup, people forget to complete all the steps and then complain they don't manage to do the same as others. I never understand them
    trakilaki likes this.
  3. Grayyitheyerouh

    Grayyitheyerouh Forum Apprentice

    omg.. stop trol me, you just cant do it ;)... XP block is normal as usual, this isnt working
  4. Morinphen

    Morinphen Forum Overlooker

    CM Haruki, will that special pocket for emotes/costumes/pets/mounts come anytime soon?
  5. trakilaki

    trakilaki Living Forum Legend

    But they won't be able to get in a same map ... with the next release.
    That is why only described steps above are working
  6. Wllf

    Wllf Advanced

    If you're Trakilaki, you troll. It's what you do.
    If you want to save 15% on car insurance, you switch to Geico. It's what you do. :p
    _Baragain_ likes this.
  7. Grayyitheyerouh

    Grayyitheyerouh Forum Apprentice

    On test is 171. release and it works normallly.

    And in patchnotes its isnt written. THX for troll, it was really poor
    Last edited: Aug 9, 2016
  8. Fugnuts

    Fugnuts Forum Master

    Hmm..25k MF for a tier 1 Arachna amulet? 30k MF for a tier 1 Arachna weapon? So like 400k-500k MF to craft 1 tier 3 item no?Were you guys drunk when you came up with those prices? You do realise that you give your community a 40-50 MF per map no ? And you ask them to farm 1 million MF to get 1 set ?

    Let me guess, when you and your team gets together to brainstorm about new and cool ideas to bring in the game, you just sit there at a round nice table, with a warm cup of coffee and start with something like this : "Hey guys, lets focus on getting the community a brand new set of unachievable quests and impossible to get items.This must be our priority." No offense but when you give us 50MF per map (and this is on our best runs) and ask 1 million MF for 2 items you guys should expect to be mocked.It is a lame patch, a patch that only DSO team couldve come up with lol.

    Please tell me how do you plan to help "those who had a lot of bad luck on uniques " with this patch because i'm dying to know.It was impossible to get tier 3 items for most even after hundreds or more runs and its impossible now due to those MF prices lol.A patch only meant to add a few more useless MB on our drives, nothing more, nothing less.
    EhtovK, Zed, Hiro73 and 2 others like this.
  9. CM Haruki

    CM Haruki Community Team Team Drakensang Online

    Hey there community of awesomeness,

    I know I have been quite AFK for a while in this particular thread - nevertheless, my heart keeps beating, my hands keep writing. I almost suffered a choking episode during the last Twitch but I am fully recovered. And I shall name the day of tomorrow as the Day of all CM Answers. Or, at least, for the kind of questions that have been popping around here.

    Thank you all for your patience - it's appreciated a great deal.
    And read you tomorrow!
  10. lewcar

    lewcar Padavan

    Hey Haruki,
    If you buy the lucky sphere from Gnob (for event armor sets) will you get the piece that you don't currently own? Or will it give you a random piece i.e. 3 spheres, 3 helmets regardless of what pieces you own?
  11. Zed

    Zed Forum Pro

    Hi, random piece
  12. KanKomar

    KanKomar Forum Apprentice

    Is there any known issue with Might of the Wolf slayer achievement? I have complete set, and in achievements it says 2/4.
  13. trakilaki

    trakilaki Living Forum Legend

    It is random ... you can get same item X times
  14. trakilaki

    trakilaki Living Forum Legend

    Some of the achievements are broken ... just like the achievement for the premium cube set ... you can't combine the old and new pieces.
    Unfortunately some players didn't notice on time and replaced their old items with the new ones ... and now they have mixed combination which is not counting for the achievement.
  15. CM Haruki

    CM Haruki Community Team Team Drakensang Online

    Hey there everyone,

    Thanks for bearing with this solid silence and for behaving moderately - it's much appreciated, by me and the awesome team of moderators and admins. Props to you and happy DSO anniversary everyone. I hope you are redeeming the bonus codes (if you do not find them appropriate you can still through them away) and that you have watched our latest Twitch session, which feature MagicMoose as special guest. Sparkling, yep.

    But enough of introductions - let's get to the juicy stuff. It's about time!
    Also, if you do not see your question answered, as always: repeat it again. Chances are that I overlooked it but that's not my real intention. So just use those lovely fingers, copy-paste it again and send me

    Hey there Dylannn,

    I'd like to know this myself as well. So far I remember there were some people that have already this achievement - though they may be the no-forum-please kind of people. One of the Did you Know facts that I forgot to mention during the last Twitch session was that there's one annoyed level designer here that shares the complains of the community since she's been entering those temples time after time and has yet to encounter that evasive creature. In other words and to answer your question, it's working

    On your second post in the same page you make a valid point about loot drop in PW. As you may have seen with rel171, we are trying to address that, we are trying to make the farming over there less painful than it was. I'm happy to announce that this batch of improvements are not the only ones you will see applied to that aspect of the game.

    And about the secured tokens, that have been applied with the new New Moon event - yes, completely, it's pretty awesome to have a secured system that rewards you, on the side, per X number of runs you make. It certainly gives an extra goal to accomplish, rather than hoping that this run is THE run. On my side I've seen this comment a lot on the feedback sheet we are collecting about the New Moon across communities so I'll certainly pass the suggestion again to the team.

    Oh, my, when did we say such a thing? What I can recall is mentioning that the Premium Deluxe prizes were somehow... too high. And that has been addressed to the game designer in charge, who has worked with the Evil Forces of this game (aka Marketing and the Sales people -keep it between you and me, plz) to offer a better prize-quality ratio. As far as I know, there are no plans to change the prizes for normal Deluxe.

    Hey there,

    While it certainly sucks that certain forums had to be closed, the decision is far from stupid. Unfortunate for these people, mcuh likely. However, the Brazilians still have the same Portuguese boards and it's really true that a big chunk of Nordic speakers and Dutch folks can understand and type English to a very acceptable level. All of these things were considered when taking that decision which, believe us, it was not taken lightly. ;)

    Everyone is super welcome to post on the English forums but again, chances are that people will not answer to you if they do not understand what is that you are saying. ^^

    Yeah, noted thanks to Allogeneous. The problem is, as he says, that some of those people leaving do not want to leave - they are just pushed out. Which is unfortunate and certainly not their fault. So we rather get better at our connection problems rather than penalizing legitimate folks.

    Hey there mister goo,

    I know you are desperate and I hope you have a older version than the 10.11. We have corrected the issue with Mac users downloading an .exe file BUT those Mac users with more modern versions (from 10.11 onwards) are still unable to play. The good news are that our team knows already about this and it's working on it. Plus we can track you all and have you ready for some compensations. The bad news are that I do not know when we'll add this patch to the live servers. We'll keep you updated via the Official Announcement section. Thanks for your patience! ^^

    Meh, not really. It's still in the entrails of the roadmap though... but other thingies got a higher priority level. Sorry!
    I'm still pushing for it though - would be a nice thing to un-clog the general inventories.

    As I said before, we are not stopping with our rel171 and there are a bunch of other improvements coming in the future. I am not sure whether the team will apply changes to the prizes though. We'll need to wait and see.

    Random is random, and sometimes very annoying, I guess, when you receive it double.
    But such is the nature of those (in)famous Lucky Spheres...

    As Trakilaki says, some of those achievements are still bugged, unfortunately. Good thing is that they are all documented for some folks here to fix. Bad thing (for them) is that they'll get pestered by this CM here and some QA to see if they can get fixed soon. Either way, please remain patient and hope for the best. ;)


    And that's pretty much it! Once again, shot me those unanswered questions and I'll do my best to answer them next week. In the meantime, enjoy the fruit (as we say in Spain) and see you all next week! ;)

    Kind regards,
    Morinphen likes this.
  16. @Dragenstein The response "this is a known issue", "we have reported this issue", "we're working on it", etc, is often given because that is the exact status of the issue. We admins (and even internal BP staff) can't say "XZY is the cause and a fix will be ready for testing in 3 hrs, 5 mins and it will be implemented on the live servers 4 hours and 27 mins after that", for the simple reason that we don't have a functioning magical crystal ball. The bug itself may have an obscure trigger, so it is difficult to reproduce. Once that is isolated, a fix is generally pretty fast to formulate. But it then needs testing to ensure it works as intended and that it doesn't mess up other parts of the game. And then the servers have to have down-time for the fix to be implemented.

    As for player-lead game changes... Players have the opportunity to influence the direction of the game, and many changes in the game have been implemented as a direct result of player feed-back, but players do not dictate game direction. The Big Point team remains the creative force behind the game.

    Lastly, the DSO English Forum is only one of multiple platforms for player feed-back. There are other language forums, multiple language support teams, the Facebook page, and player surveys which all get taken into account. While you personally may not have wanted a specific character class to be nerfed, a lot of players were (and some still are) screaming for it to happen - mostly when they got their bottoms kicked in PvP by a better equipped and/or more skilled player. But, yeah... I really can't imagine any actual player would have asked for the inventory (mess-up) button.
  17. Fugnuts

    Fugnuts Forum Master


    Well let me tell you what you did with this new release.You say that this was meant so that the players who were unlucky with the drops to have a chance at getting them.This is wrong.Every player had a chance even if it was a small one to get a tier 3 unique with just 1 kill.Now we need to farm a crazy amount of MF and a lot of tier 1 uniques to get a tier 3.Only a few players can do such a task, meaning that you've killed the chances at getting these uniques for most of the players.

    How i see it is that this update was meant so players would only go to boss rooms with portals bought with ander and save every drop of their MF to buy the fragment/uniques.The goal that this patch 171 had was to force the players to buy more ander for portals and to prevent them from farming a lot of these tier 3 bosses.

    You ask for 800k MF if not more to get 2x tier 3 items ( an amount that cant be gathered in a lifetime) and for what? In 1 year or 2 when you will increase the lvl cap again and bring new items, these 800k MF uniques will be nothing but melting material.Im pretty sure that many think the same and they wont even bother saving this much MF for these uniques and they would rather buy portals to bosses and farm legendaries/glyphs because this way even if the lvl cap will be increased in the future, the glyphs will be more helpfull than a bunch of uniques that will become obsolete.

    Besides nowadays Crafting legendaries > Uniques for most classes, and all this was possible thanks to you guys :)
    medpest67 likes this.
  18. Zed

    Zed Forum Pro

    ...but you can still get tier 3 uniques from fatal bosses. their drop rate did NOT change.
  19. _Baragain_

    _Baragain_ Living Forum Legend

    True. And I would rather spend my 800k frags on 1777+ passes and see if I get lucky and get the item from the boss or if I get enough Tier 1 pieces to craft one. That being said, seeing a Tier 1 item show up feels like a big trolling moment from BP.
    Zed likes this.
  20. _Baragain_

    _Baragain_ Living Forum Legend

    Sooooo, any comment on what BigPoint is going to do about the recent wave of cheaters in the Anniversary Event? I am dying to know what their decision will be. Will you ban them all for blatantly disregarding the Terms of Service? Or will you do a roll back and screw all the innocent players over because of the cheaters? Or will you do nothing and send the message that BP doesn't care if some people cheat while others play fair?
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